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Pictures of Home

buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
edited July 2010 in General Banter
No... I'm not referring to "Pictures of Home" from Deep Purple's - Machine Head album (even though I still like that album).

I'm talking about posting pictures of you in your native environment. Or even pictures of places you've been.

I was thinking about this when I was taking a walk with my biatch and we were admiring the falls in the downtown of the city we live in. Very beautiful this time of year. I wish I would have had my camera.

Hopefully, Brian won't mind us using up disk-space(!!?!?!?!?!)...

Can we post 'em? Or at least links to photos we have?



  • PadawanPadawan Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Hi BF- not a picture of home as such, but a picture of a place I went to see...


    This is the front door of Garden Lodge in Kensington, London, UK- former home of Queen's singer Freddie Mercury. The door is covered in graffiti with tribute messages- there are also dried bits of flowers left on the ground.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006

    Very cool!

    I wonder if someone will be matching that with Jim Morrison's grave :)

    Thanks for posting.

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Look what I finally found while on vacation in Oregon.

    Whodda thunk?!?!?! I was WAAAAAAY off base. I didn't know it was in Oregon!?!?!?

  • edited May 2006
    My favorite local place, Fort Niagara at sunset

    My doorstep in October

    The Falls (this is dedicated to X-Ray)
  • edited May 2006
    Sorry, I don't know how to make those smaller!!!!!

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Nice pics, Sharpiegirl!

    BF, I don't get it. Found the "G"? Can you explain?

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    I had finally found the G spot.

    Thank you. Thank you.

    Please, you're too kind.

    I'll be here all week. And try the buffet, it's excellent!

  • edited May 2006
    LMAO, BF! That's a riot!
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
  • edited May 2006
    now we all know the "g" spot is surrounded by alot of bush.
    well could be i guess.. hehe

    no really all the pics are great i will have to dig some out to.
    dont think i can beat bf
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Well, my girlfriend thought it was funny.

    Actually she was quite happy that after all these years - I finally ran across it. :)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006
    I bet you don't know who was more surprised....

    take it from me....

    It was probably her....:grin:
  • SabineSabine Veteran
    edited May 2006
    ^ *giggle*

    buddhafoot wrote:

    Very cool!

    I wonder if someone will be matching that with Jim Morrison's grave :)

    Thanks for posting.

    D'oh! Something told me to take a picture of it last summer when I was there, and I didn't! Gosh :(
  • edited May 2006
    I live in Missouri....I don't really have any awe inspiring pictures of the places around me! But...I can show you a really cool picture of Superstition Mountain in Arizona (where I used to live). My hubby and I climbed all the way to the very top of this mountain. The view was amazing. And where is Palzang? He lives in the most beautiful place on earth...Sedona, Arizona. I bet he has some good pictures.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006

    I want to spend some time in Arizona and Utah checking out the landscapes. I love (at least in my mind) the desert.

    And dessert.

  • edited May 2006
    The pictures of that mountain do not do it any justice. It took us 8 hours to do the climbing...that should tell you how big it really is. It was amazing. Arizona is absolutely beautiful. I sure do miss it (as I am sure you know...I talk about it all the time). We are talking about moving back to either that area, or New Mexico. We love the desert (and dessert) as well.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    A picture during a vacation on the Pacific Coast a little while ago:
  • edited May 2006
    Oooohhhh....that's really cool. I need to get some of our vacation pictures scanned in. This is a great thread...I love seeing other parts of the world. I am working on convincing my husband that we need to take a trip to India. If I am successful, I will definitely post pictures from there!
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006

    If you're serious about going to India... I should get you in touch with my biatch.

    She has a friend that does non-religious missionary work in India. Their last visit (a couple of months ago) entailed building a well for a group of villages.

    It's not 5 star accomodations... but they really enjoy the trip, the people, the tastes, the friendship, etc. You might be able to do something like this with Yanks that have been there multiple times...

  • MichelleMichelle Explorer
    edited May 2006
    buddhafoot wrote:

    I want to spend some time in Arizona and Utah checking out the landscapes. I love (at least in my mind) the desert.

    And dessert.


    You've given me visions of a chocolate desert.....dessert & desert all rolled into one.

  • edited May 2006
    bf...yes, I am serious about going to India, but it won't be for a while yet. We will want to take Emma with us, and we want to wait until she is a little older. So when we get to that point, I will let you know! It would be great to get in touch with people that have been there. We are also very good friends with some people from India, and they go to visit quite a bit, so I told them I was going to tag along on their next visit. I can't wait.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Oh... well if you know someone who has been there often - you are definitely good to go.

    A couple of years ago, I saw a wonderful documentary on India called "India: Land of the Tiger".

    A person went through the entire continent documenting all the different climates, cities, peoples, etc. Very, very interesting.

    Very cool to see elephants swimming from island to island.
    Very cool to see the tigers in their sanctuary.
    Very cool to see people who have trained otters to help them fish.

    Good stuff.

  • PadawanPadawan Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Here's another piccie I found...

    This is a slightly older photo of me (Without facial fuzz) taken when on late honeymoon with Mrs Padawan in her homeland. This is Liberation Square in Kiev, Ukraine. A few short months after that, the place was filled with a couple of million citizens, staging the orange revolution that brought Viktor Yuschenko to power. The sheer size and scale of the city is truly impressive (From a European perspective). The glass pyramids and domes you can see behind me are skylights for an underground shopping mall that was built beneath the square so as not to ruin the historical buildings above.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Michelle wrote:
    You've given me visions of a chocolate desert.....dessert & desert all rolled into one.


    Oh baby!

    Now you're talking dirty to me.

    Chocolate? Desert? Dessert?

    I feel like I should be paying $3.95 a minute for this kind of talk! :)

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Padawan wrote:
    Here's another piccie I found...

    This is a slightly older photo of me (Without facial fuzz) taken when on late honeymoon with Mrs Padawan in her homeland. This is Liberation Square in Kiev, Ukraine. A few short months after that, the place was filled with a couple of million citizens, staging the orange revolution that brought Viktor Yuschenko to power. The sheer size and scale of the city is truly impressive (From a European perspective). The glass pyramids and domes you can see behind me are skylights for an underground shopping mall that was built beneath the square so as not to ruin the historical buildings above.

    There are a lot of areas in Russia (or that used to be part of the Russian empire) that gave real meaning to the word "grandiose".

  • PadawanPadawan Veteran
    edited May 2006
    There sure are, BF. The most impressive sight that I saw was the hill complex of Kievsky- Pechorskiiya-Lavra. Imagine an entire hill, surrounded with fortified battlements, and containing five- count 'em- FIVE enormous cathedrals situated within. The main one, the Pechorskiiya cathedral itself, is made of white marble with gold domes, and gold scroll-work embellishing the stonework. Beautiful to behold, and awesome in the sunset when it reflects the light. Here's a picture that I googled to give you an idea..

  • edited May 2006

    Here is a pic of a student and I after a belt promotion at the martial arts school.
    Mike (the one on the left) :thumbsup:
  • edited May 2006
    opps how did that happen?
    sorry bout that.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    I LOVE this thread!


    Holy Crap! You climbed that? This flowers are beautiful. For some reason I'm thinking "Lupines". I can't get the word out of my head. Is that what some of them are, or am I waaay off?


    That's a stunning photo. Did you take it? It's beautiful in composition, angle, light and everything else. Whoever took it has a great eye.


    I followed the Orange Revolution when it was happening and Viktor Yuschenko while he was going through hell trying to come to power. The whole thing captured my mind and heart completely. Thanks so much for that cool pic of Kiev. I was born and raised in Montreal and know a little bit about underground buildings. In Montreal, you can go from one end of the city to the other in the middle of winter without bringing your coat. lol!
    That pic of the cathedral has conjured up either my memory or imagination. I have a thing about the former Soviet Union. I had a dream years ago that I was a small, fat, wealthy Russian man wearing a camel hair coat and very, very nice shoes. I was convinced at the time that it was a past life memory. lol!
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006

    It's one that I took and enhanced while on a vacation on the Oregon Coast. This was taken in Cannon Beach and the rock is called Haystack Rock.

    Washington and Oregon have some stunning scenery...

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    One of the bright spots in my life.... and a Texas Longhorn at a local fair last year.

  • edited May 2006
    hey hello!!

    it was lil me that had a big dream to go to india..
    let me no more bf..
    that would be great.
  • edited May 2006
    BF - is that your son?? :) Texas Longhorns are so cool.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Jah.... dat's my boy.

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    colleen wrote:
    hey hello!!

    it was lil me that had a big dream to go to india..
    let me no more bf..
    that would be great.


    I think this was the post I was supposed to reply to?!?!?!?

    You need to know more?

    Personally, I don't know anything about it.

    My girlfriend has a close friend who's family (or maybe just hubby and wife) go to India once a year, I believe, to do work. The last trip over was building a well for one village (and to be used by nearby villages) where these people had no water. Or... what water they had probably wasn't too sanitary.

    I understand it's very hard and rewarding work in areas that are quite destitute. But, the people enjoy it and they have a very good time together.

  • edited May 2006
    well i have been searching online for sites that do this sort of thing.
    havent come across a canadian one.. will keep looking.
    i understand ( i think ) you attend seminars / meetings etc. the whole
    ordeal takes about 6 months before you go.
    i will keep looking.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Sorry, I'm a little slow on the uptake here. Anyway, here's the beautiful red rocks of Sedona by yours truly.

  • edited May 2006
    You know how much I love Sedona! My wedding was right under Cathedral Rock. We look at our wedding pictures all the time.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Cool, but how did you lift it to get under it?

  • edited May 2006
    LOL! I am a lot stronger than I look! ;)
  • edited May 2006
    Here is a picture from our backyard.....this is my little munchkin on her brand new swing set. Needless to say, she loves it.
  • edited May 2006
    And in the bottom picture, in the right corner, you can see a bit of one of our lettuce gardens. :)
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Wow, she really does look just like you when you were young(er)!

  • edited May 2006
    She's so cute. :)
  • edited May 2006
    Palzang.....I'm still a little bit young, aren't I??? If not, just let me live in my fantasy-land! :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006
    I thought this was so lovely...I shall never look at anyone's face in quite the same way again....

    Check it out....
  • SabineSabine Veteran
    edited May 2006
    federica wrote:
    I thought this was so lovely...I shall never look at anyone's face in quite the same way again....

    Check it out....

    This is actually Clemson University, about an hour away from where I live, but I happened to get this gorgeous picture on-campus after a foreign language competition there:


    And here's one of my bookshelves, plus power drink!:

  • SabineSabine Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Oooh, and here's the science hallway in my school!:


    It's a good thing I'm taking photography next year - I'll at least have a VALID excuse to be toting a camera around campus and taking pictures of random stuff. :rockon:
  • edited May 2006
    Great pictures, Sabine!
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Good stuff, you guys!

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