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New year ~~precepts~~ resolutions
Are you perfected now?
If not any precepts or resolves?
- Gonna start yoga practicing
- Gonna be kinder to bees, butterflies and birdies
- Must stop ranting
- Solve everything by being smarter
I’m formally taking refuge and the precepts with one of China’s most prominent Pure Land masters tomorrow afternoon at 5pm.
Then five days at the monastery to start the new year. Ajahn Brahm will be staying there at the same time which is pretty cool.
I think 2021 will be a good year......blessings to all 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️
I don’t believe in resolutions. They are made each year and most are broken again in a fairly short time, they just seem don’t seem to matter very much.
But it wouldn’t be the same without a rant from @lobster once in a while, so I hope he will gently keep ranting.
In my experience, resolutions only hold up for a few days before they become moot or inappropriate to inner or outer circumstances. Hence daily or weekly resolutions seem to be a good deal more useful. The current is always changing, the tide flows in and out, and swimming with it, not against it, often seems the best course to follow.
That's so awesome @Bunks - I'd love to formally take vows myself. That's something I will work towards in 2021 and hopefully commit to for 2022
Now it is New Years Eve and my daily practice evolves as I take on the Yoke (Yoga). Yep I started before the official 'now is precept resolution discipline day' ...
ah ha!
is meditation yoga?
yah! body scan alighn the heart with mind does the body good.
with energy in loveful means we get things done. with mind, heart and body the day is renewed. yes subconscious buddhist align with maiytria enegy loving kindness to self and others. the heart of the matter. lord love is ace.
might as make a precept vow for the new year i know i can keep;
refrain from sexual misconduct. respect woman as self.
....i really want to meet lord love and know his love dharma. in another video lord maitreya if you keep one of the precept of lord shaki that he will teach you. i hope so after i die.
my wish for lord love is know the skillfull heart means of tara buddha also. she is supreame, the mother of all buddhas-gods.
I resolve to…
I miss @lobster’s rants!
Be careful what you wish for...
Indeed, we have a term for 'politicians', scammers like Nigella Farage. Rant-a-gob.
Nigel Fabarge the backbench MP for Trumpland in the British Miss government is an example. No use to anyone except tool makers...
Anyway that is enough about Polly ticks and other vermin. Time for some excellent resolutions for today:
daily rosolve, sounds good third listening in me.
feel the heart guide the in out breath of lungs
may her voice guide my heart and breath nourish the brain.
loving guided medetation. does the body good be one heart and brain. namaste,,,,
om ya heart aha bodhi vah....
ty lord and lordette power in buddha ohms...
Again I resolve to procrastinate more this year. But tomorrow I think I have things to do so maybe next week?
I'm tired of promising things to every New Year. How about the Year be good to me? It's about time Life looked on the up, for me, for a change. I've had it with 2024...
Dear Friends, Moderators no longer on instagram, pixeys,
You can post your pics here (I am there with my portfolio of pics)
talking of resolving and dissolving into a better year...