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WHY does ego try to avoid the Truth?

The truth that we ARE everything, consciounessness itself that is DOING the universe, manifested AS the universe?

Why on earth would ego try to avoid this anyway?

It's puzzling to me!


  • What has been puzzling me is why are we conditioned from birth to heading or striving for the desirable when in fact this is unskilful on many levels, it is the nature of the average mind.

    As for your question, sorry I cannot help you much or have much of an opinion. I have seen my ego grow less with time due to Buddhism and I have seen it be torn to shreds for a short period of time on psychedelics.

    I think personally speaking that it is a question probably best left alone, it may be one of those unanswerable ones that leads to confusion etc. Suffering can be found in everything, desire can even be found in this question and thus suffering if you look closely.
  • I think that ego comes from insisting things be the way you want them. That sounds true but I don't think it is necessarily wrong to like possessions or opions. It's just life to want things.
  • ZendoLord84ZendoLord84 Veteran
    edited March 2013
    it is our animal part that refuses.
    in my humble opinion
    The animal in us needs to eat, drink, take a leak, find a mate, copulate and die.
    Ego is just an evolutionary step, I think, for it has brought more worse then good.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Gentle Man Veteran
    Well, desire and insist are two different things.
  • Because more often than not.... truth hurts (us).
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    Mateeah said:

    The truth that....

    Why on earth would ego try to avoid this anyway?

    Maybe because it's not convinced it is truth.
  • As Jessep once said "You cant handle the truth!"
  • robotrobot Veteran
    Ego is doing itself a favour by not buying into another unfounded belief.
    Where is the evidence that consciousness precedes form?
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Ego is all about what's wrong with the world and, as Martin Luther King Jr. once put it, "It's not what's wrong with the world that scares people. What really scares them is that everything is all right."
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited March 2013

    The animal in us needs to eat, drink, take a leak, find a mate, copulate and die.

    Exactly so.
    Being part monkey I should know . . .
    Some Dharma Wisdom from 'The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension' may be applicable:

    Dr. Lizardo: "Laugha while you can monkeyboy."

    B. Banzai:
    "Nothing is ever what it seems but everything is exactly what it is."
    "The Mind's a funny thing . . . in the Summer it longs for Winter. In the Winter it longs for Summer. In the Spring . . . it heads for the Bahamas."
  • pegembarapegembara Veteran
    edited March 2013
    "It's not what's wrong with the world that scares people. What really scares them is that they are not fully in control."

    The body grows old, becomes sick and dies whether one wants it or not.
    One becomes separated from loved ones and comes into contact with those that one dislike. More often than not one doesn't get what one wants.

    This ego doesn't want to die for then it would ceased to exist. So it identifies with Life or the Universe itself, so it can "live" forever. But the Universe and Life did not exist before the Big Bang according to scientists, so where was this ego before the Big Bang.

    The ego is nothing more than the clinging to existence in any size, shape, form or not.
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    edited March 2013
    Mateeah said:

    The truth that we ARE everything, consciounessness itself that is DOING the universe, manifested AS the universe?

    Why on earth would ego try to avoid this anyway?

    It's puzzling to me!

    Ego is a western construct that is not addressed by Buddha Dharma.
    Try fitting ego into the kandhas/skandhas model..Its an interesting exercise.
    It can be done, but it requires a shoe-horn and a lot of grease.
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    edited March 2013
    If we substitute " self sense " for ego, it can be clearer to see that it is not a is an activity.
    So its not that there is something bad in side us which holds us back.
    It is more a matter of constant habit. We feel threatened by anything that seems to disrupt our self we renew our subscription to our self sense with every breath.
    When we let go to some degree of that activity and see things simply arising, that activity lessens.
    I would imagine that being Enlightened would mean that particular activity i.e. constantly renewing our sense of being a solid self , stops entirely.
    But I have no first hand knowledge of that. Just glimpses.
  • Some commentators believe the development of ego explains the biblical "fall from grace" - Adam and Eve 'saw that they were naked', ie became self aware. Ego (in the sense of self awareness) is probably necessary to survival, but it is ego grasping that has become a toxic addiction, leading to mental distortions like narcissism where we are driven by selfishness and have no empathy for others.
  • FlorianFlorian Veteran
    edited March 2013
    Maybe the world could not evolve if sentient beings did not tend to forget who they are and cling to their 'selves' like a drowning man clinging to a log. Theistically-speaking, perhaps 'saw that they were naked' means 'forgot that they were God'.

    Great name poptart! I used to be big fan of Paul Young's poptarts.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    @Citta I was thinking along those lines when I first read this. Is ego really as natural of a state as we think? Do tribes who have no exposure to the "outside" or developed world suffer from as much ego disease was we do? Somehow I doubt it. It seems like it is something we've developed as a way to keep in check with how we compare to the rest of the world we see. Good enough, or not good enough, and what to do about it. It doesn't have to be a part of our psychology.
  • BeejBeej Human Being Veteran
    edited March 2013
    @karasti- in madagascar, before colinizaton and modernity, the native inhabitants had no word for "nature" because they didnt define their environment as somrthing seperate from what they were. they had no need for the semantical duality that westerners use, and no need for the idea of "saving" the environment. they knew that they "were" that environment. until westerners arrived. now, they want i-phones. sigh.
  • I'm not trying to 'argue' any point in particular, just making conversation and presenting another side of the coin so to speak-

    I try not to, but honestly sometimes I find myself taking on a certain level of 'resentment' when the word "westerners" or phrases like "western culture" are tossed around as the target/blame for all the woes of the modern world....

    Yes, western cultures -particularly the USA- is responsible for the most part or in some part, for many modern developments: electronics, space travel, modern medicine (both the good and bad of it), computers, phones, TV, cars, etc etc.

    There is a huge amount of "good" that comes from these things. But, of course, along with all that good comes the bad; air, water and ocean pollution, deforestation, etc; and then there's the questionable good or evils; extreme social & cultural changes, globalization, and such.

    But when I read something like: "... they knew that they "were" that environment. until westerners arrived. now, they want i-phones. sigh."
    I have to ask, why is that OUR fault?

    They are certainly free to choose to revere and maintain their way of life as it was prior to western influence. Westerners aren't forcing them to carry iPhones or set up dishes for satellite TV and internet, are we?
    I think it's fairly safe to say that nearly every culture around the world has chosen to update and upgrade their society's participation in the modern world, once they are exposed to these things. Why is that something WE in the "Western societies" should feel ashamed about or blamed for? It is just a "natural" progression through modernization. It's part of human evolution - for good OR bad.

    Are we forgetting about the impressive advances and developments from the Eastern societies when they dominated the world? You know, things like forging metals for early weapons, making gun powder, using horses and elephants as beasts of burden for transportation and war? Making ships and building fortresses - also for the waging of wars, mostly, or defending against them.

    These were also huge things that influenced the world as they became known... and it wasn't all good side effects either. If we never advanced beyond burning wood and coal for all our heating and cooking needs, imagine what our level of air and water pollution and deforestation would be. (Think China's major cities, or Japan's or India's... ).

    I think sometimes we romanticize The Eastern world and demonize The Western world a bit too easily.... That's it. Just thinking aloud. YMMV.

  • CittaCitta Veteran
    I agree entirely. The romantic myth of the untutored innocent living in harmony with nature is fine until you start asking awkward questions about life expectancy, disease rates, child mortality etc etc...give me the age of pencillin , central heating, and clean running water.
  • Citta said:

    I agree entirely. The romantic myth of the untutored innocent living in harmony with nature is fine until you start asking awkward questions about life expectancy, disease rates, child mortality etc etc...give me the age of pencillin , central heating, and clean running water.

    Absolutely. And let's think about all the wars and land grabs between tribes amongst these "innocent and untouched" eastern (or southern) societies.... As for ego; EGO is a human trait. Without ego there is no survival.

    If you don't think there's any ego (AKA; hierarchy) involved in native life deep in the rain forests or high in the mountains, far from westernized civilizations... Well, you haven't seen many National Geographic documentaries about these people. ;)

    People only get 'in trouble' in their lives and societies when EGO becomes the one dominant force above all others.

  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    Positive Orientalism is still Orientalism, and it seems to be very popular among the "spiritual" crowd.
  • Mateeah said:

    The truth that we ARE everything, consciounessness itself that is DOING the universe, manifested AS the universe?

    Why on earth would ego try to avoid this anyway?

    It's puzzling to me!

    Ego is merely the culprit! The one who is avoiding truth is actually the "I' that is not there!
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    So define ego.
  • nlightennlighten Explorer

    WHY does ego try to avoid the Truth?

    Self preservation.

    If ego sees the truth it will die... poor ego(^∇^)
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    So define ego... in Buddhist terms.
  • JohnGJohnG Veteran
    Because ego seeks only to perpetuate itself, in self gratification. Ego seeks only the easy way to life, whereas truth shows itself only as a shadow of a larger world.
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    So define "ego " in............oh forget it.. :p
  • My ex-wife's mother was one of those people who would watch TV and get so wrapped up in a show and the characters that she would literally get upset or angry, often shouting at the characters. And her mood would often spill over long after the show was over. This is more than just being moved by a drama.

    I think the delusion of a separate ego is a lot like that-- we get so caught up in what we're seeing, thinking THAT is reality, when all we're really doing is getting ourselves out of kilter, buying into it.
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