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When the dog bites, when the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
I remember …
- Snowdrops on rainbows and magick maidens
- Food, best thing to eat … allegedly
- Bee's and beings
- Meeadows
your favs?
Dancing……road trips to visit all kinds of museums….flip flops…..swimming…flower arranging….street tacos….talking to my house plants….live music…day naps…smell of a sweet candle and musicals, of course.
Thanks. 😉
Mudita = Sympathetic joy...

Lizards, snakes, birds, and large, showy and/or bizarre insects.
My favourite things
Books, everything from Alexandre Dumas to Iain Banks
Science fiction, in all kinds of forms
Computers, especially Apple Macs
My iPhone
Fruit trees
My bed
The sound of a thunderstorm
… many more things beside
Its always a good way to cheer yourself up, thinking of the things you love.
Opening my eyes, in the morning.
It's not much, but everything else that follows, is a bonus.
All good.
Diverse joys.
I liked @Shoshin1 answer. If you have mudita then you widen your empathic joy.
I'll join.
Initially we must temper our search for positive joy with discipline. Not only can we increase our positive but also we can widen our immunity/attachment to unskilful and hurtful behaviour patterns …
I like to wake up early and after my meditation just observe the quietness and the sky and how slowly the Sun begins to illuminate the entire area.
I also like to cook breakfast for my partner and make sure the house is clean and feed all the animals.
And one thing I miss from Germany was the sound of rain and thunderstorms. We have little of 'em two here.
Favorite things:
Friends & Family
A sense of humor
Oh there is more, but that is a good start.
Peace to all
Great lists everyone
Real, abstract and:
Eh ma ho (how wonderful)
Hmm at least for the moment...
Path least traveled
Observing change
The Internet
My self
"It is very important to go out alone, to sit under a tree—not with a book, not with a companion, but by yourself—and observe the falling of a leaf, hear the lapping of the water, the fishermen’s song, watch the flight of a bird, and of your own thoughts as they chase each other across the space of your mind. If you are able to be alone and watch these things, then you will discover extraordinary riches which no government can tax, no human agency can corrupt, and which can never be destroyed."
-- Jiddu Krishnamurti
As some of you may be aware, I gain all my limited knowledge from TV, movies and talking to trees (When they are in the mood for conversation) …
So there I was watching 'She Hulk, Attorney at Law' when I heard of a secular mindfulness based therapy …
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
… There may be hope for me yet …
My favorite things….. lemon cake with black tea…..nicely wrapped gifts….sound of seagulls and saltwater…refrigerator magnets and chip clips.
My favourite not-things… freedom, truth, insight. Beyond the mind… relaxation, leela (play), well-being.
The body of christ buddha as we ex-devotees say …
I believe it was Marie Antoinette who advocated cake/brioche as sacrament before she was crucifried guillotined. What a Gal!
I believe we have the basis for a new religion based on cake and favourite things.
I'll join
Maybe you can find a live webcam …
Loads of soundscape and videos of rain and thunderstorms
… maybe an indoor water feature …
There are certainly plenty of good youtube video’s of rainstorms with or without thunder, they are very relaxing to go to sleep with.
Also...how could I forget...one of my favourite... A venerable and ancient creature.... the hedgehog!
I found this one during my morning walk. A male hoglet.
Waking up in the morning and affirming myself deeply.... Being intentional and living with purpose as soon as I arise, so that the rest of the day is vivified with that intentionality....
… seems like a plan …
I AM ASLEEP and have No-self … or is it, I am not AWAKE and no-self EXISTS …
… zzz …
Homemade grape juice from back garden grapes… slightly sour but just exploding with vitamins and wholesome goodness. Healthiness in a glass!
Ah ha … some great tips.