In an overly complicated world that we have created with our complex brains, it is refreshing to return to the basics of dharma and practice. I have found that simplification and letting go have been such a huge help. Returning to the very basics of buddhism, the 4NTs and the eightfold path along with mindfulness and the practical application of buddhism in my daily life have been a huge source of strength and relief. Today I try to live as much as possible for each moment, enjoy simplicity, and use my thinking as a tool that serves me when I need it only.
Acceptance is something else I have been working on. I am learning how to change what I can and accept what I cannot change. As human beings we all suffer, we all have difficulties. I would like this post to be a huge THANK YOU to the three jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. A gratititude that I found myself born into this human existence and was able to discover the dharma. I would like this post to also be a thank you for all who have helped me ( knowingly or unknowingly). Finally I would like this post to be my forgiveness of others and asking others for forgiveness. Here I am. Thank you.
I wish you Love, health, happiness and peace of mind.
Beautiful post, Hozan.
Thank you @Kerome . I've not been posting here in recent months but I have kept up to speed and always enjoy your great contributions here on NB.
Thank you @Hozan I can be fairly certain that your post covey the feelings of us all! And if it they don't, they should. I really like posts like yours, where the feelings are truly heartfelt and palpable. Peace
Great post @Hozan
Ever do prostrations. Bows to the Buddha. It is a heartfelt gratitude ...
Thank you @Rojeho . Much appreciated and good to meet you.
Thanks @lobster . I must get back to prostrations again. The physical act of bowing really harnesses the gratitude. Thank you for the timely reminder. Awesome as always! ??
@Hozan I must say I found your post thoughtless....keep up the good work

(Zen gratitude )

I love it @Shoshin . ??????????
Yes Hozan (and welcome back). I went back to basics a few months ago to cope with my ongoing ankle debacle ❤️❤️????
Thank you so much @Kundo . I hope your recovery and rehabilitation is continuing well. That was a tough tough injury. Best wishes. ????????
It is commendable and honourable to cultivate and disseminate kindness, compassion, and love towards others, because it is generating that which we are in essence, at our core. Going back to basics, entails shedding the adult persona we have been influenced to develop, and returning to a level of Childlike innocence, while still embracing the qualities of Wisdom, Goodness and Love we have hitherto accumulated.
One can only fervently hope, @Hozan , that you are directing an equal amount of the 4 Sublime States at yourself, and that you are living a life of Metta Karuna, Mudita and Uppeka for first yourself and then your family.
May the joy of infinite tranquility rest lightly and comfortably on your shoulders, like a protective gossamer shawl...
Thank you so much @federica . May that blessing be returned to you a thousand fold. You are so right about starting with oneself first. That is where I have started and its allowing me to reach out and be there for those around me also. Thank you federica. ???????
Good plan/practice.