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Hi, I am new to the Buddhists Reggio and I have a question
What meats can't Theravada eat?
See here, under 'Alms for Food'.
Remember this is mainly an instruction to MONKS.
(Page 48.)
Again, this is a MONASTIC code.
Welcome to the forum. I see you are a fellow Brit! Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you! @Bjack6 I can't speak specifically for Theravada Buddhism, but I can say that Buddhism for the layman is not as strict as one would expect. Being a Buddhist is more, if not all, about self-discovery and less about "rules." It's why there are no "sins" in Buddhism. Everything has and will have a logical cause and effect. However, many people do find that not consuming certain meats or whatnot is helpful in letting go of attachment and becoming closer to seeing one's true nature. If you wish to be a layman Buddhist, then I would recommend using your own judgement. Like @federica said above, if you wish to become a monk, then there are stricter codes.
Sarwa Maitri,
Wow! They certainly had some interesting butchers in the Buddhas time. Try and keep off the unicorn and talking dragons too ...
Here to help
huh i didnt know this......but sounds good to me!
whats the general view on eating meat though? Because I really cant cut meat out of my diet. We have cut back on our meat. We have 3 days a week meat free. But I have food allergies which means that eating a huge amount of fruit and veg is not an option as I can get sick (yes its true i swear). Meat is the most stable food source for me so cutting that out would mk things tricky.
Any thoughts?
You don't HAVE to cut out meat. Some Buddhists are vegans, some vegetarian, some eat meat.
It's good to ask where the meat comes from, if the animal was treated as humanely as possible, etc. Here, most meat comes from factory farms where the animals are treated awfully.
Yes, eating mindfully does include an awareness of how the food ended up on our plate.
I am trying to give them up ...
Far too meaty.
The Dalai Lama eats meat every other day. Being healthy according to our needs avoids dukkha. Moving towards a diet of moonbeams (for high Buddhist adepts) is way beyond my fish eating capacity.
Here is something for the Tantric meat eating, tongue swallowers ...
Who cares? He ain't the bleedin' pope.
HHDL's website states that he eats vegetarian at home in Dharamsala but not necessarily when he travels.
His autobiography says that he had to go back to meat eating after falling ill in trying to be a strict vegetarian. It just depends on what year you look at, lol. There are also interviews where he does say he eats meat every other day. Others yet say once a week. In any case, I don't think getting hung up on what anyone else eats is the way to figure out what each of us should eat. It's very individual and depends upon a lot of factors, including genetics.
-So they could eat monkey flesh? "Sheer luxury"
Ok great, thanks for clearing that up
Yes we are trying our best to source ethical meats ect.
aww poor kangaroos.....yeah dont eat kangaroo
Well then you might as well say, don't eat poor cows, lambs, pigs, chickens, ducks, salmon.....
"Please don't eat me!"
"Or me!"
"Or us!"
Aw, they are so sweet! I want some! ( not to eat )
This thread is making me hungry
A friend of mine substituted kangaroo meat in a steak sandwich for me years ago without telling me. It made me quite ill. This was after I had stated quite emphatically that I wouldn't eat my coat of arms
Poor Skippy
Awaiting OP's return.