I am new to this forum or any other forum for that matter and I am having a hard time understanding how to use this forum. There is a lot of threads that seem to have started long time ago and I am not sure if I should add anything since I don't know if anyone looks at them anymore. I am hoping someone has some tips on how best to navigate and use this forum to its potential.
Myself, I grew up Roman Catholic but never really believed in what I was taught or told. Many things in other religions seem like science fiction to me (Parting of the red sea, Nohas Arc etc). I have always been interested in Buddhism as it seemed to fit my views well on how to live and treat each other but never took the next step. I notice a lot more hatred, greed and jelousy in the world today and began to feel that I needed something more spiritual in my life and started reading about Buddhism.
I am hoping this forum will help with my journey!
Nice to meet everyone :-)

There are threads that are 10 years old here, if you search for them. The general rule is, if a thread hasn't been used in more than a year, it's best to start a new one if you want to explore that topic. Too many people come and go. If you go to the top left and click on recent discussions, it'll have the time for the last post if it's within 24 hours, and the date if it's more than 24 hours. As long as that is more recent, you are good to go. If you stick to threads that are within 5-10 pages of the most recent, usually you won't run into problems. I spent a lot of time exploring so I could figure out how it all worked. It's easy once you get the hang of it
It's a great place to learn a lot of stuff.
Greetings! If you see an old thread with a topic or post that catches your interest, maybe you can just start a new post explaining this and tell us your own thoughts or questions.
Hi @Tigger - welcome!
Welcome @Tigger !
i'm new to the forum too but i can tell you i've learned quite a lot in the little amount of time i've spent and its good to connect with fellow Buddhists as well here!
At the top of "Recent Discussions" main index, is a thread titled "Dredging up old threads". That explains the rationale behind beginning new threads rather than digging up an old one. Just pick your appropriate sub-forum (or one you feel best fits your topic matter) and start a new discussion. If it seems inappropriately placed, I can move it for you anyway....
As @karasti explained, the first few pages of the discussions index will show you which threads are most recent, page one consisting of the current topics....
Just dive in, join in and get going! Have fun, it's really just a place to exchange ideas and chat about whatever happens at the moment, either in the big world, or for you.... Nice to see you, welcome aboard!
Oh, and the new members have to bring the refreshments for after the service.
And Spiny Norman prefers ice cream.
Hi @Tigger
all religions have science fiction or fantasy elements. Buddhism has its fair share of metaphor, symbol and fairy tales. However we also have some hardcore, pragmatic practices and teachings. Hope you find something useful here ... 
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I truly appreciate it :-)
How do you post someone else's remark if I want to remark on their remark (lol, I hope that made sense). For example Dakini has the yello box in his comment to reference Cinorjer's comment. I'm a little technologically challenged...lol. I have a feeling it might be the "Quote" option, am I correct? or does it happen automatically if I put @membersname.
Hi @Tigger, welcome, yeah you guessed right you need to use quote.
When I use quote, where do I put my text, does it distiguish between "quote" and my text? because when I put quote it appears I put my text in the same text box
I tried using quote which automatically entered the members comment but qrote my comment beneath it. When posting it came up as one comment without the yellow box to seperate my comment from the quote I was commenting on. Can anyone tell me how to do it?
This is How I end up doing it:
Put a Right-pointing chevron thus:
Then immediately after it, put:
@member said:
Immediately follow that with a comment, made by said member, that they posted, and which you have COPIED and pasted. Like this:
If there is a return/enter, and a new line typed (not a continuation of a sentence, but one that has been added by pressing 'enter' and starting a new line), you'll need to add a new chevron.
This is a continuation...
qwwrasczdsfdfgadhgadfhfg,dfnglkjgh;aolrgj/laegjn;kajefgh;kjafhljewugfliakgjz,dfmv nzmsjdvnlkzjdnfv.zkdfjbnzkdjfnv.kzdfjnbz;ldfkbj
And this is a new line...
So this -
needs no second chevron...
But this -
**...did. One in front of the 'A', and another in front of the 'S'.
Let's put the whole bits together...
After your quoted passage, press return/enter, =twice. Leave a gap between your quoted text, and your response, otherwise your response will be included as part of the quote! like this....
(no space)
I don't agree...
This should work
Did it!
Thanks @federica :-)
What does veteran mean on people's profiles?
Federica, how do I contact you if I have a question?
@Tigger There are different designations based on how many posts/comments you have made. New, explorer and veteran I think. There might be one in between.
If you want to send someone a message privately you need to go to their profile and then click the button to send a message. You can use the search box at the top of the page to find them or if you are in a thread just click on their name, it's a link to their profile. On the right of their profile page, there is a button to message. If you just have a question within a thread, you can just used the @name to alert them. Then it shows in their notifications that they were tagged in a post. Like I did with yours at the beginning of this post.
Don't forget to note that people are all over the world here, so it might take a while to get a response if you happen to message them in the middle of the night. @federica is our main admin/moderator and she lives in the UK.
Thanks @karasti, yes, I'd have pointed out in exactly the same way...
Only one thing: I'm not admin, I 'only' Moderate. Admin is @Linc's domain, and I'm happy for it to remain so...!
Thank you very much
thank you for the distinction. I never know which is which so I tend to use them interchangeably and usually incorrectly!
ONLY moderate..... Yes the sun only rises daily too. There's nothing "only" about you @federica

I agree, you have been very helpful for me finding my way around here
Meeting everyone on here has been very fruitful
You haz fruit? Yum! Always share fruit.
It may be green, over ripe or fit only for compost BUT all of it has seeds ... some of us can even make use of peelings ... Fruit, the best thing since sliced bread carrot cake ...
Welcome to the party, @Tigger . Looking forward to traveling with you on this wild journey.
Hey @Tigger I hope all is well with you
Best wishes