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Your "Element"

We all have a place where we feel like we belong. And deep in our bones, we feel a natural peace. So I was just wondering what yours is?

Mine is of course, the forest. When I am inside of towns, and especially cities I feel nothing but unease, and usually a sense of fear and dread. But I grew up way, way out in the sticks. My childhood was spent searching every inch of the old-growth forests that still cover some parts of Michigan. The color green and the overwhelming pulse of life, whether the quick pulse in the animals that dart about, or the slow-steady beat of the plants and trees that envelop me put me at such ease that no noise or darkness can sway my heart, so long as I am in the forest. The fresh scent of life is almost like a drug to me as well. Not to mention the lack of disturbing, man-made noises that often accost my ears in any other environment. I find myself climbing trees to get above the canopy, to appreciate the brilliant blue sky and warm sunshine. Above all of this though, I feel within me there is a slow, deep intelligence, possibly even a sentience that the forest has. I have believed, ever since I was old enough to comprehend such concepts, in things such as fairies, dryads, and ents. Now of course my more mature and skeptical mind throws question and disbelief on these,well, beliefs... But not entirely. As such, when I am within the bounds of a forest, especially the very, very old ones, I feel at home. More than that, I feel accepted and welcome. And yes before you ask, I follow the old "only leave footprints behind" conduct, I never, ever litter or damage the life within a forest, save for the few occasions in which I must hunt for meat. Which I consider to be no different than any other forest-dwelling predator that must eat to survive. Of course I also forage for berries, herbs, and other wild edibles. Because I mean come on, they're free, and much more delicious and nutritious than anything you could find in a store. As such, I firmly feel that the Forest is my element, and my home.

So what is yours?


  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Thai Buddhist monasteries, book stores, and coffee shops.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Forests are great! For me, it's water, even more than forests. Crashing surf, babbling brooks, roaring waterfalls, meandering creeks full of cool water on a warm summer's day. Lakes with soft waves lapping at the shore.

  • BhanteLuckyBhanteLucky Alternative lifestyle person in the South Island of New Zealand New Zealand Veteran
    On the marge
    of Lake Lebarge.

    With a nice toasty fire.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    On the marge
    of Lake Lebarge.

    With a nice toasty fire.

    Hey Sam!

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    Libraries, graveyards and deserted quiet places. Cyber spaces such as secondlife, some great online shared meditation places . . .
    We have nearby parks and commons - nice. I really enjoy this forum . . . the bustle of town life is great too . . . everywhere has some great element. Travelling, arriving. Time to head for the kitchen . . . that should be fun . . .
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    " For me the most beautiful sight in nature is the rear lights of one's taxi glimpsed through the rain as one leaves a Soho restaurant "
    Restaurant critic AA Gill.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    The pebbled shore of Lago Maggiore.

    I haven't been there for far too long, and feel a re-charge is way, way WAY overdue.....
  • Pretty much wherever I happen to live, my dwelling. In a larger scale South East Asia in general feels more like home than the West ever did. I do like solitude so places like forests and quiet beaches are nice, but I like to try and think that the world is my home without borders, all be it unrealistic.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    High up places. Up on a roof, high in a tree, a mountainside. I've always felt a certain kind of calm when I can just sit up high and look out at a wide view.
  • @person loves to get high! :lol:
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I am actually usually at peace wherever I am. But the vast majority of time of course is spent in the few miles around my home, and we live in the woods so it's easy to find peace. I guess if I have to pick a specific spot, I am most at home on a particular hiking trail near my home. Sitting by the waterfall, sitting at a high overlook on the lake the trail goes around, I feel like I could sit there forever. Though come winter I'd probably change my mind, lol. The only time I'm away from home and don't feel at least mostly at peace, is when I am having to be in heavy traffic. Considering the village we live in has 160 people, it doesn't take much for me to feel stressed from any sort of traffic, which most people would hardly consider heavy, lol.
  • ocean. 100% ocean guy.
  • I'm a total beach/ocean kinda person.

    But if you told me I could not live within 100 miles of an ocean, or monster sized lake, I think I'd prefer a forest setting. Tall, thick pine forest or a mix of maples, birch, and other leafy trees with the pines....
  • The ocean, by a stream, by a lake, I would love any of it. But more than anything, the forest. Listening to the wind going through leaves and pines stirs up something primordial in me. If I could, I would just merge into that sound and disappear....
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    Even though I'm pretty terrified of water that's too deep to wade in, I like being near it. There's just something very calming yet powerful about water.

    But other than that, anywhere that's relatively calm and quiet. It could even be in the middle of a city, provided that it's not inundated with people and there isn't the constant din of cars going by.
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    I've heard it's where the heart is though I've found it more where the mind is.
  • In the wilderness- mountains, forests, lakes, oceans.
  • A lot of ocean/sea lovers here, pirates maybe! I am one too, that has only happened since moving to Thailand. I could live elsewhere but the air seems fresher when you live next to the sea. However, sea levels are predicted to rise 6 feet by the end of the century, a 2 foot increase would be pretty bad for a lot of property along coastal regions. So home owners or home owners to be, choose wisely. One reason among many (as well as being pretty poor money wise), I rent out wherever I live.
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    In my rose garden.
  • BhanteLuckyBhanteLucky Alternative lifestyle person in the South Island of New Zealand New Zealand Veteran
    In a cabin amongst forested mountains, cold outside, with a log fire inside. Me in a sleeping-bag with a book and a mug of tea, and nobody else around. No electricity.

    I lived like that for three years back home, I miss it.
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    My element is definitely 99% being a Non-Joiner. The other One percent, fully compact and overflowing is standing in admiration of the beautiful people that surround me.
  • BarraBarra soto zennie wandering in a cloud in beautiful, bucolic Victoria BC, on the wacky left coast of Canada Veteran
    Laos. Beautiful land and lovely people.
  • Barra said:

    Laos. Beautiful land and lovely people.

    I was hoping to hop over there in a week or so to get away from the Songkran festival in Thailand, it gets crazier and more silly each year. Quick fact about Laos, it is the most bombed country in the world and that was by the US of course.
  • robotrobot Veteran

    Barra said:

    Laos. Beautiful land and lovely people.

    I was hoping to hop over there in a week or so to get away from the Songkran festival in Thailand, it gets crazier and more silly each year. Quick fact about Laos, it is the most bombed country in the world and that was by the US of course.

    I rode a motorbike from Vientiane to Luang Prabang with a side trip to the Plane of Jars near Phonsavan earlier this year.
    The jars were interesting, but the mood of the area is rather dark in a way, due to the results of the bombing there.
    The landscape is covered in bomb craters. And the ground is still filled with cluster bombs, other bombs of all types, mines and mortar rounds. Much of the land is unusable.
    Many of the businesses in the town of Phonsavan are decorated with bomb casings and other weapons.
    Beautiful country anyhow but not really my element.
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