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What kind of pets do NB members have?

Lady_AlisonLady_Alison Veteran
edited January 2012 in General Banter
I have a small tabby, american short hair. She is laying on my chest and stomach, smearing my face and nose with her cheeks...

Her breath smells like she's been eating kitty litter.



  • 3 guinea pigs and a canary. The pigs are all snoozing right now, but the canary is singing his head off.
  • Aww.. I wish a had a tweety bird. My cat would love that
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Aww.. I wish a had a tweety bird. My cat would love that
    To us bird owners that is not funny at all.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I'm a dog behaviourist, but I don't have a dog....I work full time, so having a pet i hardly ever see wouldn't be kind, or fair....
    I used to keep snakes, but I stopped that some time ago, although i still provide some informative assistance, when asked, to my local vet, if ever he needs some herpetological input....
  • As Mickey in the movie Snatch said - "Dags", "D'ye like dags?"

    My two dags resemble Ren and Stimpy - a 110 pound chocolate lab and a 9 pound chihuahua - they even act like Ren and Stimpy - I know Stimpy' s a cat - but he's brown.

  • ToshTosh Veteran
    My dog is a Corgi crossed with a Jack Russell; some folk call this mix a 'Kojac', which makes me smile.

    I'm very attached to him; and he's lovely natured; a really friendly happy little guy.

    Apologies for the massive picture; I don't know how to make it smaller.

  • We have a Bulldog and a Shih Tzu

  • Aww.. I wish a had a tweety bird. My cat would love that
    To us bird owners that is not funny at all.

    Sorry...foot in mouth syndrome
  • 1 cat, 5 fish, 1 dog.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    @Telly03....OMGoodness...dogs in clothes..... do this weird thing to me..... :shake: :screwy: :D
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    @Telly03....OMGoodness...dogs in clothes..... do this weird thing to me..... :shake: :screwy: :D
    Bulldog looks a bit grumpy about it too!

  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    @Telly03 I was looking at the Bulldog and thinking 'wow, look at the amazing colouring and pattern that dog has, what amazing fur'!!!! It took me about 10 seconds to realise it was clothing. I don't know where I put my mindfulness today...... :D (or my brain!)
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    This is 'Dandelion'. He's a wizard.
  • We dont normally dress them, but it was Halloween
  • @dandelion cool cat :)
  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    We have a yellow lab who is approaching 15 living in our house. He's lovely. Sadly, it's his last days and his owner will have to decide very soon whether to put him down. I could use some advice actually, since it's so difficult to decide when is the right time.
  • Her name is kitty, and she is my soulmate.
  • Her name is kitty, and she is my soulmate.
    Take this cat, add about 35lbs and you have an exact twin of my cousins cat.
  • Her name is kitty, and she is my soulmate.
    Take this cat, add about 35lbs and you have an exact twin of my cousins cat.
    Really ! My cat is only 7lbs and my husband says she was a runt. She still looks kittenish.
  • We have a yellow lab who is approaching 15 living in our house. He's lovely. Sadly, it's his last days and his owner will have to decide very soon whether to put him down. I could use some advice actually, since it's so difficult to decide when is the right time.
    I think when the pain becomes to much..a vet would be best to determine that.

    God bless you.
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    We dont normally dress them, but it was Halloween
    You should have come over to mine, the pets could have all enjoyed Halloween together. Dandelion is wearing his Halloween outfit too, hence the witches on broomsticks on his cape!!!
  • Photobucket
  • Ahhh
  • Her name is kitty, and she is my soulmate.
    Take this cat, add about 35lbs and you have an exact twin of my cousins cat.
    Really ! My cat is only 7lbs and my husband says she was a runt. She still looks kittenish.
    He is a very fat cat. I once walked into their living room and saw him on the back of my uncles chair which is about 2.5 feet tall from the lowest part and somehow he was sitting on the back of it.
  • Lol
  • SileSile Veteran
    I have...

    a vole.

    My kitty passed away last year, and in the past few months I noticed what I thought was a mouse coming out to grab floor crumbs--except he behaved oddly and had a short tail. Finally realized it was a vole.

    I give him treats and water. My fiance says I'm exhibiting pet-withdrawal ;)

    His name (the vole) is "Žibįk," which in Hocąk means "Shorty."

    I'm sure my hubby's right, but seriously...could you resist this??


  • This is 'Dandelion'. He's a wizard.
    I like the cat's orange eyes and fluffiness :)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    This might be relevant, and pet-owners will equate....
    It's a piece of advice given to me by a good friend:

    In matters concerning loved ones, and people who really matter to you, show the loyalty of a dog.
    In professional matters, working for the company and the corporation, and with colleagues who are just - colleagues - show the loyalty of a cat.

    that is simple and puts things into precise perspective.

    i think.
  • @sile...i could not resist.

    I'm sorry about your kitty. My cat is so attached to me, she follows me from room to room...idk what I would do without her.

    I'm so glad you are sharing your love with another creature, funny how the universe gives you what you need.

    Not withdrawal, just something to love
  • pyramidsongpyramidsong Veteran
    edited January 2012
    I don't really like the words "pets" or "owner" because I think of animals as our equals and friends, but I do live with a cat. :) She's a special little girl, I adore her. Her name is Sophie and she is naughty, funny, affectionate, stubborn, loving and just all-round awesome.
  • Your pics are all so cute!
  • @Pyramidsong how adorable...little triangles
  • She's also verrrry talkative. Which sometimes is cute and sometimes is...uh...not. ;)
  • @pyramidsong my cat is like that too. Especially when I sing... I probably sing really bad. Lol.

    I drink tazo refresh and she demands I give her the tea bag wrapper...i guess it's like catnip. Otherwise she gets it out of the trash

    Bad kitty
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Cat: 1) unique mammal that keeps humans as slaves. 2) Pygmy lion who love mice, hates dogs and patronizes humans. -Oliver Herford

    Dog: the only thing on Earth that will love you more than you love yourself. -Josh Billings

    Dog bed: any soft, clean surface, such as the white bedspread in the guest room or the newly upholstered couch in the living room.
  • pyramidsongpyramidsong Veteran
    edited January 2012
    Cat bed- anything that isn't an actual cat bed, purchased for this purpose. Buy a cat bed, you can bet your cat will ignore it and sleep on your expensive new shirt, your head, or a paper bag.
  • Not that I'm bitter or speaking from experience.... ;)
  • I have four dogs. A morky, a yorkie, a cocker spanial, and a mix. They are our kids. And a tarantula named Rosaline. My other photos are too big in MB to upload. I will have to go into photoshop and change them around. I will post them later :)
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    This is 'Dandelion'. He's a wizard.
    I like the cat's orange eyes and fluffiness :)

    A lot of people think he looks quite grumpy and they find that off putting, to me he's utterly adorable. I called him Dandelion because his eyes are the colour of Dandelions, and his little fluffy head looks like the same shape as a Dandelion lol! Your cat has such a wonderful shiny silky coat.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited January 2012
    A few plants which require water and positioning for optimum sunlight, apart from one which does not fair well in the harsh power of the sun so close to the equator.
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    I have four dogs. A morky, a yorkie, a cocker spanial, and a mix. They are our kids. And a tarantula named Rosaline. My other photos are too big in MB to upload. I will have to go into photoshop and change them around. I will post them later :)
    That's a great name for a tarantula. The two dogs in the photo look like little toys dogs, they don't look real; so cute
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    edited January 2012
    a monster and a wiener.
    and a cat
  • His name is Wrigley, he is a Golden Retriever
  • @Arjquad how cute! Labs are so smart.
  • I'm afraid this is becoming a contest.
  • @Arjquad how cute! Labs are so smart.
    He is not a lab, they are a completely different breed.
  • sorry
  • I wish my pigs would let me dress them up ... I'm so jealous of everyone else's outfits hahaha :D
  • a monster and a wiener.
    and a cat
    There's a joke in there somewhere

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