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Season's Greeting

Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient BeingOceania Veteran

Well it's overcast, humid and windy xmas day on the island...Season's Greeting and may you all have a mindful festive season...
My seasonal gift to the self was a longer than usual powerwalk to two lookout points (the self considers it to be both a reward & punishment ;);) )

Meri Kirihimete (Maori language) <3



  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Well it will be Christmas Day in about an hour here, so I’m delivering my Christmas greetings from not quite the right vantage but I doubt anyone minds terribly. Merry Xmas folks!

  • I can hear something ... it may be the neighbours or Rudolph urging on team Santa ... I will be staying up to ensure the reindeer don't OD on mince pies ...

    ... busy ...

    Look after yourself everyone ... meditate Zen style early morning or evening with @how and remember our dharma chat this Sunday


  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited December 2020

    Hey Lobster
    Perhaps calling the twice a day Zoom meditations, a Zen sit, is a bit limiting.

    It might be more accurate to say that the twice a day 30 minute shared zoom sits are simply being bell timed by a guy sitting in Zen. The type of sitting that one does during this time is left up to the individual but since the mikes are being left on, as a courtesy, silence is requested during this sitting time.

    Cheers all through the Buddhmas holidays!

  • Thanks @how

    Very sadly missed this morning :(
    I tend to leave the mike off as I may chant ... and not always silently =)

  • Is it over?
    Phew ... I survived ;)

    Xmas done. 🥳

    Time to plan new year resolutions and precept breaking Tantra style: 🤔

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    I don’t know @lobster, Boxing Day is officially still part of Christmas isn’t it? We still have a bottle of port with Stilton unopened.

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