We discuss religion and politics. We even discuss race. It's respectful, playful, and at the end of the day....we can come together for each other. There is a lot of love in a place where we break the social discussion rules.
What are some of your favorite topics here?
Just talking, period.
Whatever is a personal experience as opposed to a recitation of rite and ritual.
You and me both!
A lot of threads I just can't latch onto. I am just like 'duh can't think of this'. So I like the ones where I have the sense of knowing something about.
"Buddhist gossip" . :rolleyes: .. .
@Jeffrey ..... I know what ya mean.
We always seem to get in where we fit in, though ..
Want a waffle? hahahaha ....That's an oldie but goodie right there...hahaha
If you're a comic book fan, then you've heard this joke, but bear with me.
Two inmates in a mental hospital decide to escape one night. They make it to the roof, where they stand on the edge and look at the next building over, too far to jump, where they can climb down to freedom from the fire escape if only they can get over there.
"I know," said one inmate. "I have this flashlight here. I'll shine it across the gap and you walk across on the beam. Then I toss you the flashlight and you do the same for me."
"Are you kidding?" the other inmate says. "You want me to walk across a beam of light? I might be mental, but I'm not stupid."
"What's wrong with the idea?" the first inmate asks.
"What's wrong is, I know you," the second inmate said. "You'll turn off the flashlight when I'm halfway across!"
I guess all I'm saying is, in this place, I trust you guys (and gals) not to turn off the flashlight.
I like creative ones and the ones that involve things we need not worry about the best or when someone gets the help they wanted.
One of my favorite rules to break is pondering the imponderables.
You're a rebel in disguise, aren't you?
I enjoy pondering the unpondered. What goes without question? Let's examine it and release it back into the wild
. I sense that kind of respect here on this forum, and it's not exactly common, so it is appreciated very much.
JEFFREY! I know exactly what you mean. I read a ton of threads and sometimes really try to wrap my head around some of the advanced knowledge on here, but sometimes I just can't grasp. I always try to learn though. You really hit the nail on the head! I, like most here, take comfort in knowing that I can talk about just about anything here and not be subjected to ridicule (unless it's warranted of course!)
Only when it suits diplomacy.
Rules are often a boundary to the boundless. My fav threads are where somone has bounded over.
I like the "Big Happy Family" threads where everybody gets along together, no arguing moaning, complaining, bit#$hing, whining, .......No wait that sounds an awful lot like Nirvana ... . :scratch: ..
You can say 'bitching'.
In fact, there are no limits or censorship limitations on any words at all on forum. However we appreciate the personal restraint shown by members, enormously, when it comes to judicious avoidance of using profane terminology on a regular and indiscreet manner. The huge majority of members comply with standard general forum etiquette and social mores by avoiding use of foul language. There are no concrete rules of forum behaviour here, but most people respond extremely positively and comply, when it is requested of them to exercise restraint in respect of others. Pretty amazing and cooperative bunch of nice people we have here....
I tried using fowl language once, but it was ducking ridiculous. Everyone laughed at me; I think I have PTSD, permanent psychological scars.
That's why we love you. You're as daft as the rest of us...
I'm content insofar as the threads' topics do not take up any Buddhist concerns, current events, humor, the arts, gardening and suchlike. But then, I'm not all that particular.
I love the internalized wisdom that comes from trial and error, and trying on Buddhism for size, as opposed to mere dogmatic sutta-offrattling.
People's experiences out in the field sometimes help me make the click with a peculiarly elusive abstraction.
I'm totally put off by those comments where you can smell much intellectual comprehension of the doctrine, but a total failure to connect the dots in real life.