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BunksBunks Australia Veteran
edited December 2012 in Buddhism Basics
Hi all

My wife and I are currently in waiting mode for bubs no. 2 due in 4 days.

Last night the contractions started for her around 11.30 and were quite strong through until 3.30 this morning. Then they faded and stopped altogether. False alarm!

I'm feeling quite anxious at the moment.

I just want to thank you all for being there. Knowing I can pop on here and chat about the dharma (amongst other things) is a comfort to me!

I take refuge in the buddha.

I take refuge in the dharma.

I take refuge in my sangha (you guys!)

Peace and blessings to you all.......



  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    I will be dedicating my practice today to you and your wife.

    May you have a peaceful and succesful delivery.
    Eh ma ho
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    @Bunks -- Perhaps a little story to take your mind off the edginess:

    When my wife was pregnant with No. 3, the fateful night arrived. We drove up to the hospital. It was perhaps 7:00 p.m. The nurse who examined my wife was very reassuring ... "You're nine centimeters dilated ... you ought to be out of here by 10."

    Seventeen hours and a caesarian section later, kiddo number 3 was in my arms at 10 pounds, 11 ounces. My wife was absolutely exhausted. I was a basket case. Both of us were so out of it that we forgot the name we had chosen for our son: Ives. We knew it began with an "I" but beyond that we couldn't remember a thing ... and for two days we settled on a substitute name:


    Hang in there. Breathe in and breathe out. You'll be fine and so will your wife ... though you might want to write the kid's name on your shirt cuff. :)

    All best wishes.
  • {{{{hugs}}}} and best wishes for the entire Bunks' Family! <3<3
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    Good luck and smooth sailing! Pretty soon you'll have a new little one to cuddle and get up with at 3am :) Enjoy, and don't forget to take care of each other in the process.
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