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No Buddhist Quotes



  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Isn’t this listening a perception?
    No, it is not a perception. Although this reality knows itself, it is not a subject/object knowing. Listening, non-directed attention, is the natural, the inbuilt, functioning of the brain.
    So is listening the same as consciousness or is it an expression of consciousness?
    Listening is of the same nature as consciousness. Unconditioned listening is the most subtle function. When listening is sustained it unfolds in consciousness.”
    — Jean Klein

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    "Our reactions to our feelings, are our passport to rebirth."

    'Being Nobody, Going Nowhere', Ayya Khema.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran
    edited February 2023

    “A swami came to visit me. He was eighty years old and had quite a few followers. He came into satsang and said to me, please don’t talk to me about Yoga, I have read all the books and know all of that. So I said, that’s fine, I won’t talk about Yoga. But what about all the other things you’ve brought with you, all those other methods and techniques? Let me help you carry them outside, then you can come in again without them. So I helped him to the door, and he stood outside for maybe five minutes, turning this way and that. Then he came in and said, it’s amazing. Later one of his students came to me and asked, what have you done to the swami? He has rejected all dharma’s.”
    — H. W. L. Poonja

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “You are so accustomed to feeling yourself as a center that this habit contracts you away from your wholeness. You go away from a vast nothing in order to be a small something. You go away from your Absence to create a presence.”
    — Jean Klein

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “There may come a moment in life when the world no longer stimulates us and we feel deeply apathetic, even abandoned. This can motivate us towards the search for our real nature beyond appearances. When we no longer find interest in activities and states, when we no longer feel much pleasure in objects and human relationships, we may find ourselves asking: “Is there something wrong with this world or with my attitude towards it?” This serious doubt can lead us to ask: “What is the meaning of existence? What is life? Who am I? What is my true nature?” Sooner or later any intelligent person asks these questions.
    As we live with these questions, look at them closely, we become aware that the “me” always seems to be at the center of things playing several roles: “I am cold. I am tired. I am working.” With a more open-minded alertness it becomes apparent that the body feels cold, tired, or is working, not “I.” In the same way when we look at states: “I wish. I am depressed. I remember. I am bored,” we see that we have identified ourselves with the thought or feeling. In looking at this relation between the I and its qualifications it becomes obvious that we have taken it for granted and believe ourselves to be this “me.”
    This “me” has therefore no continual reality. It is a false appropriation.”
    — Jean Klein

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “It is an experience encountered where there is neither somebody experiencing nor a thing experienced. Only this reality is spiritual. All other states, “highs,” whether brought about by techniques, experiences or drugs, even the so often exalted samadhi, are phenomena—and carry with them traces of objectivity. In other words, as what you are is not a state, it is a waste of time and energy chasing more and more experiences in the hope of coming closer to the non-experience.”
    — Jean Klein

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Fear and anxiety are the pawns of memory and the known. Emotional involvement blinds us; it is nothing other than a reaction produced by a psyche cut off from its source. Ideas and ideals are a flight from continual renewal.”
    — Jean Klein

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “It is only the mind that conjures up such ideas as inside and outside, freedom and imprisonment. Such inventions disappear without effort or discipline once they are seen to be imposters. There is being, knowledge and love. It is from this living silence that wafts the perfume of existence.”
    — Jean Klein

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Taking oneself to be a person is a habit just like any other. It is the desire to be distinct from one’s surroundings, different from others. The person exists when it is formulated as a thought, so we can see that it is nothing but memory.”
    — Jean Klein

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Inquiring is natural to us, look at babies and young children. Unfortunately society and the educational system do not foster this inherent exploration and the child often becomes bored. We are taught to superimpose the past on the present and future and so we lose the excitement, the newness of the moment. It takes alertness to see this mechanical functioning.”
    — Jean Klein

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “The role you play on the world’s stage has no meaning other than the clear-sightedness with which you play it. Don’t lose yourself in your performance—this only blurs the vision of your inner being.”
    — Jean Klein

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “The continual observation that you are acting from a place of reaction places you outside reaction.”
    — Jean Klein

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “The man of knowledge adds something new every day. The man of Tao lets something go every day.”
    — Lao Tzu, the Tao Te Ching

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Your thoughts are creating your life.”
    — Terence McKenna

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Men of the world who value the Way all turn to books. But books are nothing more than words. Words have value; what is of value in words is meaning. Meaning has something it is pursuing, but the thing that it is pursuing cannot be put into words and handed down. The world values words and hands down books but, though the world values them, I do not think them worth valuing. What the world takes to be values is not real value.”
    ― Chuang Tzu

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.
    For indeed, that's all whoever have
    ~Margaret Mead~

  • "It ain't over till it's over."
    Yogi Bera - Mgr NY Yankees baseball team

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Baseball was, is, and always will be to me the best game in the world.”
    Babe Ruth - Boston Braves and NY Yankees baseball player

  • FleaMarketFleaMarket Veteran
    edited March 2023

    "You await something wondrous in the enchanted forest, but when you look for something, you stop noticing the world around you ~ and the forest is shrouded in expectation."
    ~ Glass Masquerade II

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “If while tripping on psychedelics you believe you can fly — remember to take off from the ground.”
    — Terence McKenna

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Falling from a height is never painful.
    The trick is to simply avoid hitting the ground.


  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “No creative, intelligent person seeks power. No intelligent person is interested in dominating others. His first interest is to know himself. So the people with the highest quality of intelligence go towards mysticism, and the most mediocre go after power. That power can be worldly, political; it can be of money, it can be of holding spiritual domination over millions of people, but the basic urge is to dominate more and more people.
    This urge arises because you don't know yourself, and you don't want to know that you don't know yourself. You are so afraid of becoming aware of the ignorance that prevails in the very center of your being. You escape from this darkness through these methods -- lust for money, lust for power, lust for respectability, honor. And a man who has darkness within himself can do anything destructive.”
    — Osho, ‘Beyond Psychology’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Can't you allow things to happen without asking why? what?
    Do you understand why we ask such questions?
    The mind asks these questions because it wants to control your lifestyle, it wants to know everything that is going on. Nothing should happen which is beyond it; everything should be in its control. The mind is a great controller. And if everything remains in its control, it will be a tragedy because nothing great can happen to you.
    Everything that is great, magnificent, is beyond mind.”
    — Osho, ‘Beyond Enlightenment’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “A totally skeptical mind is bound to finally become a mystic; hence, my doors are open for all. I accept the skeptic because I know how to turn him into a mystic. I invite the theist because I know how to destroy his theism. I invite the atheist because I know how to take away his atheism. My doors prevent nobody, because I am not giving you any belief. I am giving you only a methodology, a meditation to discover for yourself what in reality is the case.”
    — Osho, ‘Beyond Enlightenment’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Beyond mind, zorba is the buddha; there is no dividing line. All that is beautiful in zorba becomes even more beautiful when buddha arrives, everything becomes a thousandfold more glorified. And all that is wrong and ugly in zorba disappears like darkness. That which can be absorbed is absorbed, and that which is not worth absorbing is dissolved. But don't make it a mental problem.
    My approach is not of the mind, it is of meditation. It is an existential approach.
    The zorba loves singing, playing on his musical instruments, dancing.
    Buddha will make it perfect, absolute. Even silence will become a song, even stones will become sermons, and whatever you touch will become a musical instrument because your hands will now have the magic of the whole existence; they will have the grace, the beauty, the poetry....
    Your life will not be a struggle between zorba and buddha, but a love affair -- so deep that two lovers disappear into each other, never to separate again. The union, the harmony, the accordance is going to be eternal.
    But avoid the mind.”
    — Osho, ‘Beyond Enlightenment’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Understanding is the demarcation line between the mundane and the sacred.
    The mundane can be understood and should be understood. And the sacred cannot be understood and should not be understood. Its sacredness is basically a secret that you experience, just the way you feel the heartbeat, the way you feel your breathing.
    The sacred gives color to existence, gives music to that which is mundane. It transforms all prose into poetry and makes everything a mystery unto itself so that the whole existence becomes a constant challenge to discover. You go on discovering, but the discovery is never finished; hence you can never say you have understood. On the contrary, the deeper you enter into the sacred dimension of life the more you feel you don't understand, you don't know.”
    — Osho, ‘Beyond Enlightenment’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Enlightenment is simply the process of becoming aware of your unconscious layers of personality and dropping those layers. They are not you; they are false faces. And because of those false faces, you cannot discover your original face.
    Enlightenment is nothing but the discovery of the original face -- the essential reality you brought with you, and the essential reality you will have to take with you when you die. All these layers gathered between birth and death will be left here behind you.
    The man of enlightenment does exactly what death does to everybody, but he does it himself. He dies in a way and is reborn, dies in a way and is resurrected. And his originality is luminous because it is part of eternal life.
    It is a simple process of discovering yourself.”
    — Osho, ‘Beyond Enlightenment’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran
    edited April 2023

    “It is a crime to destroy the unexplainable by bringing it to the level of explanations, because you have killed. It is almost like a bird on the wing in the sky…it is so beautiful in its freedom; the whole sky belongs to him, all the stars belong to him…no limits, no barriers. You can catch hold of the bird; you can make a beautiful golden cage and you can put the bird in the cage. But remember, it is not the same bird that was flying in freedom in the sky under the stars. Factually it is the same bird, but spiritually no — because where is the freedom and where are the stars? Where is the sky? Your golden cage cannot replace what you have taken away from the bird. It has lost its soul.
    The same happens when you try to explain something which is unexplainable. You bring it into the cage of language, of words — beautiful words, but the soul has disappeared. Don’t do it. I know it feels a little awkward when somebody asks and you cannot answer – you feel embarrassed.
    It is better to feel embarrassed. But don’t commit a crime against the mysteries of life. Tell the person, “I am feeling embarrassed because I cannot say it. Not that I don’t want to say it — I would have loved to say it to you but I cannot, because saying it means killing it. I can take you to the window from where you can see the open sky, I can take you to the man. Perhaps your heart will start dancing in the same way my heart dances within me. And in deep silence, you will understand what it means to me.
    But only when it starts to mean something to you.”
    People will be asking you many questions. Use their questions to invite them towards the same light, towards the same bliss, towards the same truth.
    Don’t answer — because you cannot answer, and whatever you say will fall flat.
    Resist the temptation of being knowledgeable. Accept your inarticulateness. But invite the person.
    Perhaps out of ten, one may turn up. And one never knows — by coming here, he may turn on!”
    — Osho, ‘Beyond Enlightenment’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran
    edited April 2023

    “Not only does the mind disturb your peace, your silence; it disturbs it to such an extent that the heart — which is capable of listening to silence, waiting, receptive — is denied all connection with your being. The mind monopolizes your being; it simply puts the heart aside. And because the heart is silent, and a gentleman, it does not quarrel; it simply goes down the street, waits by the side of the road.

    Mind wants to occupy the whole space.

    The disciple has to understand this whole situation — that the dictatorship of the mind has to be destroyed, that the mind is only a servant, not a master. The master is the heart, because all that is beautiful grows in the heart; all that is valuable comes out of the heart – your love, your compassion, your meditation.

    Anything that is valuable grows in the garden of the heart.
Mind is a desert, nothing grows there — only sand and sand and barren land. It has never given any fruit, any flower. You have to understand it: mind should not be supported as much as you have been supporting it up to now. Mind has to be put in its right place.

    The throne belongs to the heart.
And this is the revolution through which the disciple becomes a devotee: when the heart becomes the master, and the mind becomes a servant.

    This has to be remembered: that as a servant, the mind is perfect. As a master… it is the worst master possible; as a servant, it is the best.

    And the heart — wherever it is, either on the throne or on the street — is your only hope, the only possibility for you to be bridged with your being, to be bridged with existence. It is the only possibility for songs to arise in you, stars to descend in you, for your life to become a rejoicing, a dance.”
    — Osho, ‘Beyond Enlightenment’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Otherwise, people are simply wandering into words, theories, philosophies, theologies, religions, and all kinds of gymnastics of the mind; and nobody bothers that the ultimate reality is beyond mind. You can go on for lives searching into the mind and you will not find anything except empty words. Mind is a desert where nothing grows.
    But if you can move just a little above the mind, the whole sky opens up for you... a little courage, and you can open your wings.”
    — Osho, ‘Transmission of the Lamp’

  • FosdickFosdick in its eye are mirrored far off mountains Alaska, USA Veteran

    The world will not perish from want of wonders, but from want of wonder.

    J.B.S. Haldane

  • "You hold the universe in your hand."
    I want to say Carl Segan but not sure.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Sounds similar to this by the throne Mystic, William Blake

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Learn the art of watching, and you will have learnt all the religion there is.”
    — Osho

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Relaxation can transform you to such beautiful heights – and it is such a simple technique. There is nothing much in it; just for a few days you will find it difficult because of the old habit. To break down the old habit, it takes a few days.
    So go on using the hypnotic technique for relaxation. It is bound to come to you. It will bring new light to your eyes, a new freshness to your being, and it will help you to understand what meditation is. It is just the first steps outside the door of the temple of meditation. With just deeper and deeper relaxation it becomes meditation.
    Meditation is the name of the deepest relaxation.”
    — Osho

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran

    The ultimate test of your knowledge is your capacity to convey it to another.

    --Richard Feynman

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “The traditional method of vipassana is a very cold, dull and dead way, and because it is cold it takes a longer time – perhaps a few lives to become awakened.
    But because all the religions of the world have praised coldness in their saints, in their seekers, searchers, they have all delayed progress, delayed the evolution of consciousness.
    Energy moves better when it is warmer.
    This is one of my contributions, which will be condemned by all the religions – the religions of the cold. I teach you a religion of warmth, love, singing, dancing, music. These are all tremendously helpful to make you alert, wakeful.”
    — Osho, ‘The Transmission of the Lamp’

  • marcitkomarcitko Veteran

    “Well-being is realized by small steps, but is truly no small thing.” – Zeno (a Stoic philosopher)

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Hence all the buddhas say, ’Become desireless.’
    But the human problem is that we understand it as if they are saying, ’Make desirelessness your goal.’
    We turn everything into a goal. Put anything into the mind; it immediately reduces it into a goal and the problem arises immediately. Then the mind asks ’how?’ – how to achieve this, how to get it, how to become it. Again you are on the track; again you have missed.
    When buddhas say, ’Become desireless,’ they are not trying to create a goal for you. They are simply saying, ’See, look into your desiring. Understand your desire and the futility of it. Look deep into it, penetrate deep into it, and that very penetration will help – desire disappears.’
    When you can see the total futility of desire, will you ask how to drop it? If you see the total futility of it, it drops by itself.”
    — Osho

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “One distinction has to be understood, the distinction between brain and mind. The brain is part of the body. Every child is born with a fresh brain but not with a fresh mind. Mind is a layer of conditioning around the consciousness. You will not remember it; that is why there is a discontinuity.
    In each life when a person dies the brain dies, but the mind is released from the brain and becomes a layer on the consciousness. It is nonmaterial; it is just a certain vibe. So on our consciousness there are thousands of layers.
    Whenever I have said that a child is born with a mind as a tabula rasa, I meant the brain. The mind is very ancient, as ancient as existence. It has no beginning but it has an end. The day you are able to drop all those layers accumulated in centuries, mind dies. It has an end. In the same reference it has to be understood that enlightenment has a beginning but no end. Then you connect them both.
    Mind has no beginning; it has been always there with you. Then at a certain moment you drop it.
    The end of the mind is enlightenment.”
    — Osho, ‘The Path of the Mystic’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Mahavira and Buddha continually repeat, "Don't go on in a vicious circle. Just look into your past lives and see whether you have been doing this kind of thing always, for eternity. Do you have any mind or not? any intelligence or not?" Just being reminded that you have been after money for thousands of years and you have attained money in many lives and there was only frustration and nothing else; that you have been after power and you became powerful many times, but after reaching the last rung of the ladder you saw that there is nothing -- that you have been befooled by the society, that ambition is nonsense.
    You are not to be somebody.
    You are what you are.
    There is no question of climbing a ladder and you will be better.”
    — Osho, ‘The Path of the Mystic’

  • "A young nurse practiced meditation with Ajaan Fuang several days running, and finally asked him one day, 'Why wasn't today's session as good as yesterday's?'

    He answered: 'Meditating is like wearing clothes. Today you wear white, tomorrow red, yellow, blue, whatever. You have to keep changing. You can't wear the same set of clothes all the time. So whatever color you're wearing, just be aware of it. Don't get depressed or excited about it.'"
    Ajaan Fuang

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “There is no law in existence that you always go higher; you can go lower, you can fall below the previous stage. The path of evolution becomes certain only when you are becoming more conscious; then each successive life is on a higher plane.
    But how many people are trying to be conscious? On the contrary, most of the people in the world are trying to be as much unconscious as possible, because what little consciousness they know of is nothing but anxiety, anguish, worry. It is a torture, a tension. And there is no certainty that what you are deciding is the right thing, so there is a great fear, a hesitation. In the small consciousness that man has, he is always in the position of either/or -- divided, split, torn apart -- one part pulling in one direction, another part pulling in another direction. He is simply miserable.
    It is not an accident that alcohol and other drugs which can drown your consciousness in the vast unconscious are as old as man.”
    — Osho, ‘The Path of the Mystic’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “None of the religions, none of the governments, provide the exact reason why man wants to become unconscious. In fact they could not say it even if they knew it, because it is a condemnation of their whole society. The way they have created the world is so ugly that people don't want to be conscious. People want to become unconscious, people want to forget all about it. They are ready to take punishment, they are ready to go to jail, but they are not ready to drop drugs, because in the world that these so-called powers and so- called religions have created, it is not worth being conscious; it is simply terrible.
    And unless we change the situation... either we make the conscious life of man so beautiful, so loving, so blissful, that he would not like to become unconscious -- he would like to become more conscious -- or we have to make man himself completely free from all these things that can make him miserable. Then he would not like to be unconscious. Then he would like to be more and more conscious, because the more conscious he is, the more life becomes juicy, the more life becomes an adventure, the more he comes to know of the mysteries of existence.”
    — Osho, ‘The Path of the Mystic’

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Everybody wakes up in the morning with a silent mind, but that remains for only a few seconds. And even in those few seconds he does not realize that he is without any thought, because he has had no taste of it, no previous experience of it. So those two or three moments just pass -- and they are the most important in your twenty-four-hour day.
    But because you are experiencing it in the morning lecture and in the evening lecture, twice -- for hours the space is there, the silence is there -- you have now a certain experience. You feel it when waking up; soon you will feel silence when you are going to sleep -- but that is a little difficult. That's why first you feel it after you wake up, because waking up means that sleep has cleaned out much rubbish in dreams and has given rest. And now when you are coming out of the rest, it is easy to recognize silence. And those moments will become more and more. And then the lecture is there; again you are... so it remains a continuity.”
    — Osho, ‘The Path of the Mystic’

  • "Be the empty welcoming abode where all manner of states of being are greeted warmly"
    — I don't remember

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    @FleaMarket said:
    "Be the empty welcoming abode where all manner of states of being are greeted warmly"
    — I don't remember

    Sound's a bit like Rumi's The Guest House

    This being human is a guest house.
    Every morning a new arrival.

    A joy, a depression, a meanness,
    some momentary awareness comes
    as an unexpected visitor.

    Welcome and entertain them all!
    Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
    who violently sweep your house
    empty of its furniture,

    still, treat each guest honorably.
    He may be clearing you out
    for some new delight.

    The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
    meet them at the door laughing,
    and invite them in.

    Be grateful for whoever comes,
    because each has been sent
    as a guide from beyond.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.”

    ~Henry James~.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Sharpen your intelligence, at least to one-third of its potential. And meanwhile meditate, so the day you become enlightened, you can say something to the world. You owe it. Existence waits millions of years for somebody to become enlightened, and when someone becomes enlightened existence wants him to share, to spread the word, whatsoever the cost, to all those who are fast asleep. They are not all going to awake, but somebody may hear the call. Even if a few hear the call, that is enough reward.”
    — Osho, ‘The Path of the Mystic’

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