@Bunks said in another post:
Hi everyone! After almost a year away I decided it was time to come back and see how you all are.
What’s been happening?
Tsk, tsk, we been awaiting your return. 🫂💕🦞
You been hanging out with The Sangha again? ☸
@Federica left us for a well needed rest. She is semi back. @lobster (cest moi) has been hanging here https://mas.to/@lobstered …
Others can explain other events or non-events … oh and welcome back … 🙏
Hi there @lobster - thanks for the shout out.
Life’s been busy as usual. Between work, kids, sport and my partner not much time for anything else.
I did have five days with Ajahn Brahm at Newbury for Vesak a couple of weeks ago. That was nice.
My practice is on life support these days. Always telling myself I should start meditating again blah blah. Just another stick to beat myself with!
Did you do a retreat then with Ajahn Brahm? It seems to me that if anyone can help someone whose “practice is on life support” it would be him.
But regular life is important too. My stepfather — who I help care for — has taken a serious turn for the worse and can now walk, shuffle really, only short distances and that with difficulty, which means we need to lift him more often, support him when he stands and so on. It’s not so easy, and hard on the body.
Hope we’ll see you around here a bit more often.
No need for beating our selves, we have existence/Zenniths and the sangha for that. I like to beat myself with practice … just done my meditation, which gets weirder each time. For example in this session I included:
Fuck knows what tomorrow will bring. Rite speech probably. Oh and bee hiving myself in the naughty corner
Never forget: Buddhas are not only stupas/statutes/stoners/lore etc BUTT
Buddhas R Us! Can you beat that!

Haha unfortunately when Ajahn Brahm comes to town it's mayhem. Everybody wants a piece of him so the Monastery is super super busy. I was exhausted by the time he left.
Once the new Retreat centre opens I should be able to focus on a retreat. Perhaps even with him.
So you still spend a lot of time at the Monastery? That is great to hear.
Yeah I do. I like to support the Sangha there. They have become my friends.
Plus it's nice to have a break from all the the madness for a few days.
It must be getting late at night in Australia… sometimes my stepbrother calls me from Sydney around this time, when he is at home and has enjoyed a few glasses of wine