and games, . Any Lego builders here? Mini figs? My two kids at home, 12 and 13 can sit for hours and build legos. When we do home made gifts for holidays...i always get at least 2 sculptures. I don't have the time to meditate on it and create, but I do have a starter collection of minifigs! We are chompin' at the bit for the Lego Batman Movie!
Jesus Meets Buddha ....
We love legos. My kids have a huge thing of them from my childhood. And I have my own, in a cabinet in my bedroom, LOL. Most women have angel statues, I have legos. I love puzzles and I love to play. So legos fit the bill of puzzles that are play and can go on display (and don't take up the dining room table for weeks). I wish they didn't cost so much! We have a family of minifigs that live in our car.
I have some castles and houses and stuff that are boxed up because I can't decorate my house with all lego, sadly. Don't mind the random GoT guys in there. The wood carvings are things my great grandpa carved. I think the VW Bus is my favorite lego though, it was lots of fun to build. My kids got nothing on me
Sadly I had to leave all my Lego behind when I emigrated to the US aged 11, we could take only a few suitcases, no room for a huge Lego collection. I used to really enjoy playing with it too, and it was probably instrumental to me choosing to do an engineering degree at Uni.
The kits are very expensive. I bought 2 big tubs of mixed and then bought them a builder they only get kits on holidays, hahaha. The last kit bought was Adjua got the Joker and Harley Quinn Lego car for Christmas.
The pics below are .... Sushi from Kofi for Christmas..

My mini fig park scene on my dresser...
Our Lego minifig on the alter...
My fav out of everything we have is the natural bird set..i could stare it at for hours...brb with a pic...
^^^^ why are my pics so big?
Yes, we pretty much leave sets for holidays/birthdays as well. If they get spending money of their own, legos are always first on the list. I'm glad all these years we've kept our collection (well, my mom did!). Love the sushi!! My spatial ability is almost nonexistant, so I struggle to come up with neat stuff on my own. Awesome of Kofi!
Luckily here they opened a bricks store about 5 mins away.The kids are too old to have attended a b day party there, hahaha...but they have long tables and sell you a bucket and its all the pieces you can fit in it. pieces off of kits! Excellent for building! you can make your own mini for $5. Good fun on a Sunday

That's awesome! Minneapolis has a big Lego store in the Mall of America, which is really neat. I always wanted to go to Legoland in FL,but just couldn't justify the cost of yet another theme park when we were there. I'd probably just embarrass my kids anyhow.
We're big on Lego in our house, my wife got and built the 4000+ piece Disney castle at Christmas and we've had a few big sets like that before. We have the entire Lego Dimensions collection and are looking forward to the new Lego Worlds game coming out in March. Perhaps something to do with me being a structural engineer, or vice versa.
Back in the early 80s we were visiting friends in Aarhus Denmark (with my eldest son who was around 2 at the time) our friends took us to legoland....
Legoland's so plastic