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War In The Middle East

Omar067Omar067 Veteran
edited March 2012 in General Banter
It really seems like the war on terror will never end. It isn't really clear to me when or how this war was started. The only thing I keep hearing is that there are crazy people across the sea who are Arab or Muslim. It really isn't clear to me if religion is playing a big part in the wars over there. I hear rumors that all this stuff started because the middle east didn't want Jews to live in Israel. So the middle east has united to drive Christians and Jews into the sea. This is what I've heard but I could be wrong. Many countries has killed many leaders, over there and has helped people get their say in the government, but violence is still going on and on. Just so I'm not offending anyone, my name is Omar, an Arabian name. It is also used by Muslims a lot. I know that every person who identifies themselves as the two groups are not like the others So my question is, how would the Buddha try to end this conflict? I also want to know Buddhist opinions about the problems over seas. I also want a clear answer to how these conflicts overseas started.


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    The (US) war on terror started after 9/11. Trouble in the MIddle East has been going on since long before then, though. The arab world didn't want the state of Israel to be created. Land was taken away from the Palestinians to create it. But after it was created, suddenly Israel turned aggressive and started taking over more territory. It's a mess.

    Terrorism is essentially an international guerrilla war, and guerrilla wars are unwinnable. The US won independence from the Brits in part because they employed guerrilla tactics learned from the Eastern tribes. The Vietnamese war was a guerrilla war. The list goes on.
  • So the war on terror is pointless.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Not pointless, because the point is to avoid (or "pre-empt") any repeats of 9/11. But it's unwinnable as a war. It might be "winnable" if the US changed some policies, tried to foster education and economic development in arab countries where the youth is unemployed and easily recruitable by fundamentalists, etc. etc.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Ultimately all conflict starts in peoples hearts and minds. The Buddha taught us how to deal with the hate and conflict inside of ourselves. This method doesn't stop an aggressive conflict or ensure safety from attack but it gets at the heart of the problem and uproots it from there. Forceful intervention depends upon the threat of some type of pain, remove that threat and the internal conditions in people's hearts will inevitably spark more conflict.
  • I don't think having the US change some policies is a good idea. Other countries might think the US is trying to get more power.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    They already do think the US is taking all the power it can get. And oil.
  • I know. A world war might start because of natural resources.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I hear the current flashpoint is Iran. Because of their nuclear potential. Really, I don't follow it, it's all such a mess. I can't keep up with everything.

    But sure, natural resources, not to mention: water! Water wars may be coming, eventually.
  • I'm not so sure. Generally, free countries don't go to war with each other. Either a democracy will fight a police state or two police states will duke it out. America fought Japan ruthlessly. Once Japan was defeated and turned into a liberal democracy, no one could imagine the two ever fighting again.

    Israel is a liberal, decent democracy with equality for women, minorities, Arab-Israelis, gays, Christians. No single other country that borders little Israel can boast of similar political, religious, and economic freedom. Of course Israel must be aggressive; there have been 3 wars of annihilation waged against her since her founding in which Israel's neighbors attempted to drive the Jewish state into the sea.

    In the case of the lunocracy in Iran, one can only hope that its own people will oust the regime before intervention. It is run by madmen bent on the apocalypse and the only leadership to my knowledge that openly calls for the holocaust of another nation. A liberal, democratic and secular Iran someday will not be a threat to the West, but a welcome ally.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    A liberal, democratic and secular Iran someday will not be a threat to the West, but a welcome ally.
    I love this idea! We can dream!

  • A family that fights is known as a disfunctional family, so are we not disfuntional if we cannot live side by side? If humans came together we could find answers to problems such as resources land etc much easier. But, that is not going to happen any time soon.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    The only thing I keep hearing is that there are crazy people across the sea who are Arab or Muslim.
    ....and they have strategically important resources that keep consumption and growth going,...despite this finite ecosystem problem we have... That is why "we" are there, and they are not here...

    ... Remember Condoleezea Rice breathlessly saying that a pre-emptive attack on Iraq can't wait for a mushroom cloud over New York City?

    ....hopefully it won't be like that this time.... because this one might no be containable and could spiral into something no one wants.

    ...I've lost track of the strange bedfellows in this situation... the Shiite Iranians make the most noise about Israel, (which is said to a have at least 100 thermo-nukes and would erase Iran along with a couple of other countries for good measure. .. if they tried anything).. ...but the real target of their regional power bid.. (which has been enabled BTW by the U.S. taking-out the Sunni Iraqi strongman who was keeping them in check...then handing Iraq to the Shiites)... are the Sunni oil Sheikdoms and Emirates like Bahrain where there is also an American Military presence, and where the King just put-down a Shiite democratic uprising..... and like the Sunni Saudis, ....who have said they will go nuclear if Shiite Iran does, ....and is according to some reports quietly wanting Israel to take Iran down a peg...because ...the enemy of your enemy ....

    Then there is the Arab Spring which the West supported (except in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia of course) thinking maybe they will all just be like us , but now we are having to come to terms with governments that might really represent the people of the region.... and might not be what we want them to be.... The Israelis are in a pickle because the peace deal they had with the strongman Mubarak will not remain in place if the democratic will of the Egyptian people prevails , hence the quiet continued support for the military regime by the West ... ...which is an embarrassing problem, because we say democracy is good .......except when results go against our interests....

    .....and this just a super-simplified snapshot of that tangle mess....

    The polar bears are skinny, and were wasting time with this crap.

  • The war in the mid-east is not going to affect me.
    the only effect may be the cost of petrol.
    honestly, its really getting old, this neverending conflict.
    USA is stuck bcos of the jewish lobby.
    as long as Israel bullies the palestinians, the arabs will simmer.
    so, good luck.
    let me know when they make peace.
    otherwise, i am not interested anymore.
    It really seems like the war on terror will never end. It isn't really clear to me when or how this war was started. The only thing I keep hearing is that there are crazy people across the sea who are Arab or Muslim. It really isn't clear to me if religion is playing a big part in the wars over there. I hear rumors that all this stuff started because the middle east didn't want Jews to live in Israel. So the middle east has united to drive Christians and Jews into the sea. This is what I've heard but I could be wrong. Many countries has killed many leaders, over there and has helped people get their say in the government, but violence is still going on and on. Just so I'm not offending anyone, my name is Omar, an Arabian name. It is also used by Muslims a lot. I know that every person who identifies themselves as the two groups are not like the others So my question is, how would the Buddha try to end this conflict? I also want to know Buddhist opinions about the problems over seas. I also want a clear answer to how these conflicts overseas started.
  • oh yea, fr buddhist point of view.
    make peace not war,
    forgive n forget.
    strive to end dukkha.
  • oh yea, fr buddhist point of view.
    make peace not war,
    forgive n forget.
    strive to end dukkha.
    If only this were the case, but who are we to dismiss other religions. IMO the major leading religions are sound, just that some people taint and mar them, even buddhism. For some reason the media LOVES to expose these people who are a great minority.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    oh yea, fr buddhist point of view.
    make peace not war,
    forgive n forget.
    strive to end dukkha.
    War over a tooth anyone?
    No holier than thou.... Whatever perverse or violent impulse is at play in the world, is at play in this body and mind.
  • F U C K T H E W A R
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012

    ... Remember Condoleezea Rice breathlessly saying that a pre-emptive attack on Iraq can't wait for a mushroom cloud over New York City?
    She said this? No, I don't remember. Was the concept of "pre-emptive" strikes, or war, her idea, or GW's? If there were another attack on NY, then the resulting US strike wouldn't be pre-emptive. Her statement doesn't make sense, but we know what she means. It kinda sounds more like a Bush-ism. (Open mouth, insert foot...)

    About that "Jewish lobby"--it turns out it's an Israeli lobby. According to essays over the years in Tikkun Magazine, American Jews on the whole do not at all agree with US support of an aggressive Israel. They aren't lobbying. It's Israel that's doing the lobbying.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    ... Remember Condoleezea Rice breathlessly saying that a pre-emptive attack on Iraq can't wait for a mushroom cloud over New York City?
    She said this? No, I don't remember. Was the concept of "pre-emptive" strikes, or war, her idea, or GW's? If there were another attack on NY, then the resulting US strike wouldn't be pre-emptive. Her statement doesn't make sense, but we know what she means. It kinda sounds more like a Bush-ism. (Open mouth, insert foot...)

    About that "Jewish lobby"--it turns out it's an Israeli lobby. According to essays over the years in Tikkun Magazine, American Jews on the whole do not at all agree with US support of an aggressive Israel. They aren't lobbying. It's Israel that's doing the lobbying.

    You know, you sort of have 2 choices. Believe what the US and Israel say about Iran...which is scary. Or believe what Iran says about Iran. Which is equally scary.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    haha! That's funny--you're right. But what does it have to do with my post?
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    haha! That's funny--you're right. But what does it have to do with my post?
    That I think there's a lot of fear on the part of Israel (through the Jewish lobby) and even America that's legitimate because it's based on what Iran itself has said.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I've spared myself the pain of keeping up with the news on Iran. I'll take your word for it.
  • patbbpatbb Veteran

  • haha! That's funny--you're right. But what does it have to do with my post?
    That I think there's a lot of fear on the part of Israel (through the Jewish lobby) and even America that's legitimate because it's based on what Iran itself has said.

    Funny. I bet if you had a neighbor that schemed day and night and proudly trumpeted his intent to bulldoze your house and slaughter your children, you'd be a bit worried too. You act like nations are not made of people.

    Let's see Iran murders religious converts, executes gays, tortures women for sexual crimes. Israel doesn't even have a death penalty, and has political and social parity for gays and minorities. No difference?

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    haha! That's funny--you're right. But what does it have to do with my post?
    That I think there's a lot of fear on the part of Israel (through the Jewish lobby) and even America that's legitimate because it's based on what Iran itself has said.

    Funny. I bet if you had a neighbor that schemed day and night and proudly trumpeted his intent to bulldoze your house and slaughter your children, you'd be a bit worried too. You act like nations are not made of people.

    Let's see Iran murders religious converts, executes gays, tortures women for sexual crimes. Israel doesn't even have a death penalty, and has political and social parity for gays and minorities. No difference?

    Instead of shooting from the hip, go back and read what I said again.

  • Apologies. I meant to quote the following and not your post, @vinlyn
    make peace not war,
    forgive n forget.
    strive to end dukkha.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Apologies. I meant to quote the following and not your post, @vinlyn
    make peace not war,
    forgive n forget.
    strive to end dukkha.


  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012

    ... Remember Condoleezea Rice breathlessly saying that a pre-emptive attack on Iraq can't wait for a mushroom cloud over New York City?
    She said this? No, I don't remember. Was the concept of "pre-emptive" strikes, or war, her idea, or GW's? If there were another attack on NY, then the resulting US strike wouldn't be pre-emptive. Her statement doesn't make sense, but we know what she means. It kinda sounds more like a Bush-ism. (Open mouth, insert foot...)

    About that "Jewish lobby"--it turns out it's an Israeli lobby. According to essays over the years in Tikkun Magazine, American Jews on the whole do not at all agree with US support of an aggressive Israel. They aren't lobbying. It's Israel that's doing the lobbying.

    Jewish people are not a monolith. Zionism is an ideology, it is not the same as being Jewish. Israel is not a simple black and white subject for me.. I understand completely Jewish fear... it is well founded... I also understand the attitude of Israel not giving a shit what the world thinks of it. Generally, Jewish people have been taught not to trust the rest of humanity to be benevolent towards them.... in fact a common gut feeling among Jewish people is that the rest of humanity wouldn't mind if they all just died. it paranoid....

    On the other hand.... deflecting any inspection of a long brutal occupation by invoking the Holocaust,....and equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.... has only made things worse for Jewish people. We all mirror what we hate most... and when there are Jewish settlers who see Palestinians as subhumans who should be deported to Jordan.. or denied water rights in the only land they have ever known... what does that mirror?

    It is a hard problem and there has to be some very uncomfortable questions asked. .. I'm non-Jewish enough to see them, and Jewish enough to ask them. which is an odd thing.

    ...regarding Condi Rice . That was a comment she made in the run-up to the Iraq war..

    When the rest of the world was saying ..."hold on.. what does Iraq does have to do with 9/11? this is insane! , your just using 9/11 as a pretext ".... The Bush administration's response was to play Americans with color coded threat levels...and end debate with demagoguery.

    ....and just today Gingrich is saying .... we can't wait until the bomb is dropped.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Well, that should disqualify him from the Presidency.

    Who is it he wants to drop it on? Pick a card, any card.
  • He was talking about the iranian Bomb...

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Good thing Gingrich wasn't Pres. during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • ... this could be a rough year.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    The US doesn't have to do it themselves, Israel will do it for them. That's the scary part.
  • It really seems like the war on terror will never end
    As long as somebody's making a big profit on it, it won't end. I find it hilarious that we have a war against an emotion. It's like saying "the war on euphoria" or "the war on apathy".
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    ....and just today Gingrich is saying .... we can't wait until the bomb is dropped.
    Well, that should disqualify him from the Presidency.
    Unfortunately half the country thinks that makes him an ideal candidate.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    @Omar067 The War on "Terror" is short for the War on Terrorism.
    Unfortunately half the country thinks that makes him an ideal candidate.

  • jlljll Veteran
    try to sing along...
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    If I had to choose between hearing that song again and being drafted... I'd pick being drafted.

  • jlljll Veteran
    which do you prefer?
    iraq or afghanistan?
    If I had to choose between hearing that song again and being drafted... I'd pick being drafted.

    If I had to choose between hearing that song again and being drafted... I'd pick being drafted.

    If I had to choose between hearing that song again and being drafted... I'd pick being drafted.

  • ZeroZero Veteran

    It really seems like the war on terror will never end.
    It isn't really clear to me when or how this war was started.
    I also want a clear answer to how these conflicts overseas started.
    The history of humanity is the history of war - war starts in your own heart - when you fear, yearn, cling, ignore etc - multiply that by a few billion other hearts, pop in the oven at gas mark 4 for a few millenia and your half-baked war cake is ready!! mmmmm - delicious ;)

    The only thing I keep hearing is that there are crazy people across the sea who are Arab or Muslim. It really isn't clear to me if religion is playing a big part in the wars over there.
    I hear rumors that all this stuff started because the middle east didn't want Jews to live in Israel. So the middle east has united to drive Christians and Jews into the sea. This is what I've heard but I could be wrong.
    Thats because you live over here and are subject to the propeganda over here - dont worry though - theyre fed the same thing over there - lots of reasons for them to hate you too... religion is just one facet - the war is necessary as there is a disparity between those who have and those who have not...

    How would the Buddha try to end this conflict? I also want to know Buddhist opinions about the problems over seas.
    Not sure how he would personally react - I imagine that the starting point would be 'stop war'? maybe - in my personal opinion I consider that the root of it is money and as long as individuals are in conflict then so will society... hope we can all sort it out between us... eventually
  • The Iran situation is a LOT more complex that just "they want a bomb and we need to stop them getting it." Anyone who doesn't realize that (ie: 99.9% of the American public, including all of the GOP presidential candidates) is asking for trouble. Iran has had illusions (if not delusions) of grandeur for most of the 20th Century and since. Many 'leaders' in Iran, both now and in the past, have had visions of the ancient Persian Empire dancing in their heads. They see Iran as having the right to be *the* regional superpower by dint of its glorious imperial history. They also have a very strong sense of insecurity. They've been invaded, parts of the country occupied, and generally (at least in their eyes) been shafted by many nations. Not at *all* widely known or appreciated in the west is the little escapade foisted upon the Iranians in 1953 by the CIA and MI6, whereupon a democratically elected prime minister (Mohammed Mossadegh) was overthrown and General Zahedi (and essentially, the Shah) installed in his place. The Iranians have never forgotten that, especially those who remember and who suffered under the despotic regime of Reza Pahlavi from 1953-1979. The Shah himself made no big secret of his desire to eventually have nuclear weapons, and that didn't change after he was deposed. Some in Iran see nuclear weapons as their only real "big stick" to defend themselves against what they perceive as threats all around them and across the water. And now Israel and the west are playing directly into Iran's playbook by threatening them once again because of it. Ever seen "Catch 22"?
  • So basically Iran is like the kid at school who thought they were popular and had an ego, buy ended up getting bullied, beaten and pretty much flunked their grades, then later wants to come back to the school and blow everyone away with a gun? Would that big a correct anaolgy?
  • So basically Iran is like the kid at school who thought they were popular and had an ego, buy ended up getting bullied, beaten and pretty much flunked their grades, then later wants to come back to the school and blow everyone away with a gun? Would that big a correct anaolgy?
    Something like that. It is a very strange regime. Ironically, it is one of the most secular populations in the region, but with the most moonbat leadership. The Iranian-born spy who worked for the CIA, Reza Khalili wrote an epic autobiography a few years years ago called A Time to Betray about working for the Revolutionary Guard. He was a secular guy who was disgusted by what the mullahs were doing and spent several decades spying on them and thwarting them. Eventually fled to the US and is a writer and commentator now. He believes the best hope is that the Iranian people overthrow their own government as was attempted in 2009 to prevent a catastrophe internationally.

  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Iran.. Persia , was grand at one time... and memories are long..

    ..... The Shah who came to power in a western backed strategic coup, was a tyrant. The revolution that overthrew him was a secular student uprising, that was hijacked by the hard core religionists, who brought the Ayatollah back from exile in France. The middle eastern revolutionary movements up until the late seventies were anti-colonial and secular in flavor...then later became religious.... at about the same time the religious right, in perfect mirror fashion, began its rise in the west. Going by their pronouncements Santorum and company, and the Ayatollas, are cut from the same cloth.
  • War is such a silly thing, such a silly, ugly, pointless, unforgiving thing.
  • Going by their pronouncements Santorum and company, and the Ayatollas, are cut from the same cloth.
    Isn't it a bit disingenuous you think to compare Westerners who oppose gay marriage/abortion and fanatical theocrats who machine-gun dissidents, torture political prisoners, execute gays, and fund terrorism the world over?
  • edited March 2012
    War is such a silly thing, such a silly, ugly, pointless, unforgiving thing.
    As Lenin or Trotsky might say, "You might not be interested in war, but war is interested in you!"

  • The cloth is an absolutist religious view, in which your religion is uniquely blessed and True, and others are false. The cloth is the cloth of zero-sum belief, that will destroy the evil other.
  • The cloth is an absolutist religious view, in which your religion is uniquely blessed and True, and others are false. The cloth is the cloth of zero-sum belief, that will destroy the evil other.
    Except for the fact that nobody on the American Religious Right or Left is calling for the outlawing of other religions or sects here or anywhere else. Nor the destruction of the other. It's all in your head.

  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited March 2012
    The cloth is an absolutist religious view, in which your religion is uniquely blessed and True, and others are false. The cloth is the cloth of zero-sum belief, that will destroy the evil other.
    Except for the fact that nobody on the American Religious Right or Left is calling for the outlawing of other religions or sects here or anywhere else. Nor the destruction of the other. It's all in your head.

    what's all in my head? this?
    The cloth is an absolutist religious view, in which your religion is uniquely blessed and True, and others are false. The cloth is the cloth of zero-sum belief, that will destroy the evil other
    yes indeed these thoughts are all in my head.

    and so, Knight, needless to say.... is your view..

    ...its all we got.. eh.

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