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Pristine Pure Land Buddhism

BunksBunks Australia Veteran

July 8, 2024
A Verse sharing Compassionate Advice and Cautions, quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’ by Master Shandao

Being blind to important truths, we reincarnate life after life according to our karma.
Thus, we fall into the deep trenches of painful rebirths because of our past karma.
Constantly entrapped by our fires of greed and hatred,
We harm ourselves and other people.
We sink deeper and deeper into the sea of ignorance,
Without any karmic conditions to enable us to find a piece of wood that will prevent us from sinking ever more deeply.


Namo Amituofo!



  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    A beautiful and cautious verse, @bunks. Glad to see you back around here to contribute something of what has been holding your attention, we can use a different kind of input.

    Do you not think that the Pure Land stream has a tendency towards viewing the Namo Amituofo as the logical conclusion of the spiritual search? Or is there more to it? I know very little about Pure Land…

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Jeroen said:
    A beautiful and cautious verse, @bunks. Glad to see you back around here to contribute something of what has been holding your attention, we can use a different kind of input.

    Do you not think that the Pure Land stream has a tendency towards viewing the Namo Amituofo as the logical conclusion of the spiritual search? Or is there more to it? I know very little about Pure Land…

    More of a last resort for those who have realised enlightenment on the other paths in this lifetime is nigh on impossible 🙏🏻

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    What do Pure Land Practitioners believe?

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    July 9, 2024
    Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

    Rebirth through Other-Power

    The meaning of other-powered dedication is to further explain the connotations of Amitabha’s deliverance.

    The phrase rebirth through other-power is used to explain that sentient beings can attain rebirth in the Land of Bliss through Amitabha’s deliverance (other-powered dedication).

    There are two kinds of rebirths through other-power, one being relative other-power and the other being absolute other-power.

    Generally, many people regard rebirth through other-power in two ways: (1) other-power is major and self-power is minor, (2) other-power is strong and self-power is weak. Though they use the term rebirth through other-power, they really don’t believe that other-power is thorough and complete. Because of this these Pure Land aspirants think they need to accumulate more merit and virtues through Amitabha-recitation, or practice various other virtues which are also considered to be causes of rebirth.

    This thinking can be regarded as belief in “relative other-power”. It is a totally different concept of rebirth by other-power than that expounded by the Pristine Pure Land School. Our school believes that rebirth in the Pure Land can be accomplished with total reliance on Amitabha's vow-power, without any further reliance on our self-power. We need not accumulate any extra merit and virtues other than those we gain through Amitabha-recitation. By simply believing in and accepting Amitabha’s deliverance, and exclusively reciting Amitabha’s Name, we entrust ourselves to Amitabha in the great matter of rebirth.
    (to be continued tomorrow)
    Namo Amituofo!

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    More of a last resort for those who have realised enlightenment on the other paths in this lifetime is nigh on impossible

    The end is nigh

    Nigh night night...
    Namo Amitabha-baa!

    Think I might add you to my prayer list ... oh wait you are already on it...

    (to be continued tomorrow)

    Tomorrow?! awww... I can barely wait... ;)

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    July 10, 2024
    Common Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

    Rebirth through Other-Power (continued)

    Going one step further, it should be said that both the cause and effect of our rebirth are bestowed by Amitabha Buddha; so, they are called “other-powered dedications”. Because of Amitabha’s dedication, we receive the cause of rebirth in the present life, and realize the reward of rebirth as soon as our life ends. Hence, it is called “rebirth through other-power”.

    Both the cause and effect of our rebirth are accomplished through Amitabha’s dedication, and our rebirth is entirely because of Amitabha Buddha’s power. Not even the tiniest bit of self-power is involved in the entire matter, which is why it is called “pristine rebirth through other-power. In order to differentiate rebirth through relative other-power, we call it “pristine” or “absolute”.

    Some people do not understand our teaching, and criticize the fact that, even though the Pristine Pure Land School advocates rebirth through pristine other-power, practitioners assemble to participate in regular recitation practice and to study the teachings. These critics do not consider these activities as necessary if one is fully relying on pristine other-power for the achievement of rebirth.

    Based upon our understanding of this issue, rebirth through pristine other-power doesn’t mean rebirth is attained without group participation in recitation practice or in learning the teachings. In differentiating other-power and self-power, our School refers to the direct cause of rebirth. It is called “self-power” if the practitioner accumulates the causes of rebirth through self-powered cultivation. If there is no reliance on self-power and only total reliance on the causes dedicated by Amitabha, it is known as rebirth through pristine other-power. So, even if practitioners participate in group recitation practice and study the teachings in class, they do not violate the concept of rebirth through pristine other-power.
    (to be continued tomorrow)

    Namo Amituofo!

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    (to be continued tomorrow)

    I will be here with my popcorn at the ready...

    Will there be a test or visitation?

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran
    edited July 2024

    The metaphor of crossing the sea by ship 🙏🏻❤️

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    To accept the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha without any doubt 🙏

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    If a Pure Land practitioner realizes Amitabha‘s compassionate vow of deliverance (the 18th Vow) and exclusively recites Namo Amituofo for rebirth for the rest of his entire life, he is assured of rebirth by Amitabha Buddha because Amitabha Buddha has already accomplished the 18th Vow 10 Kaplan’s ago, and he always embraces the exclusive Amitabha-reciter without forsaking. The practitioner is 100 % confident, without any doubt and worry, that he will see Amitabha appearing before him and receiving him near the end-of-death. That is it! Namo Amituofo!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    July 13, 2024
    Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

    The parable of “Two Rivers and a White Path” by Master Shandao
    6. “ Right Attention” Means Exclusive Recitation of Amitabha’s Name
    “Right attention” means exclusive recitation of “Namo Amitabha Buddha”, “even just ten times”.
    In the Pure Land teachings, a practitioner who aspires to be reborn in the Western Land of Bliss through exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s name, like the traveler in the fable who goes straight towards the west without deviation, is considered to have right attention. Put simply, it is the attitude of a practitioner who believes in and accepts Amitabha’s deliverance through the exclusive practice of Amitabha-recitation.

    Namo Amituofo!

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited July 2024

    Don't forget to listen to the ad at the end. Not sure if the actual Pureland will be ad free. We can but pray we will get to the deluxe ad free Pureland...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    July 17, 2024
    Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

    Amitabha’s compassionate deliverance is proactive. There is no need to request it.
    His deliverance is unconditional, regardless of who you are, wise or slow-witted, good or evil, scholarly or illiterate, etc. As long as you believe in and accept his deliverance, you will be saved. Once saved you will become a sacred being in the Land of Bliss, no longer an ordinary being.

    Namo Amituofo!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran
    edited July 2024

    @lobster said:

    Don't forget to listen to the ad at the end. Not sure if the actual Pureland will be ad free. We can but pray we will get to the deluxe ad free Pureland...

    Those of us with YT Premium are already guaranteed an ad free entry to the Pure Land :p

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    There we were on a walk through the Purelands on 'Earth as it is in Devon/Heaven'

    Came across a peacock flutterby and many other butterflies. Also ring necked doves.

    It was hot. So it might have been hell too. Not sure I know which is which these days... o:)

    Namu Amitabha

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Earth is both heaven and hell, it depends on the mind with which one views it.
    Therefore it is best to remain lighthearted, for all the things that weigh you down
    Are constructed of opinions.
    A Palestinian refugee camp, a dead child — viewed with equanimity are as
    Light as a feather. A beautiful garden filled with flowers and buzzing insects
    Is a truer reflection of the Pure Land.

    Namo Amituofo!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    July 26, 2024
    Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

    8A. Amitabha-Recitation is Like a Cheque for 10 Billion Dollars
    Imagine a father who wants to provide his young child with a comfortable life. He would toil away to accumulate as much wealth as possible for that purpose. He then deposits all his money in a savings account and shows the child the deposit slip: “My son, this is for you.” He wants the son to inherit his assets. This is parental love - all is intended to benefit the children. They make well thought-out plans to prepare for a secure future for their youngsters.
    Before the end of his life, the father says to the son: “My child, I’m about to leave. This slip of paper is a cheque worth 10 billion dollars. It’s my savings of a lifetime, and it’s all yours now. With this, you should be able to have a comfortable life.
    The son, unfortunately, is too young to appreciate his father’s words. Taking one look at the cheque, he thinks to himself: “Dad says this is worth 10 billion dollars, but to me, it’s only a piece of paper! When I’m hungry, it’s not as helpful as a sweet potato.
    Failing to realize the true value of the 10-billion-dollar cheque, the child simply puts it aside totally unattended. What a pity! This is an utter failure to recognize the preciousness of a real treasure.
    Amitabha Buddha is our loving father. He cultivated infinite merits and virtues through five kalpas of reflection and countless eons of practice, then deposited them all in the “bank account” known as the six-character Name. Reciting Amitabha’s Name is the way for us to withdraw abundant merits and blessings. Do not look down upon it!

    Namo Amituofo!

  • A land is neither pure nor impure of itself.
    it is the heart (mind) of a practitioner (of Buddhism) that makes a land pure or impure.

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