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federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
@Bunks said: @federica / @lobster (and others) - how are you feeling about (virtually) all restrictions being lifted next week in the UK?
Minister for Health, on Monday:
"Its time to put our faith in the common sense of British people, and trust them to deal with the lifting of restrictions in a sensible and responsible manner. I am confident that we can set an example to the entire world, of how we have the knowlege and maturity to accomplish this."
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
edited July 2021
@コチシカ said:
After a weird night -sweating, headache, muscle pain- I've risen in a better shape! Hurray for the weekend!
Are you due a second shot?
You'll find that one much easier to tolerate....
Hmmmm, putting their faith in the common sense of people….you’re screwed basically!
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@Bunks said: @federica / @lobster (and others) - how are you feeling about (virtually) all restrictions being lifted next week in the UK?
A lot of restrictions were lifted here a few weeks ago. No more mouthcaps in public spaces except on public transport, the cafe’s are open again, people can go to dance events in the evenings if they can provide a clean covid test or evidence of vaccination.
And what happened, a big spike of covid cases among the young adults. They are saying this wave should peak sometime early august, without causing the hospitals too many problems. And they are looking at the Delta variant which is more infectious and we don’t know yet how well the vaccinations will hold up.
@Bunks said: @federica / @lobster (and others) - how are you feeling about (virtually) all restrictions being lifted next week in the UK?
A lot of restrictions were lifted here a few weeks ago. No more mouthcaps in public spaces except on public transport, the cafe’s are open again, people can go to dance events in the evenings if they can provide a clean covid test or evidence of vaccination.
And what happened, a big spike of covid cases among the young adults. They are saying this wave should peak sometime early august, without causing the hospitals too many problems. And they are looking at the Delta variant which is more infectious and we don’t know yet how well the vaccinations will hold up.
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
Restrictions have brought out the ridiculous in rules and reg's, and shown how very daft some people are. referring to my humorous observation above, the beat it seems, goes on. Complaints today that some major (and not-so-major) companies are using Covid as an excuse for poor and slow service. And the lady at the sandwich bar who maintained she couldn't cut a round of sandwiches into 4 instead of two, or the greengrocer who was reluctant to put red and white onions together in the same bag - Because, Covid - must surely win today's Dimwit Award for the most ridiculous use of the "Covid Excuse"...
It's only a matter of time before the Delta variant reaches our shores ( that is, appears in the community) and complacency will no doubt give it a helping hand...
@Shoshin1 said:
The whole of Victoria back in lockdown...Have you been working from home @Bunks ?
Yeah, have been for a long time now.
We are used to the lockdowns. I actually kinda like it (ssshhhhhh, don’t tell anyone). I do feel for those who don’t though. I know it’s an inconvenience and stress for a lot of people.
Glad they’re on to it early. This Delta variant appears very contagious.
At the moment we have the RS virus (Respiratory syncytial virus) going around the island, it's also quite contagious, babies and those adults with underlying health problems are most at risks, similar symptoms to corona virus, headaches, fatigue, difficulty breathing/shortness of breath...
A few people I know have caught it, one of my clients who is housebound, and whom I do home visit once a week has it, I was meant to do a home visit yesterday, however when I rang to say I was on my way, she sounded quite breathless ( more than usual) she has been sick with emphysema for many years she was a heavy smoker and a recovering alcoholic...sadly she has had a tough life... the doctors have told her she only has a matter of months to live...
Because of her condition I always take precautions, by wearing a mask and sanitising my hands when I enter her place, just incase I could be asymptomatic and accidentally infect her, but sadly most of her other visitors don't take such precautions hence why she now has this virus...
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
Yes, people don't realise that a mask works both ways. It protects you, but also protects others....
@how said:
Saw an effective demarcation system on the ground yesterday where outside of the entrance to the store as well as inside leading to each cash register was a number of 3ft waiting circles each seperated from each other by a 6 ft line. It seemed that here there was finally a demarcation system that was obvious enough to have everyone adhere to at least a real 6 ft space seperation from each other.
Of course any scientific testing I've seen of cough/sneeze droplet propulsion clearly shows that 12 ft is the minimum distance needed (in neutral air current conditions) to stay out everybody elses potential spraying range.
The 6-foot separation was designed with the idea in mind, that everyone would be wearing masks, not coughing or sneezing openly.
I live in the virus's original epicenter (in the US) in senior housing. Our building just had a Delta variant outbreak that they are keeping hush-hush; five positive cases that I know of.
@yagr said:
I live in the virus's original epicenter (in the US) in senior housing. Our building just had a Delta variant outbreak that they are keeping hush-hush; five positive cases that I know of.
Hello all, long time no see. I hope you're all coping with the pandemic OK. I quite enjoyed the lockdowns myself. 😋
I've been exploring Advaita for the last couple of years, which has been fascinating.
Hey @DairyLama - you will forever be remembered in my mind as the person who created the Word Association Game thread....
29,000 posts later hehe.
I hope you are well?
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@DairyLama said:
Hello all, long time no see. I hope you're all coping with the pandemic OK. I quite enjoyed the lockdowns myself. 😋
I've been exploring Advaita for the last couple of years, which has been fascinating.
Hey DairyLama, good to see you again! I agree Advaita is really interesting, I went through a phase of it myself a while ago. I spent some time reading neo-Advaita sages like H.W.L. Poonja, he seems to have been the origin of a lot of western teachers.
@DairyLama said:
Hello all, long time no see. I hope you're all coping with the pandemic OK. I quite enjoyed the lockdowns myself. 😋
I've been exploring Advaita for the last couple of years, which has been fascinating.
Hey DairyLama, good to see you again! I agree Advaita is really interesting, I went through a phase of it myself a while ago. I spent some time reading neo-Advaita sages like H.W.L. Poonja, he seems to have been the origin of a lot of western teachers.
I'm more interested in classical Advaita - but that's another discussion!
Have you had your covid jabs? I've had 2 astrazennenica, and haven't turned into a zombie.... Well, not so far, anyway. 😆
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
I had both shots of the Pfizer vaccine, no real side effects other than some bruising and fatigue. But among my friends there are a couple who are saying they don’t want the vaccine at all — I don’t understand that attitude.
@Kerome said:
I had both shots of the Pfizer vaccine, no real side effects other than some bruising and fatigue. But among my friends there are a couple who are saying they don’t want the vaccine at all — I don’t understand that attitude.
No, I don't get it either. It's about public health, not personal agendas.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@DairyLama said:
No, I don't get it either. It's about public health, not personal agendas.
Yes, I agree. The sooner everybody has both shots of a vaccine, the sooner we can get on with the important business of just living.
@DairyLama said:
Hello all, long time no see. I hope you're all coping with the pandemic OK. I quite enjoyed the lockdowns myself. 😋
I've been exploring Advaita for the last couple of years, which has been fascinating.
Hey DairyLama, good to see you again! I agree Advaita is really interesting, I went through a phase of it myself a while ago. I spent some time reading neo-Advaita sages like H.W.L. Poonja, he seems to have been the origin of a lot of western teachers.
I'm more interested in classical Advaita - but that's another discussion!
Have you had your covid jabs? I've had 2 astrazennenica, and haven't turned into a zombie.... Well, not so far, anyway. 😆
I’ve had my first AZ and waiting for the second. Only four weeks to go
@DairyLama said:
Hello all, long time no see. I hope you're all coping with the pandemic OK. I quite enjoyed the lockdowns myself. 😋
I've been exploring Advaita for the last couple of years, which has been fascinating.
Hey DairyLama, good to see you again! I agree Advaita is really interesting, I went through a phase of it myself a while ago. I spent some time reading neo-Advaita sages like H.W.L. Poonja, he seems to have been the origin of a lot of western teachers.
I'm more interested in classical Advaita - but that's another discussion!
Have you had your covid jabs? I've had 2 astrazennenica, and haven't turned into a zombie.... Well, not so far, anyway. 😆
I’ve had my first AZ and waiting for the second. Only four weeks to go
Good! I heard you had some anti-lockdown demonstrations there?
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
They were in the news here as well, some people in Amsterdam demonstrating. It didn’t seem to be a very large crowd though.
In Berlin there are apparently a few every week -anti-lockdown demonstrations I mean-. The last one I saw consisted of a group of cars carrying imperial German flags, protesting against the return to the DDR sighs. Really friendly old people though, but I suspect if I weren't white it would have been a totally different story.
Regarding COVID, even though I was skeptic, my entire family (triple mother, father, sister) got the virus and ended up all in hospital. My mother ended up developing pneumonia... She is doing better, while my sister and father are at home doing fine. She complains that having no sense of taste and smell makes food taste as if you were chewing "corcho".
By the way, my dad had his full double-shot dose of AstraZeneca and he was the only one that did not develop any "harsh" symtomps and recovered the quickest.
@DairyLama said:
Hello all, long time no see. I hope you're all coping with the pandemic OK. I quite enjoyed the lockdowns myself. 😋
I've been exploring Advaita for the last couple of years, which has been fascinating.
Hey DairyLama, good to see you again! I agree Advaita is really interesting, I went through a phase of it myself a while ago. I spent some time reading neo-Advaita sages like H.W.L. Poonja, he seems to have been the origin of a lot of western teachers.
I'm more interested in classical Advaita - but that's another discussion!
Have you had your covid jabs? I've had 2 astrazennenica, and haven't turned into a zombie.... Well, not so far, anyway. 😆
I’ve had my first AZ and waiting for the second. Only four weeks to go
Good! I heard you had some anti-lockdown demonstrations there?
New South Wales has recorded 172 community cases of Covid-19, its highest daily case total since the start of Sydney's current outbreak.
I heard that two have died ....
New South Wales has recorded 172 community cases of Covid-19, its highest daily case total since the start of Sydney's current outbreak.
I heard that two have died ....
Yes, our governments (both state and federal) have taken the suppression approach from day 1 of this pandemic. As soon as there's an out break of even a few cases, everyone gets locked down.
Given the slow rollout of our vaccines, this will be our reality for at least the remainder of 2021 I suspect.
Oh well, it's a good chance to focus more on practice.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@Bunks said:
Given the slow rollout of our vaccines, this will be our reality for at least the remainder of 2021 I suspect.
I think it’s a wrong choice, because Aus and NZ are both relatively wealthy countries with small populations, which could with timely virus deliveries have achieved herd immunity relatively early.
@Bunks said:
Given the slow rollout of our vaccines, this will be our reality for at least the remainder of 2021 I suspect.
I think it’s a wrong choice, because Aus and NZ are both relatively wealthy countries with small populations, which could with timely virus deliveries have achieved herd immunity relatively early.
A lot of governments have struggled to get the balance right. Restrictions in England have been removed, though it's too soon to judge the effect.
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
edited July 2021
Here in the states things are a bit weird at the moment. Early on in the vaccinations lots of people were getting them but now it is down to a trickle and there is a reasonably large cohort of people who won't get them.
Like usual I'm of two three minds. On the one hand I don't like the idea of forcing people to get a vaccine that is only approved for emergency use, that hasn't been long term tested. Especially threatening the loss of livelihood and thus material stability. On the other hand I absolutely will argue that you should get the shot even if you're wary or unsure about the safety. We all need to get back to living and in order to do that we need to get past this virus. I feel there is a sort of civic or patriotic duty to do your part, take a risk for the benefit of your community, country, humanity. Even so, and while the number of cases is moderately rising, almost the entirety of people who are getting sick or dying are the unvaccinated. They are the ones assuming most of the risk burden.
The population of the island I live on is around nine and half thousand, I asked one of the staff at the local vaccination centre ( we only have one centre ) how many vaccines have been given since the start of the vaccination programme, he said around four and half thousand, however I remember him telling me when I had my first shot that non locals were coming over from the main land to get their shots, because anybody could just turn up and if there were any spare vaccines they could have their shot (It turns out that if you call into the centre at either 9.30am or 3.30pm Monday to Friday and the people who were booked in didn't show then you could get their shot) ...So even though four and half thousand have had a shot, not all are locals....There will no doubt be quite a few locals who won't take one for the team...He also said they were averaging 120 vaccinations a day with just two nurses carrying out the vaccinations....
@Shoshin1 said:
The population of the island I live on is around nine and half thousand, I asked one of the staff at the local vaccination centre ( we only have one centre ) how many vaccines have been given since the start of the vaccination programme, he said around four and half thousand, however I remember him telling me when I had my first shot that non locals were coming over from the main land to get their shots, because anybody could just turn up and if there were any spare vaccines they could have their shot (It turns out that if you call into the centre at either 9.30am or 3.30pm Monday to Friday and the people who were booked in didn't show then you could get their shot) ...So even though four and half thousand have had a shot, not all are locals....There will no doubt be quite a few locals who won't take one for the team...He also said they were averaging 120 vaccinations a day with just two nurses carrying out the vaccinations....
What you need is an outbreak of Covid and a lock down. That'll get the locals off their butts
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@person said:
Here in the states things are a bit weird at the moment. Early on in the vaccinations lots of people were getting them but now it is down to a trickle and there is a reasonably large cohort of people who won't get them.
It’s the same over here. The vaccination level is hovering around 60% and it’s only rising slowly.
I feel there is a sort of civic or patriotic duty to do your part, take a risk for the benefit of your community, country, humanity. Even so, and while the number of cases is moderately rising, almost the entirety of people who are getting sick or dying are the unvaccinated. They are the ones assuming most of the risk burden.
That’s true, it’s only about 2% of the vaccinated population who are getting ill. But still, I don’t like the idea of the virus raging through the unvaccinated population, developing variants and eventually making a comeback. Like you, I think it’s the sensible thing to do to get vaccinated.
As someone who mistrusted the entire vaccination process -I'm vaccinated now- I feel that the only way some people will either get vaccinated or at least open their eyes is through becoming sick themselves or experiencing the hardships of having someone close to them actually getting the virus. I had to swallow it through the latter path. I do not recommend it to anyone...
In a world full of a lot of -and accessible- misinformation, the psychological problems caused by the lockdown measures itself, and an overall atmosphere of mistrust towards official institutions caused by the disclosure in the recent decades of a lot of barbaric acts committed by the government and big pharma......Well, it is not hard to see where all of this comes from.
I have to add that, unlike what conspiracy theories believe, it is not just a top-bottom manufacture, but also bottom-top. Collective hysteria flowing in both ways like a very strong whirpool.
Sometimes I think politicians do certain things not for the common good, but more like thinking in the upcoming elections, even if they are not a democracy, they just think about their own political stability / legacy.
I don't know what to do except to take the nice Theravadish form of compassion and seclusion.
I have a couple of friends who have yet to have the vaccination, both are more worried about the side effects, and both read some conspiracy theories online and now are confused and in this confusion they are holding off...
Conspiracy theories can be quite convincing especially to those who are easily lead, not doing much in the way of research to see if some of the so-called claims come from a credible source....Instead the so-called credible source is along the lines of "I heard from a friend of a friend who works at a hospital, who heard from a friend of a friend whose a doctor" ...
Well thus have I heard...from a friend of a friend....
My sister was one who was easily lead by all the conspiracy theories floating around... then her and her friend caught the virus, they soon changed their tune....
@Shoshin1 said:
I have a couple of friends who have yet to have the vaccination, both are more worried about the side effects, and both read some conspiracy theories online and now are confused and in this confusion they are holding off...
Conspiracy theories can be quite convincing especially to those who are easily lead, not doing much in the way of research to see if some of the so-called claims come from a credible source....Instead the so-called credible source is along the lines of "I heard from a friend of a friend who works at a hospital, who heard from a friend of a friend whose a doctor" ...
Well thus have I heard...from a friend of a friend....
My sister was one who was easily lead by all the conspiracy theories floating around... then her and her friend caught the virus, they soon changed their tune....
Sadly, when I went and stayed at the monastery a while ago, there were a couple of people (one a doctor) talking about the Astrazenaca vaccine.
It sounded like the doctor was casting doubt in the mind of the other person about it.
They started to bring me into the conversation and I politely told them I didn’t want to hear it as I had just received the first dose.
It’s concerning that even doctors are spreading fear among the general public.
Minister for Health, on Monday:
"Its time to put our faith in the common sense of British people, and trust them to deal with the lifting of restrictions in a sensible and responsible manner. I am confident that we can set an example to the entire world, of how we have the knowlege and maturity to accomplish this."

Are you due a second shot?
You'll find that one much easier to tolerate....
Hi Federica! It was a single-shot vaccine
I'm hungry now. So it wasn't so bad! 
Haha that’s gold @federica .
Hmmmm, putting their faith in the common sense of people….you’re screwed basically!
A lot of restrictions were lifted here a few weeks ago. No more mouthcaps in public spaces except on public transport, the cafe’s are open again, people can go to dance events in the evenings if they can provide a clean covid test or evidence of vaccination.
And what happened, a big spike of covid cases among the young adults. They are saying this wave should peak sometime early august, without causing the hospitals too many problems. And they are looking at the Delta variant which is more infectious and we don’t know yet how well the vaccinations will hold up.
Fingers crossed @Kerome
Restrictions have brought out the ridiculous in rules and reg's, and shown how very daft some people are. referring to my humorous observation above, the beat it seems, goes on. Complaints today that some major (and not-so-major) companies are using Covid as an excuse for poor and slow service. And the lady at the sandwich bar who maintained she couldn't cut a round of sandwiches into 4 instead of two, or the greengrocer who was reluctant to put red and white onions together in the same bag - Because, Covid - must surely win today's Dimwit Award for the most ridiculous use of the "Covid Excuse"...
The whole of Victoria back in lockdown...Have you been working from home @Bunks ?
It's only a matter of time before the Delta variant reaches our shores ( that is, appears in the community) and complacency will no doubt give it a helping hand...

Yeah, have been for a long time now.
We are used to the lockdowns. I actually kinda like it (ssshhhhhh, don’t tell anyone). I do feel for those who don’t though. I know it’s an inconvenience and stress for a lot of people.
Glad they’re on to it early. This Delta variant appears very contagious.
At the moment we have the RS virus (Respiratory syncytial virus) going around the island, it's also quite contagious, babies and those adults with underlying health problems are most at risks, similar symptoms to corona virus, headaches, fatigue, difficulty breathing/shortness of breath...
A few people I know have caught it, one of my clients who is housebound, and whom I do home visit once a week has it, I was meant to do a home visit yesterday, however when I rang to say I was on my way, she sounded quite breathless ( more than usual) she has been sick with emphysema for many years she was a heavy smoker and a recovering alcoholic...sadly she has had a tough life... the doctors have told her she only has a matter of months to live...
Because of her condition I always take precautions, by wearing a mask and sanitising my hands when I enter her place, just incase I could be asymptomatic and accidentally infect her, but sadly most of her other visitors don't take such precautions hence why she now has this virus...
Yes, people don't realise that a mask works both ways. It protects you, but also protects others....
Stay safe everyone!
My office building just got listed as an exposure site today. Glad I stopped going in a while ago!
I have to say, after a shaky run last year, the contact tracing in Victoria now is quite extraordinary!
NSW seems good too but you can’t do much about stupid……
The 6-foot separation was designed with the idea in mind, that everyone would be wearing masks, not coughing or sneezing openly.
That's good to hear @Bunks ...
Well the Trans-Tasman bubble has popped...No more quarantine free travel between Oz and Aotearoa...
Yep! Good move by NZ. This Delta strain is super contagious.
Best to keep it at bay for as long as you can (although it will get there eventually.....)
Yes humans being humans, it's only a matter of time....
I live in the virus's original epicenter (in the US) in senior housing. Our building just had a Delta variant outbreak that they are keeping hush-hush; five positive cases that I know of.
Stay safe @yagr - are you vaccinated?
Stay safe and mindful @yagr ...
Had my second jab this morning, my daughter will be the last of my children to get vaccinated,, her first is due next month....
Hello all, long time no see. I hope you're all coping with the pandemic OK. I quite enjoyed the lockdowns myself. 😋
I've been exploring Advaita for the last couple of years, which has been fascinating.
Hey @DairyLama - you will forever be remembered in my mind as the person who created the Word Association Game thread....
29,000 posts later hehe.
I hope you are well?
Hey DairyLama, good to see you again! I agree Advaita is really interesting, I went through a phase of it myself a while ago. I spent some time reading neo-Advaita sages like H.W.L. Poonja, he seems to have been the origin of a lot of western teachers.
I'm more interested in classical Advaita - but that's another discussion!
Have you had your covid jabs? I've had 2 astrazennenica, and haven't turned into a zombie.... Well, not so far, anyway. 😆
I had both shots of the Pfizer vaccine, no real side effects other than some bruising and fatigue. But among my friends there are a couple who are saying they don’t want the vaccine at all — I don’t understand that attitude.
No, I don't get it either. It's about public health, not personal agendas.
Yes, I agree. The sooner everybody has both shots of a vaccine, the sooner we can get on with the important business of just living.
Yes, we need herd immunity across the globe. That's going to take a lot of time ad effort.
I’ve had my first AZ and waiting for the second. Only four weeks to go
Good! I heard you had some anti-lockdown demonstrations there?
They were in the news here as well, some people in Amsterdam demonstrating. It didn’t seem to be a very large crowd though.
In Berlin there are apparently a few every week -anti-lockdown demonstrations I mean-. The last one I saw consisted of a group of cars carrying imperial German flags, protesting against the return to the DDR sighs. Really friendly old people though, but I suspect if I weren't white it would have been a totally different story.
Regarding COVID, even though I was skeptic, my entire family (triple mother, father, sister) got the virus and ended up all in hospital. My mother ended up developing pneumonia... She is doing better, while my sister and father are at home doing fine. She complains that having no sense of taste and smell makes food taste as if you were chewing "corcho".
By the way, my dad had his full double-shot dose of AstraZeneca and he was the only one that did not develop any "harsh" symtomps and recovered the quickest.
Everyone stay safe!
Apparently so.
Looks like Sydneysiders are having a hard time getting things under control, especially with the covidiots on the loose...
Though am I right in thinking they've had no deaths for months, and not that many cases?
New South Wales has recorded 172 community cases of Covid-19, its highest daily case total since the start of Sydney's current outbreak.
I heard that two have died ....
Yes, our governments (both state and federal) have taken the suppression approach from day 1 of this pandemic. As soon as there's an out break of even a few cases, everyone gets locked down.
Given the slow rollout of our vaccines, this will be our reality for at least the remainder of 2021 I suspect.
Oh well, it's a good chance to focus more on practice.
I think it’s a wrong choice, because Aus and NZ are both relatively wealthy countries with small populations, which could with timely virus deliveries have achieved herd immunity relatively early.
A lot of governments have struggled to get the balance right. Restrictions in England have been removed, though it's too soon to judge the effect.
Here in the states things are a bit weird at the moment. Early on in the vaccinations lots of people were getting them but now it is down to a trickle and there is a reasonably large cohort of people who won't get them.
Like usual I'm of two three minds. On the one hand I don't like the idea of forcing people to get a vaccine that is only approved for emergency use, that hasn't been long term tested. Especially threatening the loss of livelihood and thus material stability. On the other hand I absolutely will argue that you should get the shot even if you're wary or unsure about the safety. We all need to get back to living and in order to do that we need to get past this virus. I feel there is a sort of civic or patriotic duty to do your part, take a risk for the benefit of your community, country, humanity. Even so, and while the number of cases is moderately rising, almost the entirety of people who are getting sick or dying are the unvaccinated. They are the ones assuming most of the risk burden.
The population of the island I live on is around nine and half thousand, I asked one of the staff at the local vaccination centre ( we only have one centre ) how many vaccines have been given since the start of the vaccination programme, he said around four and half thousand, however I remember him telling me when I had my first shot that non locals were coming over from the main land to get their shots, because anybody could just turn up and if there were any spare vaccines they could have their shot (It turns out that if you call into the centre at either 9.30am or 3.30pm Monday to Friday and the people who were booked in didn't show then you could get their shot) ...So even though four and half thousand have had a shot, not all are locals....There will no doubt be quite a few locals who won't take one for the team...He also said they were averaging 120 vaccinations a day with just two nurses carrying out the vaccinations....
What you need is an outbreak of Covid and a lock down. That'll get the locals off their butts
It’s the same over here. The vaccination level is hovering around 60% and it’s only rising slowly.
That’s true, it’s only about 2% of the vaccinated population who are getting ill. But still, I don’t like the idea of the virus raging through the unvaccinated population, developing variants and eventually making a comeback. Like you, I think it’s the sensible thing to do to get vaccinated.
As someone who mistrusted the entire vaccination process -I'm vaccinated now- I feel that the only way some people will either get vaccinated or at least open their eyes is through becoming sick themselves or experiencing the hardships of having someone close to them actually getting the virus. I had to swallow it through the latter path. I do not recommend it to anyone...
In a world full of a lot of -and accessible- misinformation, the psychological problems caused by the lockdown measures itself, and an overall atmosphere of mistrust towards official institutions caused by the disclosure in the recent decades of a lot of barbaric acts committed by the government and big pharma......Well, it is not hard to see where all of this comes from.
I have to add that, unlike what conspiracy theories believe, it is not just a top-bottom manufacture, but also bottom-top. Collective hysteria flowing in both ways like a very strong whirpool.
Sometimes I think politicians do certain things not for the common good, but more like thinking in the upcoming elections, even if they are not a democracy, they just think about their own political stability / legacy.
I don't know what to do except to take the nice Theravadish form of compassion and seclusion.
I have a couple of friends who have yet to have the vaccination, both are more worried about the side effects, and both read some conspiracy theories online and now are confused and in this confusion they are holding off...
Conspiracy theories can be quite convincing especially to those who are easily lead, not doing much in the way of research to see if some of the so-called claims come from a credible source....Instead the so-called credible source is along the lines of "I heard from a friend of a friend who works at a hospital, who heard from a friend of a friend whose a doctor" ...

Well thus have I heard...from a friend of a friend....
My sister was one who was easily lead by all the conspiracy theories floating around... then her and her friend caught the virus, they soon changed their tune....
Sadly, when I went and stayed at the monastery a while ago, there were a couple of people (one a doctor) talking about the Astrazenaca vaccine.
It sounded like the doctor was casting doubt in the mind of the other person about it.
They started to bring me into the conversation and I politely told them I didn’t want to hear it as I had just received the first dose.
It’s concerning that even doctors are spreading fear among the general public.