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Is it wrong to put an animal out of their misery?

milesmiles america New

I have some pet chickens and earlier today one suffered a fatal injury and was laying there dieing. There was no way she could have survived or been patched up, and if I left her to die she would have spent hours just laying there twitching and clucking, so I killed her quick and almost painless. Im not sure what I did was right since all life is sacred , but im also not sure leaving her there would have been right either. Did I do the wrong thing?



  • Is it wrong to put an animal out of their misery?

    Is it right to allow primates to suffer?
    Welcome to Boddhisatvas 101 ...

    As a semi sentient wer-lobster and cousin cannibal cructacean carnivore, I eat 'lesser' life forms.

    Increasingly we can care and do well for animals, plants and edible politicians.

    Of the specifics. If able, I would have killed the chicken (and eaten your pet) 🤭

    I may be evil :3
    Be kind. You were. Job done.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Is it wrong to put an animal out of their misery?

    Is it right to let them suffer ?

  • Well said @Shoshin1

    We live in samsara (a nirvana pureland for the dedicated practitioners).
    We will not escape levels of karmic murder, mass slaughter of insects, eg. on vegetable crops we consume.

    Hoover However, fear not. Intention and the movement towards goodwill to hedgehogs is the key.

    As my dharma mother used to tell me

    Be Good

    Iz plan ...

  • paskapaska Explorer

    It is my secular belief and understanding of tibetan Buddhism that this is a murky area. I came from aci Buddhism i am no longer aci; we will not use aci here . Most teachers in tibetan Buddhism believe that the pet you are killing could be a buddha or bodhisattva. Doing so wether they are ordinary or not is grave karma. They say it is nessecary to experience all of life even if it’s emended pain that’s part of the path. It’s my humble opinion no one should be in that much pain ie suffering with a extreme illness or just old. And some teachers i find searching this online agree.

    So its a double edge sword. It’s gaining karma of killing a regular innocent life and a buddha. It will taint your practice and make you unable to move on in practice. It’s up to you like human abortion its a secular choice due to circumastances but you will pay karmaticaly for that abortion. I am no teacher i remind you. I am no student i remind you. I am not blessed with personal dream teachings that would be legit by buddhist teachers. But i can tell you i do receive static in my dreams visited by holy beings pretending to be ordinary secular education teachers. I can see through them. And from my past layship and education . My online searches ect.

    I feel for you but its wrong.

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