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There have been tragedies reported in the news, resulting from young people following instructions posted on the internet or youtube for personal challenges of various sorts. This kind of thing is da… (View Post)
I'm not sure how this "no self" business got started. From what I understand, the Buddha did not teach "no self", which he considered to be nihilism. He cautioned his followers ag… (View Post)
The point is the crux of the Buddha's teachings: the 4 Noble Truths: 1. Life is stressful.and full of suffering. 2. The root cause of the suffering is in our minds: attachment/grasping (desire, greed… (View Post)
(Quote) "...willfully deprived Floyd of his civil rights". ?? Don't they mean "...willfully deprived Floyd of his life"? They deprived him of a lot more than his rights, jeez! Wha… (View Post)