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How was your day?



  • I spent an hour laughing while watching my 2 kittens play together today :) life is good.
  • Just chilling at work today, reading this boring report about the Scottish Parliment going over budget and time, and who is to blame!?
  • edited May 2011
    My day thus far has been a little ripper :) . Had a sublime meditation session this morning. Feel like I’ve got a smile plastered on my face that won’t go away. Am feeling very thankful I didn’t give up meditating all those weeks/months ago when it was about as enjoyable as sitting down to do my tax return with an audit looming. Oh and I shall not get attached to this fantabulous state ;) Anyway thought I’d share that. All those times I’ve read ‘just keep practicing’, great advice. :)

    Right back to work... :om:
  • AmeliaAmelia Veteran
    edited June 2011
    My day was good. My sister and I got all the shopping done, and saved money, I guess. I say, "I guess," because inflation means nobody saves money, no matter what. :(

    Money's been tight! I can only pray that things clear up with my job soon. My boss seems to be ignoring me. I have a job in which I am on call, but it seems that no one has wanted to call me in for work in over a month! I don't know what to do about this other than look for new employment while waiting on my current one to tell me why I am an employee that is not being worked... I was so glad when I got this job, thinking I would finally help make some money, but I guess I was wrong! I am trying to get another job at a church, but I don't know if they will hire a girl studying Buddhism!

    /\ Amelia
  • FenixFenix Veteran
    what was my day like, great! it has been such a good day. where should I start. well it was shining in the morning and was really warm. I went jogging and ran for an hour and came back. then when I came back it began to thunder. I love thunder and rain(if Its not me in it and too long). then I went to my parents and cut my hair, and saw my little sister and so on. then I come back to the barracks where I'm currently serving. walking from the railway station some girls stopped there car and asked if I needed a ride. and I was talking with them a bit, and wow it was the first real human contact I've had in so long.
  • I had an amazing day, a brilliant week in fact, My other half was given an apprenticeship on Monday, after working very hard for his boss for many years, and today I have been given a full-time job in the wonderful school I work in already. I am so happy and grateful and blessed :)

    Money has been very tight since we had our beautiful son nearly 7 years ago, so things are finally starting to get a little easier, and that we both enjoy our new jobs is even better :)
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