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Broadly similar sentiments, and broadly accurate I think. There are only a few forums I follow on the internet besides this one. A few are declining; one is vibrant and thriving. Over much broader timeframes, countries prosper, then later wither. Languages too. As one of my favorite philosophers said, "You breathe in, and you breathe out."
Regardless of our memories of the NB of old, and whatever warm glow it had before some of the sparks were extinguished, what is it today? And what will it become? I think it's a pretty pleasant place, all in all (and with a few perpetual, but minor, exceptions). And as Jason points out, it will be what we make it.
Who are you people trying to convince?
In a couple of weeks you'll be back to your usual pseudo-Buddhist stagnation, with dwindling interest. Good luck with that.
Oh, my Cod, you make me feel eel with your nonsensical bullshit.
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
It seems as if you take peverse pleasure in criticising and finding fault with things around here. If there is nothing to your liking, why do you keep coming back, I wonder? Is it just attention seeking?
You know where the door is, if you want to leave. Nobody's forcing you to stay.
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
Oh, my Cod, you make me feel eel with your nonsensical bullshit.
It's possible - though I could, of course be wrong; we all are at one time or another - that you're subtly trying to goad me into banning you. Perhaps you were surprised to come back and find re-entry possible. A ban would be a feather in your cap, something to take to other forums and gloat about, warning others of your perceptions of this forum...
Well if you think I'm going to rise to the assumed bait, you can think again.
Now, as before, if you don't like it here, you're free to go.
If you choose to stay though, be constructive. Add, don't subtract. Quit criticising, and do something to support, not undermine.
@federica said:
It seems as if you take peverse pleasure in criticising and finding fault with things around here. If there is nothing to your liking, why do you keep coming back, I wonder? Is it just attention seeking?
You know where the door is, if you want to leave. Nobody's forcing you to stay.
You are the one who keeps coming back, not me. Why don't you retire, and let somebody else take over?
DavidA human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First NationsVeteran
@DairyLama said:
Who are you people trying to convince?
In a couple of weeks you'll be back to your usual pseudo-Buddhist stagnation, with dwindling interest. Good luck with that.
We're good, thanks.
It's the quality of the people, not the quantity that counts. There are a bunch of Facebook groups full of trolls trying to out-enlighten each other. Maybe that would be more to your liking.
Perhaps …
Tsk, tsk. Maybe some are two parts troll, one part grumpy and … A newBuddha? Maybe in need of Long Johns?
Or maybe we need more practice. Maybe could try NewBuddhist?
Just trying … as usual …

Hmm and the most important lesson here is...

Sabbe dhamma nalam abhinivesaya ...not even members
I was thinking that there was a similar thread just a couple of weeks ago. But it was actually many months ago:
Broadly similar sentiments, and broadly accurate I think. There are only a few forums I follow on the internet besides this one. A few are declining; one is vibrant and thriving. Over much broader timeframes, countries prosper, then later wither. Languages too. As one of my favorite philosophers said, "You breathe in, and you breathe out."
Regardless of our memories of the NB of old, and whatever warm glow it had before some of the sparks were extinguished, what is it today? And what will it become? I think it's a pretty pleasant place, all in all (and with a few perpetual, but minor, exceptions). And as Jason points out, it will be what we make it.
Who are you people trying to convince?
In a couple of weeks you'll be back to your usual pseudo-Buddhist stagnation, with dwindling interest. Good luck with that.
Oh, my Cod, you make me feel eel with your nonsensical bullshit.
It seems as if you take peverse pleasure in criticising and finding fault with things around here. If there is nothing to your liking, why do you keep coming back, I wonder? Is it just attention seeking?
You know where the door is, if you want to leave. Nobody's forcing you to stay.
It's possible - though I could, of course be wrong; we all are at one time or another - that you're subtly trying to goad me into banning you. Perhaps you were surprised to come back and find re-entry possible. A ban would be a feather in your cap, something to take to other forums and gloat about, warning others of your perceptions of this forum...
Well if you think I'm going to rise to the assumed bait, you can think again.
Now, as before, if you don't like it here, you're free to go.
If you choose to stay though, be constructive. Add, don't subtract. Quit criticising, and do something to support, not undermine.
Up to the challenge? Over to you.
You are the one who keeps coming back, not me. Why don't you retire, and let somebody else take over?
We're good, thanks.
It's the quality of the people, not the quantity that counts. There are a bunch of Facebook groups full of trolls trying to out-enlighten each other. Maybe that would be more to your liking.
Seems like a good place to leave it.
I could write an essay on the host of misunderstandings and bad assumptions contained in this sentence.
Every metric by which you evaluate a community is wrong.
Every notion you have of others' motivations are just shadows of your own.
I wish I had the energy to explain it again, or you the patience to hear it.