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Hello Old Friends

BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
edited May 2024 in General Banter

The other day I received an email in my inbox from a name I had not heard in a long time, from a place I had not visited in a long time, that being Lobster from Newbuddhist.

If you are newer you probably don't know me, but others may remember me from as far back as 14 years, first as Jayantha, and now as my monastic name.

I am building my own organization these days ( ) as an almost a senior monastic, so I don't spend much time at all in my old haunts of dhammawheel, r/buddhism, and this wonderful place. But I often tell people(especially new buddhists) of this forum and community as I have fond memories of a very chill community that doesn't fall into a lot of debating, arguing, and sectarianism.

I may end up disappearing again, but if you every want me to reply to a post on here, feel free to tag me or send me a PM. I have much gratitude for this place and wish to give back what I can :).



  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Wonderful to hear from you, BhikkhuJayasara. You were a little before my time, but I think our paths may have crossed once or twice, I went by the name Kerome for a while. But I remember seeing your posts, how excellent that you are now (almost, its as good as) a senior monastic and still expounding the Dhamma.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Ah ha! You survived covid (wave 1) and the Theravadin, <3

    Are you now known as Agent/Ajahn 'J', like the interdimensional/intergalactic sanga in MIB? How many precepts are you on? What hardware are you using? Phone? Laptop? Desktop? Web page as available? B)

    Thanks for telling us about your new projecting. We could probably do with your professional Dana/consultancy/sharing (still free?) that we're creating :mrgreen:

    Thanks for your presence/updates. As ever. o:)

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Building one’s own organisation, is that not a source of attachment? I would certainly feel that with any organisation I built. There are a lot of avenues through which it might generate a sense of achievement, pride, satisfaction at expounding one’s own vision, at generating a change in the world.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    'Agent J' is a real people? :smile:

    I am still attached to them as I am part people ... Not sure how many ... :dizzy::expressionless::hurrah:

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited May 2024

    @Jeroen said:
    Building one’s own organisation, is that not a source of attachment? I would certainly feel that with any organisation I built. There are a lot of avenues through which it might generate a sense of achievement, pride, satisfaction at expounding one’s own vision, at generating a change in the world.

    Ultimately attachment occurs in the mind, the "source" isn't out there. Certainly engaging with things like that will stir up attachments. But if the risk of negative emotions arising stopped all well intentioned people from building structures in the world would the rest of us wouldn't have anything good in this world.

    Though it is good to be aware of the risk in order to mitigate it. For example, Tibetan teachers bow to the seat they're about to sit on as a reminder to keep their pride down.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @person said:
    Ultimately attachment occurs in the mind, the "source" isn't out there.

    True, but a monk’s path is specifically designed to avoid the things which cause attachment. Clothes, women, possessions, they get renounced to cut the ties with possible attachment, I always thought. So why gather immaterial “possessions” such as an organisation? Won’t that get in the way? Anyway, just my impression, maybe it’s unavoidable.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran ) as an almost a senior monastic,

    Tee hee, almost a bodhisattva.
    Oh, it is a hard call. I am still trying to turn one blade of grass into a Buddha. At this rate, I will be here forever. Which is a really long time, as some of you know ...
    Anyway, you can trust Agent J with your life.

    Me on the other hand, not one bit. :anguished:

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    If you are newer you probably don't know me

    Talking of virtual knowing. Notice you are wearing red robes. Have you joined the infidel Vajrayana?

    Maybe Zen is next? Maybe Buddhism really is a death cult? :skull:

  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran

    @Jeroen said:
    Building one’s own organisation, is that not a source of attachment? I would certainly feel that with any organisation I built. There are a lot of avenues through which it might generate a sense of achievement, pride, satisfaction at expounding one’s own vision, at generating a change in the world.

    even a robe, bowl, and shaved head can be a source of attachment :).

    In the suttas, Ananda is asked if there is such a thing as good craving, and the response was " yes, the craving that leads to the ending of all craving".

    So If I maintain my intentions of developing the organization for the benefit of people in the Americas long after I have left this life, as opposed to building up my own importance and love of fame, then my own path will be secure, and the organization will grow well.

    and yes to build something, you need to have some level of attachment and desire to put effort and time into building it. So it's about building, but being careful not to control too much, and realizing that one person alone does not build an organization.

    @lobster said:
    Ah ha! You survived covid (wave 1) and the Theravadin, <3

    Are you now known as Agent/Ajahn 'J', like the interdimensional/intergalactic sanga in MIB? How many precepts are you on? What hardware are you using? Phone? Laptop? Desktop? Web page as available? B)

    Thanks for telling us about your new projecting. We could probably do with your professional Dana/consultancy/sharing (still free?) that we're creating :mrgreen:

    Thanks for your presence/updates. As ever. o:)

    @lobster said:
    'Agent J' is a real people? :smile:

    I am still attached to them as I am part people ... Not sure how many ... :dizzy::expressionless::hurrah:

    @lobster said: ) as an almost a senior monastic,

    Tee hee, almost a bodhisattva.
    Oh, it is a hard call. I am still trying to turn one blade of grass into a Buddha. At this rate, I will be here forever. Which is a really long time, as some of you know ...
    Anyway, you can trust Agent J with your life.

    Me on the other hand, not one bit. :anguished:

    @lobster said:

    If you are newer you probably don't know me

    Talking of virtual knowing. Notice you are wearing red robes. Have you joined the infidel Vajrayana?

    Maybe Zen is next? Maybe Buddhism really is a death cult? :skull:

    Lobster, I have missed your ineffable wisdom :). Yes I have survived covid, and currently my robes are actually mustard/gold colored :), until the next robe and whatever color that may be.

  • LionduckLionduck Veteran

    Mustard Gold robes or short and sandals, it is always good to hear from old friends.
    May the rain of knowledge fall gently, the sunlight of wisdom bath you warmly and the soft wind of compassion caress you all.

    Peace to all

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @BhikkhuJayasara said:
    even a robe, bowl, and shaved head can be a source of attachment :).

    I see — I have been noticing that many attachments just fall away with spiritual study, my attraction to things disappeared, and I am no longer interested. Novels, tv series, games, many sports… almost everything that is not true, real, beneficial.

    But I have seen it is possible to reverse this. There was a time when I was not interested in the football anymore, but since it is something to talk about with my father, I have picked it up again, and have regained a small measure of interest.

    Yet I wonder if this is forcing something, and perhaps I should be looking to surrender more to the process?

    Gassho :)

  • LionduckLionduck Veteran

    It is not so much that we eliminate desires. Rather, it is that we come to render negative desires irrelevant. We come to not be swayed or controlled by our desires.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Yes I have survived covid, and currently my robes are actually mustard/gold colored


    Glad to hear you survived. Not sure I did. :mrgreen: I could just be a generative AI in virtual reality. Next generation Microsith Co-pilot. Doubt it. But possibly.

    Gold Mustard eh? Still a beginner then. ;) As you may know, the Mountain cave sage Daka in former Tibet wear black cloaks and nothing else. Tumo style anarchists.

  • Ah, @BhikkhuJayasara, it is good to see your name and smile surface again in the NewBuddhistverse! Let us reconnect and I will check out your new organization. Peace outwards and with metta | Douglas/Dhammika 🙏🏼

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