I've just found out my grandfather tony Nickerson's cancer has returned with a vengeance it is aggressive and he is refusing chemotherapy, there in sealing his fate, we don't know how long he has but we know its not long please keep my grandfather in your thoughts and prayers... As well as my grandmother and all my family..
Sorry @shep83. Blessings to you and your family
@shep83, you have my prayers and best wishes during this time of sadness and pending loss. Please grab every moment you can to treasure with your grandparents and family. Life is such a precious treasure. The heart is the keeper of the treasure. May your heart be full, though it will ache. The pain will come and pass. The memories will keep your grandfather in your heart with you always.
Peace to you
Peace to all
Peace to your grandfather
and all who love him.
@shep83, sorry to hear. Will reflect on him in my practice.
Best wishes to you and your loved ones. It seems to come in waves doesn't it, I just also heard the mother of my father's girlfriend has cancer and it has metastasised.
Sorry to hear that kerome, bloody cancer.
In the last year or so my neighbor's wife on one side of me died from breast cancer. The woman down the end of the street, her husband died from lung cancer, as did the boyfriend of the woman who lived behind her. My ex wife's niece had her lymph cancer return for the second time and recently finished her second bout of chemo and radiation. She is in her 30's and can never have any more radiation if it comes back a third time, or when it comes back I should say. The woman who runs the coffee house I go to told me this morning that her father is now in hospice in Ohio and his doctors have decided not to give him any more drugs to fight his cancer, so she is flying up there tomorrow. My cat Sissy, the love of my life, lost a bout w/ lymphoma cancer last year. I was her primary caregiver and gave her the chemo, the steroids, the anti nausea medicines, the steroids, the pain meds, and brought her to her frequent vet visits for checkups and blood tests. She made it just one year, and then the drugs stopped working, the cancer came roaring back, and I had to make the decision to euthanize her because there was no guarantee that anything would change. That was the hardest decision of my life.
Cancer is something I know way too much about, but fortunately have no personal experience w/ it. Yet. I hope your grandfather's doctors put him into hospice so that the pain issues will be addressed. If they don't do the hospice thing, I hope they provide him w/ plenty of pain meds. Sometimes different doctors are called for. Sorry to hear that this happened to him.
I thought the C word was Trump.
My bad.
Love and Peace.
A friend and another friend's husband were recently diagnosed. A while ago I came to the conclusion that the older we are the more people we know and because we're older the people we know are older - thus, we're more likely to meet people who have cancer.
I learnt at a young age that with life is death. Mortality is the foundation of the dharma. That said, it's still a painful process and a life with cancer is a painful life. And those left behind grieve and struggle.
Thanks everyone, its truly sad how many of us have been touched by this awful disease, my grandfather has a great journey ahead of him my only hope is that he dose not suffer and that we meet again in the next life.
I thought it was the other C word and I got excited (hey I am an Aussie, it's used very freely here). But seriously, @shep83 I'm sending metta your way. I've had my brushes with cancer and frankly, it sucks balls.
_ /\ _
Thankyou sir
'sir'...is a woman....
There just seems to be SO much cancer lately. Very sad. The 37 year old son of my friend died 2 weeks ago. His mom was diagnosed with breast cancer the same day he found his cancer had returned. The husband of a classmate of mine also has cancer, he is 42. A local boy died 2 years ago. 2 local kids (9 and 18) both diagnosed with bone cancer within weeks of each other. We live in a very small town (3000 people) so to have so many young people dealing with cancer especially just seems so unfair.
@shep83 I'm sorry for the suffering of your grandfather and your family as you navigate this process and life without him. Many blessings to him on his journey.
^^. allegedly!
[lobster adopts solemn tone] ... and now back to the ball sucking cancelled ... 
My grandad is now home from hospital, although we know he will not recover we are happy that he's home.
Good news @shep83
Don't make me prove it my crusty friend lol