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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    @DhammaDragon said: Samsara and its lurid distractions have been keeping me busy and I have momentarily strayed from the Noble Path.

    You were lucky! We could only dream of lurid distractions.... ;)

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    What about the Rugby World Championship?

    I've had enough of All Blacks hakas for the next four years.... <3

    And Argentina came out four, fifth in the world ranking.

    Not bad, for lurid distractions =)

  • @DhammaDragon said:
    Hello, everyone!!

    Samsara and its lurid distractions have been keeping me busy and I have momentarily strayed from the Noble Path.

    Kill the heretic! Persecute! :3
    (from 'The Life of Brian')

    Welcome back. <3 Not so sure we ever leave ...

    Mara is just one of the masks of 'Sid', Sith and the Dark Side of the Dharma ... not that I know of such things o:)

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    Hey @DhammaDragon =) Nice to see you

  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran

    Just found this Youtube channel, though I've heard of Koko the Gorilla before.

    Such an amazing animal.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    "An error has occurred. Please try later". Several times....

  • mmommo Veteran
    edited November 2015

    A real useless post coming. :) just kidding.

    I am back from amaravati retreat.

    Firstly, It was really beneficial for me. The leading monk is Ajahn passano and people said he is very senior monk. He said there are 3 things you need to keep in balance In sittings. Equanimity, stillness and energy. Too much of one things, you could face hindrances. Ignorance, sleepiness and restlessness.

    Secondly, I find the environment there is very calming for you. It could be because of kind people or green leafy plants everywhere inside the centre. So inspired by that, I would like to grow some leafy green indoors. As usual, I mindlessly bought a plant from ikea without doing research first. It is called clusia. I hope it doesn't grow too big for indoors.

    I like the fact that even the branch are green. Does any of you know of any plants good for indoors. What do you think of coco lucifera or aleo Vera? Ideally, if you could point to the plants on that ikea site, it will be great. :)

    Ps I typed really long message and somehow when I press post, it only submits first line.

  • silversilver In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded. USA, Left coast. Veteran

    To @mmo: Here's some interesting info on the clusia plant:

    It would be a while before the size became a problem but it's a plant I would love to have if I didn't live in an apartment. I've had many aloe vera plants, and they do need some sun. Most plants need quite a bit of sun, so that's a consideration for indoor only plants.

  • mmommo Veteran
    edited November 2015

    'good parking lot tree' oh dear, what have I done. :anguished:

    But a decade seems quite long enough though. I live in a flat too, but a ground floor flat. Currently the size of it looks like this.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Good indoor plants for a UK climate:

    The spider plant - Chlorophytum comosum
    The Peace lily - Spathiphyllum Wallisii
    The Jade tree - Crassula Ovata.
    The Umbrella plant - Cyperus alternifolius

    I'm not going to post links - I think it more educational and instructive if you do that for yourself (copy and paste names in search bar). But don't be put off by the latin botanical names. They're really not daunting at all, and extremely easy to grow, as well as being very attractive.

    The last one is a super structural/architectural plant for a patio or conservatory, and is so easy to propagate, it may even become a pest. You can easily root leaf cuttings and sell them at a car boot sale and make a tidy profit!

  • mmommo Veteran

    Those are really pretty, especially peace Lilly and jade tree. I haven't got conservatory, but have a big glass door in lounge. Thanks @federica.

  • @mmo said:

    Firstly, It was really beneficial for me. The leading monk is Ajahn passano and people said he is very senior monk. He said there are 3 things you need to keep in balance In sittings. Equanimity, stillness and energy. Too much of one things, you could face hindrances. Ignorance, sleepiness and restlessness.

    Outstanding advice. <3

    Ps I typed really long message and somehow when I press post, it only submits first line.

    Tee Hee.
    Impermenance. Ain't it the truth. :p

    I was once on a Buddhist forum where they regularly just cleared all past posts. Ay Curumba!

    Losing your long post is a shame :cry: but strangely enough my feeling is you 'let it go'. Which really proves the retreats immense value. Maybe you will try again ...

    ... and now back to planting advice ...

  • Here's a little tree garden I'm working on in my yard.

  • mmommo Veteran

    Nice. But I hope mine doesn't grow that big. Otherwise, the landlady won't be happy at all.

  • mmommo Veteran

    Just been advised by my coworker that fig plant and peppers are also good. :)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Oh yes! Sunny windowsill and you can grow tomatoes, peppers and a lovely selection of fresh herbs - Basil! Loves loads of water!

  • Ah, my wife is the gardener - she can grow just about anything she sets her mind to. <3o:) I, on the other hand, am an expert weed (no, the useless kind) grower. :3 Whenever I give TLC to a plant, it up and dies... >:)
    I did succeed in growing a nice pine tree. Or it grew despite my 'care'. O.o

  • The C of E aka Anglican Christians have failed to get a propaganda ad featuring The Lords Prayer (wait ... that is all ads are) aired before the New Star Wars film.

    In the inerests of intergalactic harmony I am working on this updated version ...

    Our Jedi, which art in training,
    hallowed be thy light sabre;
    thy rebellion come;
    Thy Force be done,
    in earth as it is in Star Wars.
    Give us this day our daily joust.
    And forgive us our Sith,
    as we forgive them that Darth Vader against us.
    And lead us not into the dark side;
    but deliver us from the Empire.
    For Yoda thine is
    the power, and the glory,
    far far away

    Yi ha!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Summer has seriously arrived in my neck of the woods.

    Forecast of 42C (107F) today with strong northerly winds.

    Fire Danger Rating = Extreme.

    It's 11am and already nudging 37C.

    I reckon the pool and the air conditioning will get a serious work out!!

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    We've got the summer and today with strong winds minus the extremely hot weather (today 20 to 22C. )...I was thinking of going to the beach, but it's too windy :)

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    -14C, feels like -22C with wind chill, and snow flurries here. Ugh...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Walker said:
    -14C, feels like -22C with wind chill, and snow flurries here. Ugh...

    Wow! A 56C variance in weather between our respective homes.....madness!

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Everything in moderation, everything in moderation-including the weather ..... that's Aotearoa :)

    May you stay Warm @Walker -May you stay cool @Bunks ...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Shoshin said:
    Everything in moderation, everything in moderation-including the weather ..... that's Aotearoa :)

    May you stay Warm @Walker -May you stay cool @Bunks ...

    I hear ya @Shoshin - I'd take an Auckland summer over a Melbourne summer for sure!

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    Summers are pretty nice here, rarely do we see temps over 30C, and I really enjoy the long days (twilight at 11pm). Winters are another story. At least we had a decent Autumn this year, and winter may be only 4 months long instead of 5!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Walker said:
    Summers are pretty nice here, rarely do we see temps over 30C, and I really enjoy the long days (twilight at 11pm). Winters are another story. At least we had a decent Autumn this year, and winter may be only 4 months long instead of 5!

    May I ask where you are @Walker ?

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    @Bunks said:

    May I ask where you are @Walker ?

    Is this another one of those philosophical question like "Who am I " ? :wink:

  • @federica said:
    Oh yes! Sunny windowsill and you can grow tomatoes, peppers and a lovely selection of fresh herbs - Basil! Loves loads of water!

    For those unfamiliar with Basil Fawlty ...
    Here are a few shoots ...

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    Edmonton, Alberta @Bunks

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Many moons ago my eldest boy went on a trip with his school band, to the US & Canada, visiting Edmonton....he loved Canada....

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    It's a nice place to live, even though the winters get tiresome. Calgary is closer to the mountains, where we like to holiday. Both cities are going through fast growth, and there's quite a bit of urban sprawl.

    Your pics of NZ look wonderful. I've always wanted to visit both Oz and NZ, and it seems to me that the climate of NZ would make it a great place to retire.

  • merxmerx estonia New

    During the last years we have not decent summers and the decent winters either.Majority of year we have a autumn,+10 degrees and a awful dampness.

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    @Walker said: Your pics of NZ look wonderful. I've always wanted to visit both Oz and NZ, and it seems to me that the climate of NZ would make it a great place to retire.

    They are also still ruled by the Queen, which has a civilising influence. ;)

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    I know I shouldn't be saying this (I'm a naturalised Aussie :) ) but......Many people go to Oz first and spend most of their time there, only to find when they finally get to NZ they wished they did it the other way round. ie had planned to spend more time in NZ....

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran
    edited December 2015

    Driving on the left side of the road would take some getting used to though. My father-in-law (a Welshman) drove about 7km on the wrong side of the highway to work one morning. He was late, and in a hurry, and just got in a bit of a state... Fortunately, he didn't cause an accident. O.o

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    @merx a friend who belongs to the Buddhist group I attend her parents were from Estonia, her and her husband spent some time there last year....

    And my son (the one who visited Canada when he was at school...he now lives in London ), just got back from visiting Lativa, ( your nextdoor neighbour so to speak), he hopes to go back again soon .... No doubt he will visit the surrounding countries too at some stage...

  • merxmerx estonia New

    And my son (the one who visited Canada when he was at school...he now lives in London ), just got back from visiting Lativa, ( your nextdoor neighbour so to speak), he hopes to go back again soon .... No doubt he will visit the surrounding countries too at some stage

    Welcome to Estonia, =)

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    @Walker said:
    Driving on the left side of the road would take some getting used to though. My father-in-law (a Welshman) drove about 7km on the wrong side of the highway to work one morning. He was late, and in a hurry, and just got in a bit of a state... Fortunately, he didn't cause an accident. O.o

    It's strange how the brain works...The gear stick and steering wheel are on the opposite side of what one is use to but it still doesn't seem to register when driving....

    I've only driven twice in Europe (once in Germany and once in Finland-Both countries won't allow me back on their roads :lol: )

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Shoshin said:
    I know I shouldn't be saying this (I'm a naturalised Aussie :) ) but......Many people go to Oz first and spend most of their time there, only to find when they finally get to NZ they wished they did it the other way round. ie had planned to spend more time in NZ....

    I did enjoy my two years in NZ. The summer's are beautiful! Warm with a hint of humidity during the day but cool in the evening so perfect for sleeping.

    Southern Australia is so hot and dry at this time of year. Today is about 38C and a hot wind blowing from the north. Very unpleasant and fires starting all over the place!

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    I know what you mean @Bunks , and no doubt many are worried about bush fires...It would seem the south island has had bush fires just recently and the El Nino 's not going to make things any easier....Droughts are predicted/forecast this summer ....

    May all those in the line of fire, be safe.....

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    Yea! Happy Solstice! Here's to looking forward to more daylight hours! For some of us anyways...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Walker said:
    Yea! Happy Solstice! Here's to looking forward to more daylight hours! For some of us anyways...

    Same to you @Walker......

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    @Walker said: Yea! Happy Solstice! Here's to looking forward to more daylight hours! For some of us anyways...

    Blast, I missed seeing Arthur Pendragon down at Stonehenge. ;)

  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran

    I have become, with Lobster's blessing, The Anti-Crustacean.

    How funny is that?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    For reasons best known to himself, my erstwhile neighbour's little boy (aged 4 at the time), used to call his little trouser-buddy, his 'walrus'.

    Just sayin'.....

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran


    I am the Walrus, Goo-goo, ga - choo

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Bless you.

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