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For Men Only

TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

I find this video quite instructive for men. It demonstrates how worldly things can influence our mind and take it away from its basic nature. I find it a test to see if we could indeed be addicted to occurrences in our world. I suggest some sitting meditation to quiet the mind before doing this practice.



  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Of course, when it comes to Meditation, Mind, Enlightenment and all associated qualities of Practice, Gender plays no part.
    It is only in the cycle of Samsara that those whose eyes are still veiled by longing, notice, or are alerted to, any discernible difference....

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Of course if we were really going to instruct men according to what to watch for specifically in practice it is the creeping poison of male privilige. In that way it is quite an instructive figure where Robert Palmer represents the patriarch and his lovely band the harem.

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    @federica said:
    Of course, when it comes to Meditation, Mind, Enlightenment and all associated qualities of Practice, Gender plays no part.
    It is only in the cycle of Samsara that those whose eyes are still veiled by longing, notice, or are alerted to, any discernible difference....

    I am in complete agreement @federica. For my own part i make no distinction, and my hopes are that other men will in time come to the same realization. Thank you so much for your note, its sensitivity and insight are much appreciated.

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    @Kerome said:
    Of course if we were really going to instruct men according to what to watch for specifically in practice it is the creeping poison of male privilige. In that way it is quite an instructive figure where Robert Palmer represents the patriarch and his lovely band the harem.

    Yes @Kerome, i might even borrow your insightful phrase and call it the creepy poison of male privilege. It was quite obvious to me as well that the unfortunate ladies were being used as sex objects and that Robert Palmer was exploiting them. Much work needs to be done in this area, and if i could, i would personally intervene to see that the ladies were enlightened about how they were being used. There is really so much to do and so little time. Thank you for your heartfelt note.

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    Unfortunately, fast forward past the eighties, and women are still being objectified in the video world industry today.

    Video clips are still chock full with half-naked women waving their anatomy and playing harem to a gaping pasha.
    Not to mention the world of advertisement.
    Even an asexed product like an olive oil does cannot sell unless a gorgeous-looking woman appears on screen.

    At least Robert Palmer was an excellent and accomplished musician.
    Attributes not commonly found in most flash-in-the-pan singers and rappers nowadays...

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    @Buddhadragon said:
    Even an asexed product like an olive oil does cannot sell unless a gorgeous-looking woman appears on screen.

    Guys (if you'll pardon the vernacular ... maybe we should not)
    Please differentiate between gender and sex ... if possible ...

    Olive oil is an excellent lubricant but it is not a meat product. :p

    Here is a previous sing song ...

    Yours in the Dhrama
    Mx Lobster

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    We do seem to be getting quite a lot of commentary from women (and crustaceans!) on a thread for the men. Anyway I imagine they are free to participate :3

    Just to come back to the Robert Palmer video, the lyrics put me in mind that perhaps he was quite aware that he was objectifying these women, and it is meant to be tongue in cheek. Although certainly he was aware that sex sells and the video was sure to get a lot of airplay.

    But it’s a dangerous business when the media seem so hell-bent on pushing sexist images, especially to the young in music video’s. It’s also a long way from how these images are seen in real life, where women do not behave like that unless you happen to be a rock star.

    I live close to the beach, and in the summertime there are lots of people sunbathing and in swimwear. But it’s mostly couples, nuclear families and groups of friends out there, and the interactions are for the most part totally friendly. It becomes normal, you see the bellies, the wrinkled oldies, all kinds of body shapes... there isn’t this ‘perfect’ look they push with advertising.

  • ajhayesajhayes Pema Jinpa Dorje Northern Michigan Veteran

    I would like to submit this as a potential addiction as well.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    @ajhayes said:

    I would like to submit this as a potential addiction as well.

    I don't consider myself especially spudist, I'm attracted to all root vegetables and am open to trying other vegetables like cruciferous or leafy, I might even try some fungus if the right opportunity came along.

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    @ajhayes said

    I would like to submit this as a potential addiction as well.

    Oh man, that's great. I always heard about Weird Al but never saw any of his stuff, now i know his appeal.

  • ajhayesajhayes Pema Jinpa Dorje Northern Michigan Veteran

    @Tsultrim said:

    Oh man, that's great. I always heard about Weird Al but never saw any of his stuff, now i know his appeal.

    He's my favorite performer, and he was the absolute best concert I've ever been to.

  • NeridaNerida Denmark Explorer

    @Kerome said:
    We do seem to be getting quite a lot of commentary from women (and crustaceans!) on a thread for the men. Anyway I imagine they are free to participate :3

    Just to come back to the Robert Palmer video, the lyrics put me in mind that perhaps he was quite aware that he was objectifying these women, and it is meant to be tongue in cheek. Although certainly he was aware that sex sells and the video was sure to get a lot of airplay.

    Indeed. In fact in an interview he stated it was deliberately done that way. You only have to listen to other tracks on his albums to see he was not that way inclined. (My mother and I are/were huge fans of his).

    But it’s a dangerous business when the media seem so hell-bent on pushing sexist images, especially to the young in music video’s. It’s also a long way from how these images are seen in real life, where women do not behave like that unless you happen to be a rock star.

    It would be better for the young if there were actions taken to support the words a lot of groups are saying about it. It's all well and good to wring our hands and castigate those in the industry (for example, Harvey Weinstein), but if no action is taken, it's all just hot air, right?

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran


  • NeridaNerida Denmark Explorer


  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran


    Real change is not hot air, balloons or ritual slaying.

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