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The Most Buddhist Country Is Un-Buddhist

After spending several years now in Thailand, a counrty that has the highest ratio of 'Buddhists' I have come to see how far off the mark the vast majority of the people here are. A lot of them are decent people at least, but their concept of Buddhism is so warped and orientated around luck and fortune it is quite amazing.

I have tried explaining to my girlfriend some of the Buddhas teachings from time to time, more often than not they fly straight over her head. What we discuss here, the 4NTs, dependent origination etc, most of the Thai Buddhists have never heard of these things. I am refering to lay people of course, but they are still considered Buddhist.

Also the ever advancing western influence upon this country is moving the marker of what is important in life away from where it should be. I think my picture attached illustrates this.


  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    They need an approachable form of Buddhism.
  • Hi ThailandTom:
    I have tried explaining to my girlfriend some of the Buddhas teachings from time to time
    Rarely works. Difficult enough with Buddhists.

    But if you express Buddha's teachings through your actions, she will understand.
  • Perhaps, people aren't interested in buddhism because material conditions force them to think of jobs, families and related matters. It has nothing to do with western culture, and everything to do with living in a competitive world, having to feed one's family, paying bills etc. When all this occupies one's mind, one has little time for religion.
  • In every culture, most folks have only a passing interest in whatever religion they lay claim to. That includes Muslim countries, where a minority of devout enforce public displays of piety. I don't expect Buddhist countries to be any different. Especially when lay participation has traditionally been confined to supporting the temples.

    What you see in Thailand today is really your basic form of Buddhist practice as it developed in India and spread. Throughout history, Buddhist practice was confined to the temples and monks. For the masses, Buddhism was a blend of local beliefs and superstitions and the idea of gaining merit by donating to the temple. That's what ThailandTom is observing. In that culture, his level of interest should mean he puts on a robe and becomes a monk.

    For all I love and cherish the Sangha, in all honesty monastic Buddhism is a flawed model when faced with an educated lay population with time on their hands and modern communication and mobile populations. That's why where it's allowed, Christianity and other religions that engage the lay population directly have spread widely while the monks stayed hid behind the walls. Muslim religion is so effective because it's extremely focused on the lay population with compulsory religious education and practice.

    In Thailand and some other Buddhist cultures, they do go on periodic campaigns that try to shove children into the monk's robe in an effort to keep the population engaged. That's ignoring the larger issue and the typical conservative "more of the same" solution to any problem. Buddhism is changing around the world to engage the lay population, but it's doing a better job in cultures without an entrenched temple power structure tied to political power that resists change.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    This is a very good conversation, and having lived in Thailand, I too often saw what Tom is expressing. And, Cinorjer, I think you've made a very valid statement, as well.

    But I do have one caution: There's an unintended implication in this thread, and it is a very West-centric one -- that "we" do it better...just as "we" almost always think we do things better.

    As flawed as Buddhist practice may be in Thailand and southeast Asia, if it were not for Buddhist practice in those countries, most of us might not even be aware of Buddhism today. And I think that we here in the West have put our own spin on Buddhism that may be just as far off base (although in different ways) than the spin Thais have put on Buddhism. For example, all you have to do is spend an hour walking around the main shopping district in "new Bangkok", and you will see the effect of Hinduism and animism as you watch the masses of Thai Buddhists worshiping in front of Hindu statues in front of Isetan department store and at the Erawan Shrine across the intersection. But here in the West, many (not all) practitioners are influenced in their Buddhist thinking by what has developed in their minds as an anti-Western-religion/their-previous-experience action/reaction frame of mind.

    I am reminded also of the old adage that the most devout Catholic is the Catholic convert, and that over time that "devoutness" slowly fades. And we are converts (to one extent or another) to Buddhism, and I rather suspect that devoutness may erode somewhat.

    We are in our own small cultural bubble where Western religion has evolved (for example) tremendously from just the founding of colonies in the western hemisphere until today. Meanwhile, the Thais are in their own huge cultural bubble. They have been taught Buddhism against a 2,000 year backdrop of a the Dhammaraja king (with -- perhaps -- a brief break in that concept from 1932 - 1946). It is the only Thailand/Buddhist experience that a Thai living today has ever experienced.

    I want to emphasize that I am not disagreeing at all with Tom's original post here. Just trying to explore the reason why the Thais are "off base" in how they practice Buddhism.

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I would think it is similar to what Christianity it here. How many people in the US truly study and practice Christianity yet identify as Christians? Not very many. They identify as Christian because that is what their parents are, and grandparents are, etc etc. They were baptised as Christian, and even if they haven't been to church or picked up a Bible in 10 years, they still call themselves Christians. Most Buddhists here choose Buddhism against what they were raised with and that makes them actively seek out teachings and information, and many of us can identify with having labeled ourselves as Christians for a long time even if that's the last thin we were in study and practice. How many Christians can't list the 7 deadly sins? How many of them can't even list the 10 commandments? Plenty.

    Also, with @cinojer insinuated is likely true. If you put Maslows Hierarchy in place, in countries, and with people, where daily life is still a struggle, many of them are going to be farther removed from any religion they identify with. Because when you are preoccupied with how to feed, shelter and cloth yourself and your family, studying and practicing a religion is just not a need high on the list. For most people it is only until you have your basic needs met, that the desire for religion enters the picture as does the ability to study and practice it.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Excellent post, @Karasti!
  • Everyone has good points, I think. I know just in my immediate circle of family and friends growing up, many of them never had a deeper thought than "What brand beer should I buy, and who do I hang out with this weekend?" And you know what? They lived their lives pretty much as happy and satisfied, on the average, as the ones who went to church every week.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Cinorjer said:

    Everyone has good points, I think. I know just in my immediate circle of family and friends growing up, many of them never had a deeper thought than "What brand beer should I buy, and who do I hang out with this weekend?" And you know what? They lived their lives pretty much as happy and satisfied, on the average, as the ones who went to church every week.

    Ain't it the truth!

  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited October 2012
    Hey Tom

    You clearly point out the gulf between the talk and the walk. Cultural buddhism is no more holy than any other cultural religon. Most folks are content with the tribal identity that it provides.
    We are only where we are now because we were not content.
  • Just because the outward appearances, overt religious habits and trappings of the religion are not as obvious as we (in the west and elsewhere) may have envisioned it or expect it to be, who's to say they are any less "right minded" or any 'less Buddhist' than anyone else in other areas of the world - especially in the West?

    Cultural Buddhism is (9 times out of 10) very different than what Westerners believe a religious practice is, or should be when compared to the West's ways and practices.
    I mean how do you know what goes on behind every closed door in Thailand and other "Buddhist cultures" around the world? How do you know who is or is not praying to their gods, maintaining an altar in their home, attending temple regularly, or living the precepts to the best of their ability?

    Aren't such assumptions and generalizations a form of judgmental behavior on our part?
    And honestly, what arrogance to assume because Westerners prefer their Buddhism wrapped up in formal meditation, cushion time competition, and that "I'm a better Buddhist than you are..." stuff, that those who have been Buddhist for thousands of years and raised with Buddhism already infused into their lives and ancestry, have somehow lost track of how to be 'good/real Buddhists'. :-/ Really?

    Well, maybe they don't need the pomp and parades of outward appearances of devotion to do all that. Maybe after thousands of years of living it, they have evolved beyond that constant need for overt identification, judgment and competition.

    Sorry if I sound angry. I'm not, really... I'm more surprised and a bit offended, I guess.
  • @MaryAnne have you ever visited SE Asia? I have met so many Thai nationals including my partner who have a whole different take on Buddhism. I am not saying it is wrong as such, I am saying it is not what the Buddha taught as the path, the truth. You need to experience this culture to underdtand it. I have lived in the UK and I was actually going to say it is almost like most people who are Christian but never go to church, but here they still have so much emphasis on giving things such as lucky charms and what not. I am not saying 'the westernized Buddhism' I am referring to the Dharma, what the Buddha actually taught. When I read the scriptures and the teachings, nope, these people are far off of what is being taught.

    As for the western influence, that is something that cannot be ignored. It may not be so much intruding the religion but the culture for sure. Blinged out cars, people caring more about the shiny things and the self image rather than the sick person on the side of the road. Say what you will, but live it first.
  • I like shiny things :o
  • RebeccaS said:

    I like shiny things :o

    Are you a magpie? The bird I refer to? You can like them but does it become the focus of your existence? Do you see it for what it actually is? If I take your shiny things away from you and throw them into a fire, how would you feel?
  • RebeccaSRebeccaS Veteran
    edited October 2012
    If you threw my stuff into a fire I'd be devastated. I think that's a normal human reaction to something like that. I'd survive, sure, but it would be painful at first, and I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.

    I wouldn't call materialism the most important part of my life, but it's an aspect of it. I like to have nice things and I don't see that as something negative.
  • RebeccaS said:

    If you threw my stuff into a fire I'd be devastated. I think that's a normal human reaction to something like that. I'd survive, sure, but it would be painful at first, and I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.

    I wouldn't call materialism the most important part of my life, but it's an aspect of it. I like to have nice things and I don't see that as something negative.

    Sure human reaction, the key word 'reaction'. The liberated mind does not react but acknowledges and let's things arrise and pass, if there is no attachment there is no grasping, if there is no grasping there is no suffering. Being attached to your shiny things causes you a brief period of suffering, as everything it is not permanent so it will pass but you suffer. When there is no self or grasping, there is no suffering.
  • @ThailandTom

    Spin it any way you like... you are judging others' religious practices based on how and what YOU believe is the 'right way' to be a Buddhist and follow the precepts, etc.

    I know plenty of wonderful, giving, happy, peaceful and loving Christians who don't go to church. MANY people believe that going to church does not a "good Christian" make. So that analogy doesn't work for Christians - OR Buddhists who you believe are not following Buddha's words to the letter, as you think they should.

    Just because you feel that the people in Thailand are becoming more and more 'materialistic' (and who knows, maybe they are! I can't argue with that either way), how does that automatically make them "bad" Buddhists? Because if merely having possessions, or providing comforts for your family and home makes one a "bad" Buddhist, then 99.9% of us Buddhists everywhere are bad Buddhists....
    We can't all live in yurts or caves, eating only rice, wearing only robes while meditating all day and all night to be so-called "good" Buddhists.

  • If you took Rebecca's shiny things and threw them into the fire... first thing I would think is, WHY did Tom throw Rebecca's things into the fire?? That was mean and very very bad (unBuddhist) behavior. As for Rebecca, I would feel sad for her if that unnecessary action caused her suffering.
  • RebeccaS said:

    If you threw my stuff into a fire I'd be devastated. I think that's a normal human reaction to something like that. I'd survive, sure, but it would be painful at first, and I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.

    I wouldn't call materialism the most important part of my life, but it's an aspect of it. I like to have nice things and I don't see that as something negative.

    In the words of Ajahn Sumedho,
    "When we get to cessation of ignorance, then at that moment, all the rest of the sequence ceases. It is not like one ceases, then another ceases. When there is vijja, then the suffering ceases. In any moment, when there is true mindfulness and wisdom, there is no suffering. The suffering has ceased. Now when you contemplate the cessation of desire, cessation of rebirth of grasping, there is cessation of becoming, cessation of rebirth and suffering. When things cease, when everything ceases, then there's peace, isn't there? There is knowing serenity, emptiness, non-self. These are the words, the concepts describing cessation."
  • Keep your shiny things, grasp at them and cry over them for a moment, that is up to you. Everyone has an opinion, it is impossible not to have one and I believe in the strict words of the dharma. Every situation can be a Dhamma, such as this one which has been an eye opener to me, thus a learning situation.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Well, Tom, we all have "shiny things". Your "shiny thing" is living in Thailand.
  • RebeccaSRebeccaS Veteran
    edited October 2012
    So by that logic I can still have the shiny things, and just not be attached to them. Sounds like the best of both worlds to me :)

    Also, if anyone decides they don't want their shiny things then send them this way.
  • vinlyn said:

    Well, Tom, we all have "shiny things". Your "shiny thing" is living in Thailand.

    To be honest I could live in Laos, Cambodia, pretty much anywhere. Although right now it is convenient to live here.
  • RebeccaS said:

    So by that logic I can still have the shiny things, and just not be attached to them. Sounds like the best of both worlds to me :)

    Also, if anyone decides they don't want their shiny things then send them this way.

    Yes, if you realise them for what they are, empty and if taken away nothing is lost or gained, thus why should one be angered or sad?
  • Keep your shiny things, grasp at them and cry over them for a moment, that is up to you. Everyone has an opinion, it is impossible not to have one and I believe in the strict words of the dharma. Every situation can be a Dhamma, such as this one which has been an eye opener to me, thus a learning situation.

    Tom, there is nothing wrong with being observant and learning from those observations. People are not perfect, and seeing people's imperfections (of all kinds)
    can indeed be a learning experience.
    But as soon as you become judge and jury of others' religious practices according to your interpretation of (religious) "LAWS," well, that is called being a Fundamentalist.
    Fundamentalism is based in ego and judgmental attitudes.

    And one other thing, how do you know that those people in Thailand with blinged out cars and lots of material possessions, etc are in fact Buddhist?
    As you must know- there are many Christians in SE Asia as well. I've met/know several people from India, the Philippines, Japan and Malaysia who are all Christian - for at least a few generations or more....

  • RebeccaS said:

    So by that logic I can still have the shiny things, and just not be attached to them. Sounds like the best of both worlds to me :)

    Also, if anyone decides they don't want their shiny things then send them this way.

    Yes, if you realise them for what they are, empty and if taken away nothing is lost or gained, thus why should one be angered or sad?
    I guess the idea just freaks me out a little. Last night we were watching a documentary on Westboro Baptist Church, and this dude... His daughter left the cult, and he was just like "we rejoiced" and "we have no negative feelings about the loss of our daughter" and they act like she's dead. And the level of delusion, denial and repression was just obscene.

    I wouldn't want to accidentally take myself down that path of delusion rather than actual non attachment.
  • There is a huge beautiful Christian building and sect not far from my place of stay. The people with these blinged out things, for the most part I know personally. They carry knives, tazers, guns w/e. I know they call themselves Buddhist because it is the countries religion, but ask them about the tripple gem or the 4NTs etc, berrrrrrr. The teachings have become lost, end of.
  • RebeccaS said:

    RebeccaS said:

    So by that logic I can still have the shiny things, and just not be attached to them. Sounds like the best of both worlds to me :)

    Also, if anyone decides they don't want their shiny things then send them this way.

    Yes, if you realise them for what they are, empty and if taken away nothing is lost or gained, thus why should one be angered or sad?
    I guess the idea just freaks me out a little. Last night we were watching a documentary on Westboro Baptist Church, and this dude... His daughter left the cult, and he was just like "we rejoiced" and "we have no negative feelings about the loss of our daughter" and they act like she's dead. And the level of delusion, denial and repression was just obscene.

    I wouldn't want to accidentally take myself down that path of delusion rather than actual non attachment.
    There was never 'I' or 'mine' and there never will be. That is something to ponder on. I am going to sleep as it is late here.
  • I believe what you are witnessing is the growth of an economy and the growing pains that go along with it. However I would reserve judgement on what most Thais know or don't know about Buddhism. I for one cannot make any statements since as my teacher continues to point out for me; "I don't know shit!"

    I can provide some notes from a conversation I had with a Head Monk at the Doi Suthep Temple in Chiang Mai - There is a major change required in the way Buddhism is practiced in Thailand. A shift needs to be made from the iconic imagery and back to root teachings. There are only 5 precepts that the lay person needs to follow compared to the over 200 that a monk follows. After all, the praying to the image of the Buddha will not make any changes in your life the real changes come from within, from your practice.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    MaryAnne said:


    And one other thing, how do you know that those people in Thailand with blinged out cars and lots of material possessions, etc are in fact Buddhist?
    As you must know- there are many Christians in SE Asia as well. I've met/know several people from India, the Philippines, Japan and Malaysia who are all Christian - for at least a few generations or more....

    On this Tom is pretty much right. Statistics show that 95%+ of Thais are Buddhist, about 3% are Muslim, and 2% are something else (at least that's the statistic I have seen most often). There are a very few Christian churches in Bangkok, a city of 6-10 million people (depending on how you're counting).

  • vinlyn said:

    MaryAnne said:


    And one other thing, how do you know that those people in Thailand with blinged out cars and lots of material possessions, etc are in fact Buddhist?
    As you must know- there are many Christians in SE Asia as well. I've met/know several people from India, the Philippines, Japan and Malaysia who are all Christian - for at least a few generations or more....

    On this Tom is pretty much right. Statistics show that 95%+ of Thais are Buddhist, about 3% are Muslim, and 2% are something else (at least that's the statistic I have seen most often). There are a very few Christian churches in Bangkok, a city of 6-10 million people (depending on how you're counting).

    O yea, I did my research before I came here.
  • There is a huge beautiful Christian building and sect not far from my place of stay. The people with these blinged out things, for the most part I know personally. They carry knives, tazers, guns w/e. I know they call themselves Buddhist because it is the countries religion, but ask them about the tripple gem or the 4NTs etc, berrrrrrr. The teachings have become lost, end of.

    OK, you've explained things a bit further for us, and I appreciate the clarification, but now I will say three things:

    1. A few people (that you know or not) doesn't justify generalizing or stereotyping an entire country, culture or region.

    2. You are still judging people; people that you know. How does that affect how you relate to or think about these friends or acquaintances? If it does affect how you think or feel about them, it's judgment with reaction. If it doesn't affect how you feel or think about them - at all - then why bother judging them in the first place?

    3. Speaking from my own very personal, very profound experiences I can tell you that to be "judgmental" is probably one of the worst ever failings or faults one can have. I have been struggling with this issue myself for the last 15 years or more.

    It's not easy to do, hell, most of the time it's not even easy to recognize it for what it is (!) - but recognize it, and learn to let it go as soon as you do.

    Then try your best to retrain your mind & your heart not to repeatedly go there again, for any reason, with anyone - friend, family, acquaintance, coworker, boss, anyone; particularly judging whole groups of people or religions!
    It is a form of bigotry. It's caustic and damaging to everyone it touches, especially the person being judgmental.

    True Compassion is the ceasing of judgment.

  • PrairieGhostPrairieGhost Veteran
    edited October 2012

    Samsara is hard and bloody. Everyone's doing what they can.
  • vinlyn said:

    MaryAnne said:


    And one other thing, how do you know that those people in Thailand with blinged out cars and lots of material possessions, etc are in fact Buddhist?
    As you must know- there are many Christians in SE Asia as well. I've met/know several people from India, the Philippines, Japan and Malaysia who are all Christian - for at least a few generations or more....

    On this Tom is pretty much right. Statistics show that 95%+ of Thais are Buddhist, about 3% are Muslim, and 2% are something else (at least that's the statistic I have seen most often). There are a very few Christian churches in Bangkok, a city of 6-10 million people (depending on how you're counting).

    Fair enough, I sit corrected. I don't know anyone actually from Thailand, however from the other places I mentioned, I do, and they are Christian. I worked for an Indian doctor who was Christian.
    His wife (Indian) was also from a Christian family. My bother's partner is from Japan, and a Christian. His friends are from the Philippines, India and Malaysia and are Christian too. I was friends with another woman who was married to a man from India - Christian. My husband worked for two people from Turkey and Pakistan (? I think)- one Christian, one claimed no religion at all.

    LOL Now that I mention it, I've never met a Buddhist from anywhere except Japan! (I never realized that before!)

  • For the most part, it is only veteran monks and nuns who understand Buddhism—not the unwashed masses. It is the same in the West. It is the clergy who understand Christianity. The average Christian actually knows very little about Christianity.

    As far as western Buddhists are concerned, they know very little about Buddhism. For example, the average Buddhist believes the Four Ariya Truths can be understood by non-ariyans who are those who have yet to enter the current (sotapatti). Ain't so. They also believe that monks and nuns make up the Triple Gem Sangha. The Triple Gem Sangha is only for ariya-puggala, those have at least entered the current.
  • RebeccaSRebeccaS Veteran
    edited October 2012
    Songhill said:

    For the most part, it is only veteran monks and nuns who understand Buddhism—not the unwashed masses. It is the same in the West. It is the clergy who understand Christianity. The average Christian actually knows very little about Christianity.

    As far as western Buddhists are concerned, they know very little about Buddhism. For example, the average Buddhist believes the Four Ariya Truths can be understood by non-ariyans who are those who have yet to enter the current (sotapatti). Ain't so. They also believe that monks and nuns make up the Triple Gem Sangha. The Triple Gem Sangha is only for ariya-puggala, those have at least entered the current.

    I don't think this is a true or accurate assumption.
  • I am one of the bling Buddhists.
    Give me a Buddha and I will expect it to confer blessing, luck, merit and work magic, even though it is just a stone statue or some old Tibetan dude . . .

    There may be no hope for me but I suppose we all start from where we are . . . :om:
  • It's been my observation that people in Buddhist countries consider themselves Buddhist because of the surrounding culture. They're from a Buddhist country, so they're de facto Buddhists. They may observe superficial rituals, but they think taking precepts is for monks, and they may not know even the basics of theory, though they may be able to recognize different forms of the Buddha as depicted, or different "deities". It may not even cross the mind of some to apply Buddhism to their own lives. I discussed this with a Tibetan lama once, and he agreed that "Buddhist" is more of a cultural label for some people.

    If you probe even just slightly below the surface of people who consider themselves Christian (I'm not talking about the hard-core types), you can find the same mentality at work. We celebrate Christmas and Easter, and believe in being kind to people, so we're Christians, is the rationale.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited October 2012
    Songhill said:

    For the most part, it is only veteran monks and nuns who understand Buddhism—not the unwashed masses.

    I'm not sure what "veteran" monks and nuns means. Friends who have lived and worked among Buddhist monks and nuns say that most of them have an erroneous understanding of Buddhist concepts. I don't know how it is in Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Taiwan, but in Tibetan monasteries, only 10% are taught the concepts behind the prayers and texts they're required to memorize. In systems where little kids are sent to the monastery without consideration of their interest or capabilities, one can't expect everyone, or even half, to have the interest in the subject matter and the intellectual capacity to handle challenging concepts. Heck, if people in the West, with HS and college degrees struggle to get their minds around dependent origination, impermanence, etc., it's just not going to happen for most Asian kids who only acquire a basic reading and writing proficiency in the monastery, no other formal schooling. Just memorizing endless stings of words that have no meaning for them.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    MaryAnne said:

    Fair enough, I sit corrected. I don't know anyone actually from Thailand, however from the other places I mentioned, I do, and they are Christian. I worked for an Indian doctor who was Christian.
    His wife (Indian) was also from a Christian family. My bother's partner is from Japan, and a Christian. His friends are from the Philippines, India and Malaysia and are Christian too. I was friends with another woman who was married to a man from India - Christian. My husband worked for two people from Turkey and Pakistan (? I think)- one Christian, one claimed no religion at all.

    LOL Now that I mention it, I've never met a Buddhist from anywhere except Japan! (I never realized that before!)

    I'm not questioning your experience at all. I've known many Filipinos, and they were all Catholics. Similar for Taiwanese. We had quite a few Indian families in my school each year...that was split maybe 50-50 Christian and "other". I haven't traveled extensively in Malaysia, but what travel I did led to meeting mostly Muslims, but with more non-Muslims than I had expected. It seemed as if the non-Muslims there enjoyed telling a Westerner how oppressed they were. No experience with Turkish people. I knew a lot of Pakistanis due to my son -- as far as I met, 100% Muslim. Oh, and a lot of Christian South Koreans.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Songhill said:

    For the most part, it is only veteran monks and nuns who understand Buddhism—not the unwashed masses.

    Just for the record, in all my time in Thailand, I rarely met "unwashed masses". Maybe an occasionally dirty person. Most Thais I ever met took 1 or more showers a day.

  • As far as western Buddhists are concerned, they know very little about Buddhism. For example, the average Buddhist believes the Four Ariya Truths can be understood by non-ariyans who are those who have yet to enter the current (sotapatti). Ain't so. They also believe that monks and nuns make up the Triple Gem Sangha. The Triple Gem Sangha is only for ariya-puggala, those have at least entered the current.
    This is the part I gave a 'like' to. Not the unwashed masses part.
  • This conversation reminds me of the fallacy of the beard.

    If 500 whiskers make a beard, then
    499 whiskers must also make up a beard.
    498 whiskers must also make up a beard.
    497 whiskers must also make up a beard.
    3 whiskers must also make up a beard?
    2 whiskers must also make up a beard?
    1 whiskers must also make up a beard?

    Words/labels are used to put a group of different "things" (those differences may be very subtle or gross depending on the scope of the word) into a collective bin. If objects or ideas fall within that bin, we accept those objects and ideas as that word (a poor assumption if we don't keep in mind that there are ALWAYS differences). It isn't perfect, but it helps us convey a general idea about life to another person that understands our words. Furthermore, language and culture are very much intertwined. They heavily influence each others' changes, and consequently the language speakers' perceptions. Like @vinlyn has mentioned in another thread, the boundaries of visible colors and the subsequent names we give them (language), depend on our culture.

    If I call myself a geologist, but I know nothing about rocks aside from their color and shape, am I really a geologist? Am I an amateur geologist? To an expert, perhaps no. To a person who knows nothing about rock colors and shapes, perhaps yes.

    Does the word Buddhism define a set of beliefs? Yes. Does it define a cultural outlook/attitude/perspective? Yes. Are they the same thing? No, not in my opinion. I can certainly call myself whatever I want, but it doesn't do me or anybody else any good if we don't/can't agree on what that word entails. In the end, this debate has its roots in semantics.

    How do you define a buddhist? We have had this question posed many times on this forum, and the general consensus for our forum is the four noble truths and probably the eightfold noble path. Ask a Thai person what a buddhist is and you will generally get a different answer. That different answer is just a bigger bin that collects more objects and ideas. It's all about scope.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Excellent post, Tmottes!
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I admittedly have a problem with judging Christians as a large group. I actually in my mind have specific types of Christians in mind when I talk about them, and not all Christians as a group. I know Christians who study their religion as much, or more than, I study Buddhism, and they understand the basis of their religion and they do live it, without judgment of others, as opposed to so many I know (both people I know in person and experiences with them around the US as groups and their random, faceless online comments) who don't even know the religion they purport to belong to. That's not me judging what they may or may not do behind closed doors, but judging them based on their comments about people in general, which very clearly go against their religion. That doesn't mean it's ok for me to judge at all, and I do try and I work on it, but it's a work in progress.

    When I hear daily from loved ones who thought they would stop being bullied in high school, yet now they are 35+ and still being bullied under the guise of "caring Christians." I try hard to understand and to engage them in open communication to learn why they feel how they do, but they can never answer me beyond "This is Christian nation founded under God, poo poo to the rest of you." Like I said, it doesn't mean it's ok for me to turn around and judge them because I'm mad about their judging others, but it's a work in progress, and people who spread hate and bigotry under the name of God, I have the hardest time with.

  • edited October 2012
    I believe that judging fundamentalists is fine, since by virtue of being fundamentalists they have already given up the moral right to complain. Besides, I'd call it discernment rather than judgment, sort of like how Jesus used to 'judge' the Pharisees. Reg. the op, however, I wonder ... So what if every single of them is a materialist? As long as they're not hurting anyone, why judge? Not everyone is going to be interested in religion, and considering the world we live in not everyone would even have the time or the motivation. And speaking of shiny things, I notice a silver hair on my chin. Better not grasp at it.
  • SileSile Veteran
    edited October 2012
    Dakini said:

    Songhill said:

    For the most part, it is only veteran monks and nuns who understand Buddhism—not the unwashed masses.

    I'm not sure what "veteran" monks and nuns means. Friends who have lived and worked among Buddhist monks and nuns say that most of them have an erroneous understanding of Buddhist concepts. I don't know how it is in Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Taiwan, but in Tibetan monasteries, only 10% are taught the concepts behind the prayers and texts they're required to memorize. In systems where little kids are sent to the monastery without consideration of their interest or capabilities, one can't expect everyone, or even half, to have the interest in the subject matter and the intellectual capacity to handle challenging concepts. Heck, if people in the West, with HS and college degrees struggle to get their minds around dependent origination, impermanence, etc., it's just not going to happen for most Asian kids who only acquire a basic reading and writing proficiency in the monastery, no other formal schooling. Just memorizing endless stings of words that have no meaning for them.

    Doesn't one have to be 18 to enter a monastery now in Tibet?

    At any rate, little kids in the States are sent to school without consideration of their interests or capabilities; that's the cruel but natural result of the power imbalance between parents and kids ;) I'd argue that dependent origination is no more mysterious (to those raised with it) than math, geometry or English lit.

    I'm curious about the 10% figure; the monks and nuns I've met have quite frankly put me to shame, educationally, and I consider myself educated enough. Most Tibetans I know, monastic or lay, speak a minimum of two languages if they're from Tibet, and three if they're from India (four if you count home dialect) and are literate in most of those as well.

  • When times are tough, people want to believe in a benevolent god and good luck-- or even a malevolent god that can be placated/combated, and bad luck that can be avoided. It gives people hope and a feeling that they can control things. And anthropomorphism gives a feeling of understanding and clarity, rather than confusion.

    "There are no atheists in foxholes," so the saying goes.

    So in hard times, a religion like 4NT Buddhism wont be as appealing as other forms of Buddhism, or other religions, that give "answers" that are much more appealing and accessible (and don't involve years of meditation).

    In my experience, 4NT teachers are constantly telling students to "investigate" something. But, in a way, people don't want to "investigate." They want answers.

    From what I understand, the Buddhism of the Pali Cannon almost died out. I suspect it had something to do with the above points.

    On the other hand, in times and places where life has been made easier (like Europe and the U.S. in the late 20th Century), there tends to be a rise in secularism and increasing interest in 4NT Buddhism. Perhaps both are a first-world luxury.
  • It is interesting reading through these comments, I have learnt a few things as well. Just for the record I wasn't really judging the Thai population and saying they are bad etc, I merely made an observation that I thought was worthy for discussion on this board, I did not even lump The Thai people into one group, I said the vast majority of the lay Thais view Buddhism in such and such a way. I have come across a few Thai people who have learnt parts of the actual teachings which have been handed down through time, and they seem to really smile and have a sense of emthusiasm in them when they discussed it with me.
  • @ThailandTom
    I'm sure if you searched around you'll find plenty of Buddhist groups, Buddhist studies, Buddhist schools etc. I'm sure they'll be more than glad to discuss the 4nt and 8fp with you. :)
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