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A Sober Rock Bottom(ish).

Hi all,

After a break of a few years from anything commonly thought of as 'spiritual' I've hit a sober rock bottom (11 years sober; still not drinking, still reluctantly - outwardly - doing AA, but not much).

I've just been daft, wrapped up in the world of politics, arguing on twitter, and distracting myself in all manner of stupid, idiotic, and unhealthy ways. It doesn't help anyone, including myself; it's childish waste of time.

So, the plan is:

  1. Delete Twitter; it's an unhealthy attachment.
  2. Start a meditation practice.
  3. Implement some 'forced' compassion into my routine. Phoning an alkie I know who is struggling, for eg.
  4. Read/listen to something more conducive towards a spiritual path. Anyone got any recommendations? Nothing too 'woo woo' please.

Feel free to chime in with advice, which I'll probably ignore anyway. I'm a slow learner.

Anyway, it's nice to see some personalities that I remember from before, and a message from April (not sure which year) from Bunks.




  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran
    edited July 2020

    I think that sounds very sensible. I’m a very minimalist user of Twitter and Facebook, it is possible to have them installed and not spend a lot of time on them.

    Truth be told, I spend more time on forums than anything else, which at least has some dharma content and has the feeling of a sangha, rather than all sorts of disjointed contacts.

    In terms of stuff conducive to the spiritual path, a few people here have been reading In the Buddha’s Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi, which is downloadable as a free pdf. It’s a nice anthology of sutras of the Buddha which helps. See this thread.

    I’d advise you to try something like the Zen Peacemakers if you’re into compassionate service. They are very understanding people.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Sober is good. Welcome back <3

    1. Twitter is an addiction. True. My name is lobster and I am a twitter junky ... :3
    2. Meditation, just started again myself ...
    3. Force yourself to practice kindness to yourself. Try metta bhavna
    4. Reading? Links:

    Also we have new people on the forum who need meeting, advising, inspiring etc. The job is yours ... :)

  • ToshTosh Veteran

    Thanks for the warm welcome back, guys.

    I'm like one of those alkies who only return to AA when they've been beaten up badly with the booze. =)

    Reminds me of one of @lobster's posts/quotes:

    Rumi Quote: “Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair.

  • ToshTosh Veteran

    @Kerome said:
    I think that sounds very sensible. I’m a very minimalist user of Twitter and Facebook, it is possible to have them installed and not spend a lot of time on them.

    Truth be told, I spend more time on forums than anything else, which at least has some dharma content and has the feeling of a sangha, rather than all sorts of disjointed contacts.

    In terms of stuff conducive to the spiritual path, a few people here have been reading In the Buddha’s Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi, which is downloadable as a free pdf. It’s a nice anthology of sutras of the Buddha which helps. See this thread.

    I’d advise you to try something like the Zen Peacemakers if you’re into compassionate service. They are very understanding people.

    Thanks, Kerome.

    I just took a look on Audible for Bhikkhu Bodhi; he's got a few there, including In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon.

    Zen Peacemakers looks interesting too; thanks, I'll look into it.

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    Hey nice to see you @Tosh

    I was away from NewBuddhist for quite awhile as well. Came back when Covid blew up and found myself stuck in the house.

  • ToshTosh Veteran

    @Walker said:
    Hey nice to see you @Tosh

    I was away from NewBuddhist for quite awhile as well. Came back when Covid blew up and found myself stuck in the house.

    I think lockdown gave lots of us a chance to think, to improve, or to get worse.

    My experience was mostly the latter.

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    Hey there you!!!! :)<3

    Meh. we all fall down...get your ass back up and do right!.... ok, I promise no more advice you wont take, hahaha.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    Welcome back. Social media is intentionally designed to be addicting, it doesn't play on physical addictions. It plays on our negative emotions like anger and disgust or our desire for social acceptance. It is possible to use it responsibly, like it is possible to use alcohol responsibly.

    For myself I find it is important to cultivate your feeds with less extreme, more thoughtful and nuanced sources. And then realize that often what you are reading usually isn't THE truth but an opinion or an aspect of the truth.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited July 2020

    I've just been daft, wrapped up in the world of politics, arguing on twitter, and distracting myself in all manner of stupid, idiotic, and unhealthy ways. It doesn't help anyone, including myself; it's childish waste of time.


    Despite my childlike tendencies, I haz masterplan:

    • Give up giving up. It is an immature controlling freakery.
    • Take up the burden of others need to avoid burdens eg mustard seeds ... which can be very heavy ...

    • Serve. If more advanced you will be servile. Further along and you will be serviced.

    but mostly I will grow up ... perhaps tomorrow ... if it comes ...

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