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Temple for Sale

Early this morning I passed this ex temple on my way home. I am not sure if it is still for sale but the gates to the forecourt were open and I was able to visit all their external Buddhas. Oh joy.
There was loads of Shakyamunis, Manjushri, Quan Yin . . . Must admit I did not ask them any questions and they did not say anything but I was so happy to see them. Also some great temple guardians. It was nice to hear the birds singing to the moon, which seems to have Venus quite near? Anyway in case you have a lot of money and wish to live in a temple this might be the sort of real estate available.


  • If you buy the place remember the application for it to be used for worship has expired.
    In the future it must be used for more suitable purposes. :scratch:

    I could be illegally worshipping on a daily basis, now that I think of it. I never applied for a permit from the appropriate authorities ever!

  • Interesting. Knowing how strictly every inch of ground is controlled by the local councils in England, I'm surprised they got an initial permit for a public place of worship in a high class residential area.

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited December 2012
    I'm out of money, honey. Guess I'm not buying it.

    Did you see the reasons? Parking issues...twice a year?

    That couldn't be worked out?
    As they say on ESPN all the time....
    C'mon man!! lololol

    Try a giant yard sale in the South that is advertised
    in 4 different States. People park in my driveway for
    4 days from all over the US, with trailers attached.
    Hot dog stands, port a potties and diet pills on tables
    next to my mail box. hahaha

    Yeah, the first 2 years, this shit got my nerves, but
    then I realized the problem was my nerves, not them.

    Can't we all just get along?
  • lobster said:

    Early this morning I passed this ex temple on my way home. I am not sure if it is still for sale but the gates to the forecourt were open and I was able to visit all their external Buddhas. Oh joy.
    There was loads of Shakyamunis, Manjushri, Quan Yin . . . Must admit I did not ask them any questions and they did not say anything but I was so happy to see them. Also some great temple guardians. It was nice to hear the birds singing to the moon, which seems to have Venus quite near? Anyway in case you have a lot of money and wish to live in a temple this might be the sort of real estate available.

    I have not heard of a temple for sale before; a property maybe. Over here, sometimes, a religious body, Buddhists included may rent a building and carry out religious activities and then works towards having its own premise, through the generous donation of the public. Probably, one should be careful when a temple is for sale.That could probably a money making temple that has gone bankrupt.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    What the hell would anyone do with another temple?
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    I've set up a few urban temples and have found that 99% of the community issues can be dealt with if your neighbours noses are not put out. That means never taking their parking spaces or conducting intrusive or noicy services outside. So one just chooses a building that can contain the parking requirements or has street space to spare. If it doesn't have that. or isn't already zoned for that...Just keep looking elsewhere.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    lobster said:

    Early this morning I passed this ex temple on my way home.

    I noticed this bit in the blurb: "Penge councillor John Getgood claims the temple's owners have their eyes on moving to an old sports ground in Beckenham."

    What next, a Buddhist football club?
  • Oh Lord, now I've got that "Shau Lin Soccer" movie running through my head.
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    edited December 2012
    Cinorjer said:

    Oh Lord, now I've got that "Shau Lin Soccer" movie running through my head.

    I'd like to see David Beckham ( "grasshopper" ) with a shaved head walking on rice paper...hee hee

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