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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Just when i thought the temperature was starting to cool down, (first thing this morning it was in the mid to high teens) it's now round 29C ......

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Shoshin1 said:
    Just when i thought the temperature was starting to cool down, (first thing this morning it was in the mid to high teens) it's now round 29C ......

    Might be a nice day for a skinny dip mate :)

    We've been lucky enough to avoid the rain that Qld and NSW copped last week. All my praying must have worked :)

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    That's good news @Bunks ...No skinny dipping today, I was working....

  • ShanJieshi2ShanJieshi2 bahia blanca Veteran

    @Shoshin1 its an Argiope Argentata.
    Thanks Google!!! Hahha

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Shoshin1 said:
    That's good news @Bunks ...No skinny dipping today, I was working....

    Are they mutually exclusive? :lol:

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Happy International Women's Day!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @federica said:
    Happy International Women's Day!

    I was pleased to see my work making a point of highlighting this yesterday.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    The beach was almost deserted this morning...and the ocean had a bit of a chill to it, but still quite warm...

    It's been quite dry for the last few weeks and the ground around the lookout point is starting to crack up...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Beautiful sunrise on this morning's jolk....

    As the night's darkness lengthens so the day's light shortens... Autumn is at Summer's back door, waiting to greet us..

    Change is inevitable ...suffering optional

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    That’s true… we just had the first uninterrupted sunny week after a long period of rain and cloud, a reminder that Spring is coming. Temperatures are still freezing at night but during the daytime got up to 14 degrees, enough to sit in the garden in the sunshine.

    My morning walk a few days ago with my aunt and her dog.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    We have had some lovely days recently. I was able to drive with the top down!
    (On my car, not my clothes! Get your filthy minds out of the gutter!)

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Using the 'trash nothing' app to gift my junk

    Someone very pleased to receive a frying pan. O.o Next a microwave/oven that half works and a toaster that does not work properly. Seems people have a use for all sorts …

    Being a bodhisattva was never easier … o:)

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    @federica said:
    We have had some lovely days recently. I was able to drive with the top down!

    Which reminds me, many years ago when I live in Sydney (Coogee beach 1970s) I had an old yellow mini moke...Like this

    Mind you, mine had quite a few dents and scratches, I think i paid around $80 or $100 for it back then....

  • @Shoshin1
    Racw ready I presume.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited March 2022

    I haven't been asleep since I woke up Wednesday morning.
    Another night plagued by insomnia
    It's a miracle I'm even functioning at all. Once hubby leaves for work, I might just crawl back into my pit and try to get at least a short while of shut-eye.
    My usual witty self I may be. Fit to drive, I am most definitely not.
    Shopping will have to wait.....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @federica said:
    I haven't been asleep since I woke up Wednesday morning.
    Another night plagued by insomnia
    It's a miracle I'm even functioning at all. Once hubby leaves for work, I might just crawl back into my pit and try to get at least a short while of shut-eye.
    My usual witty self I may be. Fit to drive, I am most definitely not.
    Shopping will have to wait.....

    Oh no Fede! Have you tried anything to help you sleep? Melotonin?

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @federica said:
    I haven't been asleep since I woke up Wednesday morning.
    Another night plagued by insomnia
    It's a miracle I'm even functioning at all. Once hubby leaves for work, I might just crawl back into my pit and try to get at least a short while of shut-eye.
    My usual witty self I may be. Fit to drive, I am most definitely not.
    Shopping will have to wait.....

    A bad bout of insomnia is awful, it leaves you so dull and energyless. I sympathise Fede, hope you can catch some shut-eye and feel better in the afternoon.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Bunks said:

    @federica said:
    I haven't been asleep since I woke up Wednesday morning.
    Another night plagued by insomnia
    It's a miracle I'm even functioning at all. Once hubby leaves for work, I might just crawl back into my pit and try to get at least a short while of shut-eye.
    My usual witty self I may be. Fit to drive, I am most definitely not.
    Shopping will have to wait.....

    Oh no Fede! Have you tried anything to help you sleep? Melotonin?

    Thanks, @Bunks; I know what's caused it. It always happens - I began a period of Fasting yesterday morning, and it always deprives me of sleep when I do. Things will go back to normal tonight. I guess I should thank my lucky stars I'm not in employment now.

    @Jeroen said: A bad bout of insomnia is awful, it leaves you so dull and energyless. I sympathise Fede, hope you can catch some shut-eye and feel better in the afternoon.

    Thank you. Never managed to grab any shut-eye, but did lie down for an hour or so, and did nothing... which actually helped.
    I feel somewhat better now. And I'm happy to report that since I stopped drinking tea and coffee with caffeine, I have slept much better. And keeping away from technology for at least an hour before retiring, has also been helpful...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited March 2022

    @Lionduck said:
    Racw ready I presume.

    Not sure what Racw means @Lionduck ? ( Oops I accidentally clicked on flag instead of quote, when responding to your post @Lionduck hopefully it wasn't actioned )

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited March 2022

    I've found when I had trouble falling to sleep it was because I had my laptop and phone in the bedroom with me and would watch something while laying in bed, before trying to go to sleep...

    It turns out I had been creating a habit in which the bedroom and lounge were not separate places( in both places I would be stimulating my mind by watching programmes)...

    And after reading about the importance of associating the bedroom with sleep only ( a place of rest...a place with no stimulating devices)...I found it easier falling asleep...In other words I trained my mind to associate the bedroom with sleep...

    Not saying that this approach with work for everyone who suffers from insomnia...

    The downside is every time I walk into my bedroom to get something I start to feel drowsy and begin to nod off


  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Heaps of boats in the bays this morning..

    Over a hundred boats with an average of two people onboard ...According to some experts one in ten people in Aotearoa will catch Omicron, so around 20 people off the boats could already have it...Auckland being the epicentre with cases rapidly rising...

  • @Shoshin1
    Race ready ;)
    and sleep well. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Yesterday just arriving home from a short walk...I spied some bees going to town on the stamen of a large white lily, filling their boots pollen sacks....

    It was quite chilly first thing this morning on my jolk, however it turned out to be a beautiful day, hot and sunny, but unfortunately I had to work..

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Well another scorcher today, mid to high twenties, so after the morning jolk I headed to the beach for a skinny dip...The water's still warm...

    There was a woman sitting up on the embankment who I passed on my way down, later I heard her telling a friend who had just arrived at the beach that she had Covid. I had also heard her coughing and sneezing...she should not have been out at the beach, fortunately there were only a few people (around half a dozen) there and she was sitting well away from others...but still one would think that she would do the right thing and stay home....

    It's a bloody steep climb back up to the road...especially in this heat...

    When I reached the top I was hot and sweaty AKA drenched...and felt like going back down for a swim to cool off ;)

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    This morning's jolk, it was quite overcast and cool...nice jolking weather....

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited March 2022

    Was finding about plogging @Shoshin1

    when I came across this floating through the multiverse

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Interesting @lobster ....I've lost count of the amount of rubbish I've picked up while out jolking( I guess one could call it plogging) ....

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited March 2022

    They are putting junk through my letterbox/mail box again. Junk mail, for example invite to an XR climate rebellion meeting to change the world …

    Too busy saving the multiverse to engage … B)

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    The person who put it in your letterbox @lobster is just a (oxy)moron ;);)

  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited March 2022

    I think that my plogging is more of a litter-oriented saunter where the forward momentum becomes conditional to the refuse conditions that I meet.
    Here, a formal walking meditation jousts with a concentration exercise.
    A continual drawing out and re-sheathing of my pickup stick from its garbage bag carries collieries to some samurai practices while the echoes of a litter searching eye develop habitual twitches far beyond its field of view.
    I am reminded of a crazy man I once met, walking by my home in a heavy downpour, happily wearing a full snorkel, mask and flippers that he'd found.
    Perhaps I have more in common with him than I thought.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Great moose photo @fosdick … about the largest wildlife we see around here is the local heron.

    I did see a spider outside my window devour a butterfly caught in its web though.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Bonus Moose track …

  • @Fosdick That is one beautiful creature. My heart <3

    Bonus Moose Tracks...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    It's been quite dry over the last couple of months, however over the weekend there's meant to be some heavy rain and strong winds hitting the island and most parts of the North island including Auckland...It's just started to rain now....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Shoshin1 said:
    It's been quite dry over the last couple of months, however over the weekend there's meant to be some heavy rain and strong winds hitting the island and most parts of the North island including Auckland...It's just started to rain now....

    Your jolks could be quite interesting this weekend

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    @Bunks said:

    @Shoshin1 said:
    It's been quite dry over the last couple of months, however over the weekend there's meant to be some heavy rain and strong winds hitting the island and most parts of the North island including Auckland...It's just started to rain now....

    Your jolks could be quite interesting this weekend

    So far so good @Bunks, we had some rain last night but none this morning during the jolk, in fact at the moment there's quite a bit of sunshine...

    Perhaps it's the calm before the storm...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    The wind has picked up slight drop in temperature, but still no rain...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Apparently, Extinction rebellion members have been circulating and slashing the tyres of SUV's*. We had three damaged in a local car park but unfortunately our town isn't well-equipped with CCTV as it might be. Police are naturally aware and looking for the culprits (who may not be ER members, but just miscreants jumping on the SUV-waggon...)
    I quote:
    "Each year, SUVs belch out 700 megatonnes of CO2, about the entire output of the UK and Netherlands combined. If all SUV drivers banded together to form their own country, it would rank as the seventh largest emitter in the world."
    (data collected 2020)
    From HERE

    I have a certain amount of sympathy. SUV's in a rural/countryside setting, are one thing. In an urban, populated town... Hmmmm...

    Not guilty, by the way.

    (*SUV is an acronym for Sports Utility Vehicle. It's like a station wagon but with a tougher look and a design for _off-road driving_.)

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    ER members on this side of the world can be selectively annoying in deciding where & when to block public traffic but the slashing of tires would be grounds for a members expulsion.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited March 2022

    No jolk this morning for obvious reasons, the full force of storm has finally arrived...Thunder, lightening and heavy rain as I type this...

    Bucketing down....

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Well yesterday down under it was international Happiness day, for some members it still is...So have a happy one

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Happy Equinox!! <3

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited March 2022

    The storm gradually passing (taken at work)

    Shortly after...

    ...What storm???

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    I have been watching the women's world cup in NZ @Shoshin1 but looks like today's game has been washed out :(

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    I haven't been following it, but this may well be the case @Bunks... the stormy weather is moving a cross the North Island....

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    I have a certain amount of sympathy.

    Me too for ordinary people trying to navigate the largely misguided white middle class XR who will soon be extinct … along with the rest of us … or not …

    Here is my local XR activist, a wild cranesbill geranium in my garden …

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited March 2022

    @Shoshin1 said:

    This morning's weather bomb was one of the wettest 'hours' on record...Floods all over Auckland and over 8 thousand lightening strikes...

    I must admit it was one of the heaviest downpours I've experienced on the island....

    However the Dharma must get through, so it's Buddhism on the Beach as usual this evening....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Wow! That's full on @Shoshin1

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    @Bunks said:
    Wow! That's full on @Shoshin1

    In some part of Auckland 80mm of rain in one hour, where during a 'normal' storm with heavy rain it's only 20mm...
    Today it's business as usual...well apart from the warning about Mt Ruapehu's increased likelihood of eruption...

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