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Welcome to today's world...

Some food for thought, or perhaps not, but then again .......
“We’re seeing a story that’s being created for us”
As a lover of language and communication , this was a good watch for me. Thanks for posting!
Doublethink = I know an oxymoron when I hear it. 😜
I’ve been struggling with this in a social group that I’m a part of. The group consists of 7 other women and I generally enjoy the activities and find the variety of ages very helpful in my growth and knowledge as I age….buuuut…there are 2 in the group that are constant doublespeakers and masters at Inflated language…AKA puffing up. And like George Carlin described…Im not good at the soft language, hahaha. Fuck that.
For right now, I’m going to try to be a little more selective in what group things I attend, to avoid the conflict and not make the others uncomfortable. They seem ok with just doing the polite nod and listening to it. Which is their choice…it’s just not my choice. And frankly, I don’t think they realize the subtle clues and nuances of the bullshit these 2 are selling. It drives me nuts!
A good video. It serves as a reminder of how much political language obscures and confuses.
Some food for thought, or perhaps not, but then again .....
Communication is built upon a foundation of emotional intelligence. Simply put, you cannot communicate effectively with others until you can assess and understand your own feelings.
“If you’re aware of your own emotions and the behaviors they trigger, you can begin to manage these emotions and behaviors,” says Margaret Andrews in her post, How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence.
Understanding and managing your own emotions is only part of emotional intelligence. The other part — equally important for effective communication — is empathy for others.
I would say in today’s world, emotional intelligence is what’s missing. The politicians and people with all the money and power are bankrupt in this area. And real talk….thats one of the common denominators in the blind followers.
I’ve made that connection as well with the 2 in my social group. It reeks of insecurity.
There are three primary groups fluent in Double Speak
* Politicians
* Lawyers
Televangelists (Pick your grift)
*It can be noted that the string pullers do remain behind the curtain.
While these groups can be quite hazardous to common folk, a bit of salt and a touch if levity can often defuse them as the are alergic to salt and unable to comprehend humor.
Yes, dear folk, the Sun will still rise in the morning and set in the evening,
Peace to all
I also wanted to give you an LOL @Lionduck as it was both witty to-the-point and funny...
I dunz it 4U! Yet to watch the video but I am sure it is depressing. I will wait till I am overly elated...
More on doublespeak

I regularly watched The Daily Show when Jon Stewart hosted it the first time and would listen to Al Franken and other shows on Air America. They would often point out the spin and obfuscation (doublespeak) the right would conduct. I developed a lay understanding of what to watch for and began to see how the narrative was spun. However, having learned the underlying form rather than just the specific examples I began to see the same patterns and behaviors from left leaning sources. I lost a basic trust that what I was hearing was an accurate picture so I began to listen more broadly and am coming to see more and more that pretty much no one gives a truly accurate and honest picture of reality. My attitude now is that most points of view have something worthwhile to contribute as well as inherent and relatively unavoidable biases. To really get an accurate picture requires a collective, at times collaborative and at other times conflictive, effort. What people often call our sense making institutions such as science and journalism at their best rely on.
Essentially its all doublespeak to a mild or major degree and it requires a collective effort of diverse, good faith views to gain a less wrong picture of the world.
@person, do you think it is worthwhile to acquire this nuanced understanding of the American right for a left-leaning European? My understanding of even Dutch politics is pretty sketchy, and I’m wary of just wading in.
I don't know. I guess my initial response that pops into my head would be to only seek to understand in as much as you want to wade into American politics at all. If you do I think I'd recommend Left, Right and Center and Open to Debate (formerly Intelligence Squared) for places to get well thought out conservative views in a forum that has enough push back to prevent the crazy from taking hold.
If you don't I'd just say that its unlikely you're getting a very good representation of what the average American conservative thinks from most left leaning sources.
There is a psychological and a spiritual realm in which to approach communication.
These noodles are about the latter.
Are our egos not just personifications of a fundamentally delusive communication?
The degree that one stops enabling our ego's inertia is the degree that ones communications are no longer just an expression of that ego's momentum.
Beyond a dubious mastering of one's communicative skills, less suffering bound possibilities can arise as skillful means.
Here, no longer caught up in a habituated adversarial dance between subjects & objects, the questions & answers need not contest with each other.
Put more simply, in our respective practices, how does getting ourselves out of the way of an attempted communication, result in truths that might otherwise be obscured?
For me it is:
Well that is enough lobster top spiritual practice tips for this morning. More from others hopefully. Oh yes and all hail the three jewels
Seek clarification
Neither use nor accept "Word Salad"
Seek - Evaluate - Act
Question to learn
Question to evaluate
Question to understand
Do not seek to agreement, seek understanding
Always be aware
If you are a teacher, you are a student
If you are a student, you are a teacher
The master of a craft, the mentor is always growing, seeking, always the student.
Double Speak is telling a lie as if it is the truth and the truth as if it is a lie.
Double Speak Will say, "Do Not" to every Do and "Do" toe every Do Not.
Peace to all
I like it...It sums it up nicely