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bad experiences meditating

hi all,
I just want to know if anyone has had bad experiences meditating.recently i was halfway through meditating and an image popped into my mind that I didn't like and also gave me a bit of a fright,the last week or so I have been really stressed and my heads been all over the place this might be a factor,I have been meditating for almost a year now and all experiences have been great so far this just shook me up a bit. do you know how i could deal with this as iv'e not meditated since this happened.

Thanks for you're time


  • Take care gently with this image.
    Notice what is happening in your chest, emotion, felling, thinking.
    When this image become less disturbing, you can put your Sati (attention) on your heart and try to produce love for this image, take it in your harm like a good friend. this is Metta way,
  • Sometimes I have psychotic voices criticizing me all day and when I wake from sleep immediately there. Fun fun. Yadonashi gives great advice on the mindfulness of those four things: body, feeling, cittas, and dharmas. I translate them differently. Dharmas are phenomena.
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    edited December 2012
    swanny84 said:

    hi all,
    I just want to know if anyone has had bad experiences meditating.recently i was halfway through meditating and an image popped into my mind that I didn't like and also gave me a bit of a fright,the last week or so I have been really stressed and my heads been all over the place this might be a factor,I have been meditating for almost a year now and all experiences have been great so far this just shook me up a bit. do you know how i could deal with this as iv'e not meditated since this happened.

    Thanks for you're time

    people come to meditation thinking it's going to be this calm peaceful thing.. little do they know! lol. Now I've never in all my years of meditating had any images or the like.. but the advice I've received remains the same now matter what happens... observe that it is phenomenon that arises and passes away, and do not get attached to it, just observe it objectively and let it go.

    people have asked me questions about how they saw demons and all sorts of things in their meditation.. and I repeat the above wise words that I learned from all of the monks I consider teacher.

    Meditation is observing things as they really are and that is hard work! not just physically but also mentally. even after many years of meditation you will have bodily pains, and days where everything " just goes wrong" with your meditation.. all things are ever changing, strive on with diligence.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    Sorry but there are almost no limits to what can arise in your meditation given enough time.

    The purpose of meditation is to be open & accepting of whatever arises as opposed to our more worldly habitual responses of judging everything through ego based glasses.

    Some meditative experiences are great or scary or luminous or dark or boring or just about anything else one can imagine but a meditaters job is to simply bear witness to the unfolding births, life's and eventual deaths of all these experiences.

    It's called it a practise because it's a skill that we either endlessly develop and persevere with.......or turn away from.

    Why do you meditate?
  • sovasova delocalized fractyllic harmonizing Veteran
    some thoughts

    try setting the tone of your meditation as you prepare to sit

    higher texts state to arouse bodhi-chitta [usually written bodhicitta] - to desire to relieve all the stress/pain/suffering of all beings / the whole place.


    lightly arch your back

    sit firmly on your ass

    and when relaxed, your mind will be able to positively and logically de-construct / un-compose the elements of whatever image triggers disquietude

    a river runs its course and over millions of years carves a path through hard rock and sediment

    yet the water, forever pure, only stirred
  • I just want to know if anyone has had bad experiences meditating.recently i was halfway through meditating and an image popped into my mind that I didn't like and also gave me a bit of a fright
    An image. A fright. Insight.
    I fully appreciate that we may at times only be prepared for clouds of purelands . . . and rainbows . . .

    I had a dharma friend who was schizophrenic. Tantric deities and demons would arrive as visible manifestations. How much calm do you think someone has to generate when that happens . . .

    You have it easy. Every arising is just so. Just right. A friend of our inner karma. A frightening friend too is a protector. We can learn from them, we do not have to be like them . . .

    What type of meditation were you doing? Eyes closed perhaps? Try meditating with the eyes open, resting gently four or five feet ahead. If you are stressed, then this could be a manifestation.

    Can you appreciate what you are doing, being effected by an arising?

    Nothing has harmed you. What will you do?
    I will send you some metta as protection. You will be fine.
  • Everything is temporary. If we do not cling to what arises in our minds, it cannot harm us, it cannot deter us from our goal, it cannot cause us suffering. Let go, and you will be free. Every moment as if born anew, fresh, no past conditioning, no future reasoning. Live every moment.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    swanny84 said:

    hi all,
    I just want to know if anyone has had bad experiences meditating.recently i was halfway through meditating and an image popped into my mind that I didn't like and also gave me a bit of a fright,the last week or so I have been really stressed and my heads been all over the place this might be a factor,I have been meditating for almost a year now and all experiences have been great so far this just shook me up a bit. do you know how i could deal with this as iv'e not meditated since this happened.

    Thanks for you're time

    If one has a nightmare it is not advisable for that person to never sleep again for fear of experiencing discomfort, pain and fright. Instead such a person is counselled that the nightmare was a temporary appearance to mind and lets go of the attachment to it.

    These appearances to mind have no self existence they are just appearances.

    What meditation is it you practice ?
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    swanny84 said:

    recently i was halfway through meditating and an image popped into my mind that I didn't like and also gave me a bit of a fright...

    This kind of thing can happen. Can you say what the image was like? And what kind of meditation are you doing?
  • I have had some TERRIFYING experiences, right along with extreme joyous experiences. Imho it is our job to recognize them, feel them, wholeheartedly experience it and then let it go... I have found that if a vision frightens me to the point of ending my practice(has happened quite a few times), It is right back when I try again the next day. Almost mocking me saying "bahahaha you thought I was gone didnt you? WRONG!" Whatever it is, it is trying to teach you something through the experience and will persist until you relinquish your attachment to the "happy" side of your practice. Truly experience all aspects of the emotions it presents you with.

    Scary movies have NOTHING on some of these meditation experiences. It took me a long time and many of these visions to realize that (1.) I am not crazy (2.) They are not 'evil' (3.) Fear is just the means to teaching certain lessons

    Hope this helps, namaste!
  • FoibleFullFoibleFull Canada Veteran
    I am told that some meditative practices are more likely to produce negative phenomenon.

    My teacher (one of the Dalai Lama's monks) says if something is really frightening you, to start inwardly focusing on the Refuge Chant. It certainly does calm down whatever is going on inside you.

    I grew up with a mother who practice yoga (Raja yoga), so I was meditating young. The meditations produced much unwanted phenomena.
    I've had very little trouble with Buddhist meditations ... only one thing in particular, and the Refuge Chant works very well for me. I don't know why ... it's possible that singing "I want a hippopotamus for Xmas" would work just as well.
  • I want a hippopotamus for Xmas
    Fighting fire with fire? Just think how much stuffing you would need . . . :eek:
    Thoughts and arisings. When will we 'say', 'Hello thought, Hollow thought, bye bye thought . . . '

    no hippopotami were harmed in the sending of this post :wave:
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