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How do we know the Buddha and Path are reliable?



  • I dont know for sure.
    But its the best option to me.
    Unless I find sth better, I will stick to non-attachment
    and developing mindfullness.
  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    You don't know till you try it at see.
  • So how do we know that the Buddha and Path are reliable. That they are completely and absolutely entirely and literaly leading (lead) to freedom from suffering?
    Partly being inspired by exerienced practitioners, and partly by observing the positive affect that practice has on me personally.

  • Hi Spiny, long time no see !!! My answer to this question would be along the same lines as your answer here - it has proven, over time to be reliable. My initial confidence based on what I saw and liked has been sustained.
  • TalismanTalisman Veteran
    Zidangus what about my analogy to knitting. What if knitting leads to differences in your peace of mind and ability to cope? What if Tony Rollins or Dale Carnegie motivational lectures do? Christianity? etc
    From what I've heard from people who knit, knitting does help to cultivate peace and is a great coping mechanism. I'd imagine it's even better when you knit things for other people. Seeing people happy with the hand-crafted sweater or hat you've created for them out of love and generosity must be very uplifting.

    The Dharma, the truth, the path, the way to salvation takes many forms, but all are one in purpose and intent.
  • There's a saying, "The proof is in the pudding". So eat the pudding and decide for yourself.
  • Hi Jeffrey,

    The Buddha is the living example of the Path that he taught. The procedure was laid out for others to apply and replicate his personal experiment and result. There have been records of people who apply the procedure and experienced the same result. So the path is verified . If we want to experience it for ourselves, then simply put these procedure to practice .

    with metta,
  • There's a saying, "The proof is in the pudding". So eat the pudding and decide for yourself.

    Spiny Simpson
  • "How do we know the Buddha and Path are reliable?"

    By investigating and practising the teachings for ourselves.

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