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Pot-ass DJ Rump to give her full title, is the embodiment of a king Troll. Your point about difficult issues is taken:
Look forward to threads on:
The decline of USA into a clown state
Is wrathful in Tantra different to rashful? ?
Is being Chinese the new privilege?
I wasn't aware I was being unskillful in making my previous points about some of these difficult issues but as always @lobster I am totally open to feedback and constructive criticism. ??
Anyway @lobster we had better jump overboard. This thread is sinking!! ???
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
edited May 2018
@Socair said:
I suppose I revived the thread as Trump presents a real and present danger to us all and life on Earth. Another point is that forgetting about him won't solve the problem.
It’s true, but what relevance does Trump have to Buddhism? Why bring Trump constantly to the attention of an international Buddhist group?
Trump is not an ideal president, he seems to be doing a lot of damage to the United States’ stance in many different areas, but if I want to read about him I can go to huffpost or the New York Times.
For me New Buddhist is a place for everything to do with Buddhism and associated topics of personal growth. I wouldn’t discuss the politics of the European Parliament here, even though the rise of the far right is worrying. I wouldn’t want to burden people here with a discussion that they couldn’t do anything about.
I guess what I’m trying to say it’s ok to have the thread and to talk about it, but it’s perhaps less beneficial to the group to keep coming back to it when there is very little new to be done?
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
@Tsultrim said:
Would someone please delete this post? I don't need to see that name on a Buddhist forum. There must be somewhere to go to escape him, and the disgrace he represents for America.
Surely buddhist forums must not exclude issues that are difficult. Ignoring difficult issues isn't a solution to those issues.
Well, I'm divided on this one; of course, I agree with your last statement, but this is a Buddhist forum. Many people regard this as their 'Sangha', and as such it is a place of Refuge.
A Refuge from what?
Well, you'd have to clarify that with individuals, but for me personally, it's a place I can come to focus on myself, what ails me, how to deal with it, to revise constantly the 4NT, the 8FP and the 5 precepts.
It's not, to my mind, a place to come and rant.
There's 'real life' for that.
Off forum, I am beset daily, by the difficulties faced in social interaction on a local scale; with people who, in the main, don't know about Buddhism, don't understand it and in some cases, have never heard of it. Life its very self is a school, a place of education, constant revision and renewed effort - from instantly to daily. My daily life, off-forum, throws situations at me that, sometimes, I struggle to deal with skilfully, because of their importance, significance and/or relevance to others.
Here, I can shelter from all that.
I can.... not forget, exactly, but I can lay aside the daily woes, worries, struggles and challenges, because here, I am among kinfolk. People who 'get it'. People who 'talk my language' and who teach me everything, and allow me to remain in their company in comfort, ease and safety.
So while I know that Buddhist forums shouldn't exclude social important topics, I believe it's essential to strike a balance.
Consider the words of my Avatar:
"Before you speak, ask yourself,
Is it kind?
Is it necessary?
Is it true?
Does it improve the silence?"
Simply because something is topical, it doesn't necessarily make it relevant.
And if you want to complain about something, it's important to have a backup plan; something of action you can do to improve things, in however small a way that might be.
Venting is for Speaker's Corner.
so you can understand why this topic might be truly tiresome for some, who are citizens of the USA. Particularly as neither you nor I, are....
@federica please feel free to delete the Trump thread. ??☺☺
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
edited May 2018
No, I'm not going to delete it because there are 4 pages of input from many members. I think leaving it sunk is appropriate, if only for posterity's sake. When the USA eventually gets a new President, we can all look back on this and laugh.
Or Cry.
(ETA (again!) I will however, close it as a compromise. If there is more to add, or something of vital topical significance occurs, whoever feels the need to add something can PM me, and I will, as necessary, re-open it.... )
I wasn't aware I was being unskillful in making my previous points about some of these difficult issues but as always @lobster I am totally open to feedback and constructive criticism. ??
Anyway @lobster we had better jump overboard. This thread is sinking!! ???
It’s true, but what relevance does Trump have to Buddhism? Why bring Trump constantly to the attention of an international Buddhist group?
Trump is not an ideal president, he seems to be doing a lot of damage to the United States’ stance in many different areas, but if I want to read about him I can go to huffpost or the New York Times.
For me New Buddhist is a place for everything to do with Buddhism and associated topics of personal growth. I wouldn’t discuss the politics of the European Parliament here, even though the rise of the far right is worrying. I wouldn’t want to burden people here with a discussion that they couldn’t do anything about.
I guess what I’m trying to say it’s ok to have the thread and to talk about it, but it’s perhaps less beneficial to the group to keep coming back to it when there is very little new to be done?
Well, I'm divided on this one; of course, I agree with your last statement, but this is a Buddhist forum. Many people regard this as their 'Sangha', and as such it is a place of Refuge.
A Refuge from what?
Well, you'd have to clarify that with individuals, but for me personally, it's a place I can come to focus on myself, what ails me, how to deal with it, to revise constantly the 4NT, the 8FP and the 5 precepts.
It's not, to my mind, a place to come and rant.
There's 'real life' for that.
Off forum, I am beset daily, by the difficulties faced in social interaction on a local scale; with people who, in the main, don't know about Buddhism, don't understand it and in some cases, have never heard of it. Life its very self is a school, a place of education, constant revision and renewed effort - from instantly to daily. My daily life, off-forum, throws situations at me that, sometimes, I struggle to deal with skilfully, because of their importance, significance and/or relevance to others.
Here, I can shelter from all that.
I can.... not forget, exactly, but I can lay aside the daily woes, worries, struggles and challenges, because here, I am among kinfolk. People who 'get it'. People who 'talk my language' and who teach me everything, and allow me to remain in their company in comfort, ease and safety.
So while I know that Buddhist forums shouldn't exclude social important topics, I believe it's essential to strike a balance.
Consider the words of my Avatar:
"Before you speak, ask yourself,
Is it kind?
Is it necessary?
Is it true?
Does it improve the silence?"
Simply because something is topical, it doesn't necessarily make it relevant.
And if you want to complain about something, it's important to have a backup plan; something of action you can do to improve things, in however small a way that might be.
Venting is for Speaker's Corner.
so you can understand why this topic might be truly tiresome for some, who are citizens of the USA. Particularly as neither you nor I, are....
(ETA: I'm not speaking as a Moderator, here....)
Points well made and points well taken @kerome and @federica .
Now sink damn thread!
@federica please feel free to delete the Trump thread. ??☺☺
No, I'm not going to delete it because there are 4 pages of input from many members. I think leaving it sunk is appropriate, if only for posterity's sake. When the USA eventually gets a new President, we can all look back on this and laugh.
Or Cry.
(ETA (again!) I will however, close it as a compromise. If there is more to add, or something of vital topical significance occurs, whoever feels the need to add something can PM me, and I will, as necessary, re-open it....