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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • edited January 2009
    Welcome Tim and Lily. It's so nice to meet you both.......Hope you enjoy being at NB.

    Knitwitch is there any more brownies? I think I so missed out again.....I love brownies!
  • edited January 2009
    (bustling out of the kitchen with a plate piled high)

    Pile on in - I just made some more - and it is weekend so I can get stuck in doing cookies, pastries - write your requests on the blackboard in the kitchen and I'll get on with it.
  • edited January 2009
    Oh KW, you may be sorry you offered.....heehee

    I'll start my list now for the blackboard
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2009
    Tium and Lilly - sounds like a pair of solicitors to the kindergarten....

    welcome, nice to meet you.
    We get a lot of chocolate brownies here.
    The wonderful thing is, even though they contain a little over 6,400 calories per piece - they're actually slimming! :D

  • edited January 2009
    Oh yes - no allergies, no calories and even if you scoff a whole plate-ful, you will actually get up from the table slimmer than you sat down.

    That' s magic ...........
  • LesCLesC Bermuda Veteran
    edited January 2009
    Those are my kind of brownies!!! :)
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited January 2009
    Hi Lilly and welcome to the board!
  • edited February 2009
    Screen Name: Zalorticus
    Real Name: Alex
    Age: 14
    Zodiac sign: Cancer
    Sex: Male
    Occupation: Student
    Likes: Parkour,freerunning,tricking,martial arts,reading,role playing,asian culture,meditating
    Religous Identification: Buddhist
    Favorite food: Not sure, haven't tried it all yet
    Favorite Book: Legend of Drizzt series

    Well, my name is Alex and I live in Pottsville, PA. I'm a little past half way through the 8th grade, so I have a lot to learn still. I have been interested in Buddhism for a long time though. I recently decided to become a Buddhist, and I have learned much. There isn't a temple or anything anywhere near I live, but I have a friend who is also a buddhist, so we talk about what we learn with each other. If there is anything else you want to know, seeing as I can't think of anything right now, just ask and I'll answer.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    edited February 2009
    Howdy Alex! :wavey:

    Call me overly-protective, but I removed the physical description of yourself since you're a bit young and this is a public discussion. Feel free to use the Member's Attic for non-public stuff.

    Do you practice martial arts or just have an interest in them?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited February 2009
    Zalorticus - Defender of Time....
    (That's all I know.... it's some on-line game, and as I pride myself on being a particularly witless doofus and technical fudgewit, you're lucky I even got that!! :lol: )

    Welcome to you, and it's really nice to see you here.

    But it means we'll all have to watch our language, now, which is a real..... "shame" - !!

    Make yourself at home!

    The Attic Lincoln is talking about, is a really cool place! It's where we all go for a bit of a heart-to-heart chat if we need to clear our minds, or vent, or get something off our chests.
    non-members don't get a look in.... ;):D
  • edited February 2009
    Thanks! I practice martial arts and recieved a first degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Where I live now, there isn't a school around, so I'm trying to find another martial art to learn along with Kuk Sool Won.

    I plan on looking into that attic that you told me about. It seems to be an interesting place...
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2009
    Welcome, Alex.

    Hmmm, parkour and freerunning - two terms I never heard of before. I looked them up, and it's pretty interesting. Parkour (for the rest of you geezers out there who also never heard of it) is a way of moving that utilizes the most efficient way of movement. It is used to move over obstacles, like walls and such. Freerunning is similar to parkour and uses some of the same movement techniques, but the emphasis is on free movement, usually utilizing urban areas like staircases and so forth. It also uses more acrobatic movements than parkour. I've seen movies of this on You-Tube, and it's pretty intense! Tricking (also a new one to me) is similar but is more related to martial arts. Much too athletic for me tho!

    I used to really enjoy role-playing games (i.e. AD&D) in my younger days tho.

  • edited February 2009
    Welcome Alex - I used to be a GM in the dim and distant past when Warhammer wasn't on-line or played with figures, it was a few people sitting around the kitchen table playing it in their heads .... seems like a thousand years ago now.

    But the pictures were better.

    Welcome to the site.
  • JerbearJerbear Veteran
    edited February 2009
    Welcome Alex! It's great to hear that someone of your station in life coming to Buddhism. I wish I would have known about it sooner than I did. It can definitely help you to let go of attachments at 14 rather than 41. Everyone around here is quite nice and we hope you feel at home.
  • gracklegrackle Veteran
    edited February 2009
    Just a short note to say hello.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited February 2009
    Hello Grackle.
  • edited February 2009
  • edited February 2009
    Sorry that I'm quite busy right now, so I don't have much time to post, except for an occasional one-liner or two, but I would like to say, welcome aboard, Ypip. Glad to have your input!
  • edited February 2009
    Thanks ragyaba, I know what you mean. Reading-writing one-liners are my fortey. ;)
  • edited February 2009
    I'm about as good at one-liners as I am at teaching pigs to dance. Don't think it accomplishes a whole lot. Pretty much just a waste of my time ... and it seems to annoy the pig, too ...
  • edited February 2009
    Depends on whether or not its a cast performance with a pile driver apparently.
  • edited February 2009
    Hello I'm new here.
    26 years old and interested in buddhism... hoping to learn a lot
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    edited February 2009
    Welcome, Butterfly! :wavey:
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2009
    Welcome, Butterfly! Don't flit away!

  • edited February 2009
    Thank you
  • edited February 2009
    Hello Butterfly - good to meet you
  • Floating_AbuFloating_Abu Veteran
    edited February 2009
    Hello All !

    My name is Floating_Abu and have previously been called Floating_Bo, Floating_Abu and bluesky around the internet traps.

    I followed my friend Ypip here more formally despite joining a while ago and am delighted at such an intelligent, reasoned and wonderful community.

    Thanks for having me and look forward to discussions and learnings. In Gassho.
  • Floating_AbuFloating_Abu Veteran
    edited February 2009
    Hello All !

    My name is Floating_Abu and have previously been called Floating_Bo, Floating_Abu and bluesky around the internet traps.

    I followed my friend Ypip here more formally despite joining a while ago and am delighted at such an intelligent, reasoned and wonderful community.

    Thanks for having me and look forward to discussions and learnings. In Gassho.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited March 2009
    Hi newcomers and welcome, welcome, welcome!!! Very good to meet you all.

    Parkour is the coolest sport ever!! In Casino Royal, James Bond chases a guy through a construction site and it's a very cool sequence. The guy he's chasing is doing Parkour through it all and in real life he's the one who invented Parkour. I can't remember his real name but I know he's French.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited March 2009
    Welcome everyone! Thanks for making us a stop in your travels :)
  • edited March 2009
    Hello everyone, I'm new here and my name is Dazzle. I'm hoping to share and learn with you all.

  • edited March 2009
    All here, the following is subject to change:

    Name: Manny
    Age: 35
    Sign: born under a bad sign ;)
    Hair: black, white
    Eyes: hazel, sometimes green, sometimes brown, sometimes yellowish
    Height: 5'7''
    Weight: 229
    Born: Louisville, Kentucky U.S.A.
    Live: Louisville, Kentucky U.S.A.
    Occupation: Respiratory Therapist
    Favorite book: The Awakening of Intelligence, J. Krishnamurti
    Favorite band: The Grateful Dead, Jane's Addiction, whatever music I make
    Favorite food: Gloucester Cheese
    Favorite movie: Peter Brook's King Lear
    Favorite colour: Grey

    Hey all.

    I was born to Spanish parents from the southernmost province of the country, Cadiz. An emotional, fiery people with a collective guilt complex and a paradoxical lust for life. Spanish Catholics. Raised in Louisville, steeped in guilt and shame and a Islamic-like surrender all geared toward a meaningful (heh, heh) relationship (heh, heh) with Ishvara, a.k.a. the God and Father of Jesus Christ. Lived a stressful, fearful life as long as I can remember - starting to wake up it seems. Know firsthand about pervasive dissatisfaction and how to accomplish it! A real lifelong expert in that! Marrying my lifelong sweet friend, now my sweetheart - we've gone through every conceivable phase of relationship and wound up here, in love. Learning to discern the youthful age old voices of my mother and father that lay behind every maladaptive and sick trait I've ever developed, particularly self torture and strenuous exercise and a really nasty selfing trait - and separate out what I can only call my voice. It is a rather quiet, gentle voice - as is their real voices. :) I have found there is no peace, there is no love, there is no joy, there is nothing ... outside of stillness. I honestly want you all to know that I excel in meditation, have been doing that all my life... and so have all of you, whether you realize it or not. Choice is, what are you going to rest in? The whirling storm around the eye of Hurricane Me? Or at the center? Hush, be quiet. Be still. Let the storm rage, be with it. Let the suffering rage through you. Enlightenment is for sissies. Let pleasure fill you. Want to be whole? Be partial. And then....don't think about it, don't add to the storyline - that's what generates and keeps storms whirling. Meteorologists know that in time, storms die. Can you wait and let your mud settle, 'til your water is clear?

    I often tell my love that I love her in a place where there's no space or time. I love her for my life. She's a friend of mine. I try to watch the center of her storm, and as I grow in appreciation of how I have contributed and encouraged mine to grow stronger and stronger...when I see her tempests and suffering, I see her heart and mine - tender and ready to bleed.

    I've sat on cushions for a long time it seems. Something I always tell my patients before I gank them with a needle to draw up arterial blood, that comes straight from the heart and lungs, is to let it happen. There's a crazy kind of trust that comes when you are willing to let rage, sorrow, jealousy, hatred and every conceivable poison to consume you, yet not harm you. Better than dish it out, eh? To see the triggers, watch them work, but surf those damned waves of samsara on the ocean of nirvana. It's like Moses and that burning bush, or something. Take off your sandals Moses, this is holy ground. Drop your agendas, your stories, your journeys, your reasons, your abstractions Moses - be naked Moses. Who are you (Lord)? I AM. And the bush is burning, the branches are firm, grounded, rooted. The fire consumes, yet nothing is lost.

    That said my homies, from the absolute stillness grows every conceivable peace, joy, love and companionship.

    Nice to post here. :)

    Maitri and karuna,
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited March 2009
    Hi new folks! Welcome!
  • edited March 2009
    Welly, welly, well! Howdy from Kentucky!

    Maitri and Karuna,
  • edited March 2009
    Brigid wrote: »
    Hi newcomers and welcome, welcome, welcome!!! Very good to meet you all.

    Parkour is the coolest sport ever!! In Casino Royal, James Bond chases a guy through a construction site and it's a very cool sequence. The guy he's chasing is doing Parkour through it all and in real life he's the one who invented Parkour. I can't remember his real name but I know he's French.
    Hell yes! That guy from Casino Royale was a baddie wasn't he?

    Maitri and karuna,
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited March 2009
    Isn't Kentucky the blue grass state? I love blue grass.
  • edited March 2009
    Well, yes ma'am it 'tis the bluegrass state. They grow a lot of things here too. Soybeans, marijuana and tobacco mostly. The farms are booby trapped all over the eastern part of the state. People like to harvest their neighbors' marijuana crops and generally get shot by shotguns hoisted in trees or at knee level, when they trip the farmer's wire. Crazy place, we even have a good old boy mafia, not KKK, called the Corn Bread Mafia - surrounding the trafficking of marijuana, our largest cash crop. One major city, 16th largest in the country, and rural townships all over the map. In the poorest parts of the state, you know who the drug dealers are a mile away. They live in shanty shacks, only a really well outfitted monster pickup is parked outside, along with titanic satellite disks. People also have a funny tendency to keep their refrigerators outside in those parts of the state. I live in Louisville - which is like another world entirely from the rest of the state. Only, the grass is bluegrass and we bet on race horses bred throughout the state - owned by worldwide businesspeople and royalty from Saudi Arabia to Windsor Palace, UK.

    Kentucky has an uncertain etymology - meadow, land of tomorrow, dark and bloody ground, river of blood. Most likely, from the Mohawk for meadow. It is said that Native Americans buried their dead facing Kentucky - so that they would be born to the happy hunting ground. We have the greatest population of deer and wild turkey in the USA. The grass is not green. It is blue. We have ancient mountains that have been leveled to hills, rolling all over the state. We also have the largest cave system in the world. Seriously, it is quite a place. People always talk about Tibet, the rooftop of the world - and get this sense that it is ancient. Kentucky used to be the rooftop... it is much older ground, much, much older. I used to think there were ghosts all over this state - very very old ones. You can feel them near railroad tracks and walking down streets at night. Spooky and beautiful place, Kentucky.

    The weather changes every two minutes it seems. If you want to live in a place that is impermanence personified - come here and try the weather. In March it can be 10 degrees with snow one moment, 70 degrees the next day. I will say if you want to avoid allergens... stay out of the Ohio Valley - that's where Louisville is located. As a respiratory therapist, I'm never out of work here. :)

    Did you hear about asteroid that cruised by nearly a week ago? It was closer than the moon and visible to the naked eye over Hawaii!

    Maitri and Karuna,
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited March 2009
    mjgrimaldi wrote: »
    I was born to Spanish parents from the southernmost province of the country, Cadiz. An emotional, fiery people with a collective guilt complex and a paradoxical lust for life. Spanish Catholics. Raised in Louisville, steeped in guilt and shame and a Islamic-like surrender all geared toward a meaningful (heh, heh) relationship (heh, heh) with Ishvara, a.k.a. the God and Father of Jesus Christ. Lived a stressful, fearful life as long as I can remember - starting to wake up it seems. Know firsthand about pervasive dissatisfaction and how to accomplish it! A real lifelong expert in that! Marrying my lifelong sweet friend, now my sweetheart - we've gone through every conceivable phase of relationship and wound up here, in love. Learning to discern the youthful age old voices of my mother and father that lay behind every maladaptive and sick trait I've ever developed, particularly self torture and strenuous exercise and a really nasty selfing trait - and separate out what I can only call my voice. It is a rather quiet, gentle voice - as is their real voices. :) I have found there is no peace, there is no love, there is no joy, there is nothing ... outside of stillness. I honestly want you all to know that I excel in meditation, have been doing that all my life... and so have all of you, whether you realize it or not. Choice is, what are you going to rest in? The whirling storm around the eye of Hurricane Me? Or at the center? Hush, be quiet. Be still. Let the storm rage, be with it. Let the suffering rage through you. Enlightenment is for sissies. Let pleasure fill you. Want to be whole? Be partial. And then....don't think about it, don't add to the storyline - that's what generates and keeps storms whirling. Meteorologists know that in time, storms die. Can you wait and let your mud settle, 'til your water is clear?

    I often tell my love that I love her in a place where there's no space or time. I love her for my life. She's a friend of mine. I try to watch the center of her storm, and as I grow in appreciation of how I have contributed and encouraged mine to grow stronger and stronger...when I see her tempests and suffering, I see her heart and mine - tender and ready to bleed.

    I've sat on cushions for a long time it seems. Something I always tell my patients before I gank them with a needle to draw up arterial blood, that comes straight from the heart and lungs, is to let it happen. There's a crazy kind of trust that comes when you are willing to let rage, sorrow, jealousy, hatred and every conceivable poison to consume you, yet not harm you. Better than dish it out, eh? To see the triggers, watch them work, but surf those damned waves of samsara on the ocean of nirvana. It's like Moses and that burning bush, or something. Take off your sandals Moses, this is holy ground. Drop your agendas, your stories, your journeys, your reasons, your abstractions Moses - be naked Moses. Who are you (Lord)? I AM. And the bush is burning, the branches are firm, grounded, rooted. The fire consumes, yet nothing is lost.

    Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche used to say that the more manure one has to put on one's garden, the richer and more bountiful the harvest will be. Sounds like you have lots of good manure to work with, so the fruit of your practice should be wonderful! Welcome.

  • edited March 2009
    Hi everyone, Im Josh :) Im 19, from Australia (currently in Queensland) and im a Photography Student and a Photographers assistant.

    About a year ago i decided to do a bit of research into Buddhism. I visited the local temple when they had an introduction to buddhism and.. it was like i had finally found something that id been searching for for a long time.

    Im not from a religious family, religion is not something that is spoken about in my household (tho my family isnt "Anti-Religion"). I was not baptised and iv seldom even been into a church (About 3 times) I am however a very curious person, and it was only a matter of time that i was researching about the differant religions, Id been exposed to some religion outside of my home but it never appealed to me, Im also a very analytical person and that mixed with the curiosity usually leaves me spending alot of my spare time thinking (about anything/everything) which usually ends up in a head full of questions.

    This didnt happen to me after visiting the Buddhist temple, for probably the first time i felt that i didnt have to question something, I knew that i could, but i also knew that id feel the same as i did at that time (and i still feel that way).

    Iv recently moved but have since visited the temple closest to the area im now living, the Chung Tian Temple (in Queensland) which was during the Chinese new year celebrations but will be going back during the start of April to attend the "Buddhist & Meditation class for beginners" and would then like to visit every week for frequent classes.

    I could go on alot more but sometimes find it hard to get my thoughts into writing so i think ill end it here.

    Im really happy to have found the forum and will be a frequent visitor.

    Thanks for reading. :)


    EDIT: Id just like to add, After visiting the Buddhist temple my life really changed for the better and im myself a much more open, mature and kinder person. :)
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited March 2009
    Welcome, Josh! My temple has a number of students in Australia, Melbourne and Alice Springs mostly.

    Your story sounds a lot like mine when I discovered Buddhism. It was like for the first time I didn't have to question anymore. It was like coming home.

    Hope you enjoy your new temple.

  • edited March 2009
    Hello All!

    My name is Leslie and I'm from Arizona...born and raised :) (Sedona Tempe)....Palzang I do believe that you know my boyfriend, Sangye Phuntsok! Pleasure to 'see' you again :)

    Have been interested in Eastern Philosophy/Religion for a long time now, most specifically that of the Tibetan culture. I have been studying Buddhism now for a little under a year....I go to a center here in Scottsdale, blessed to have the opportunity to listen to the teachings of a wonderful Rinpoche here. I have also been blessed to listen to the teachings of Jetsunma as well!! Lots of great blessings :)

    I'm excited to have found this wonderful resource and I am looking forward to the journey with all of you :)
  • edited March 2009 I am totally technologically do I upload a pic on here? :)
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    edited March 2009
    Welcome to Dazzle, Manny, Josh, and Leslie! Glad to see so many new faces.

    Leslie, click the "Go Advanced" button below to get all the "extra" options. Then, "Manage Attachments". :)
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited March 2009
    Hi Leslie,

    Yes, I do indeed know Sangye Phuntsok. I think I met you a couple of times too, didn't I? I just talked to Sangye the other day and he was asking about this site. Glad you found it!

  • kennykenny Explorer
    edited March 2009
    Hello everyone. My name of course is Kenny :). I have found my way here through a link that Floating Abu posted in a different forum we were both members of at a previous time. I look forward to talking with you all and sharing in many of your quite intriguing discussions.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited March 2009
    Welcome, Kenny!

  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited March 2009
    What fun! New playmates! Welcome, all!
  • LesCLesC Bermuda Veteran
    edited March 2009
    A very warm welcome to all the new folks. We hope you'll like it here.
  • edited March 2009
    Palzang - Yes we certainly have! :) Thank you so much for giving him the info on this site!

    Lincoln - Thank you so much! :)
  • edited March 2009
    Sorry I think I should have been more specific!! Was that to add a pic to the reply? I was trying to upload a profile pic :)
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