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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited January 2010
    Hiya Danny :D
    I'm currently reading The Art of Happiness by Howard C. Cutler, good book :D
  • edited January 2010
    I just realized I haven't officially introduced myself.

    :) My name is Annie, but you can call me Anya. I've been studying Buddhism for almost 2 years now, but I've only practiced it's teachings for... well... I started last year, fell out of practice and recently picked it back up.

    My other interests include video games, writing, drawing, music and movies.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited January 2010
    Hay Anya :)
  • edited January 2010
    Name: Genevieve
    Age: 21
    Sign: Leo
    Hair: Red
    Eyes: Green-blue with a little gold in them too.
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 135 lbs
    Born: Memphis, TN USA
    Live: As above
    Favorite book: My Sister's Keeper, Harry Potter, Stephanie Plum, ect
    Favorite band: changes weekly
    Favorite food: pineapple and green grapes
    Favorite movie: too many to list
    Favorite colour: Purple. Green.

    Ok. To begin, I was raised in a very religious, multi-denominational Christian home. My father is Methodist, and my mother is Holiness (a version of penecostal, almost). I even was baptized in my mothers religion. Alot of stuff I have always wondered about and questioned. then I took a hiatus from religion, and enters a dark time but also one of the biggest growing periods of my life. I am nearing the end of that hard, painful journey now, and as I near the end, I have found the teachings of the Buddha. I have only been reading into this for a week or so now, but I feel so peaceful, so excited, so... spiritually charged when as I learn more about this lifestyle, this philosophy, this religion... however you may classify it. I am here basically to continue questioning, and learning with people. Tomorrow I plan to go to a temple to speak with someone, but I want this online community as well. Luckily my boss has been a devout Buddhist for 16 years, so I have his guidance right now as well. He has given me a book called "The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving-Kindness" by Pema Chodron. I plan to use the teaching of the Buddha when it comes to my Christian beliefs. I want to study the Bible and the works of the Buddha equally and use my logic and meditation for the truth of my personal enlightenment to come to me. I hope we may all help one another grow!
  • edited January 2010
    Welcome Genevieve (I love that that name!)
    I wish you the best of luck on your path to discovering/ understanding buddhism. I know what you mean, first coming across buddhism is a very exciting ordeal! From what I have expirienced, as well as what others have said, your original view of buddhism will change and develop as your understanding and practice develops... but it is a maturing change that slows everything down and puts it into perspective. Continue to question and learn and things will become a lot more throrough and interesting (more than they already are :))
    You're lucky to already know a buddhist and have the resources to expand your horizons. I hope your visit with the temple tomorrow is nice, best of luck, I look foward to getting to know more about you!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited January 2010
    Hiya Genevieve, if I may do so, I must complement you on your eyes :) For a minute I thought they were red but luckily I realised my mix up :o I like your name too. You do seem to be lucky and so I wish you more luck in you journey. I hope you enjoy the temple and your book too :)
    You seem to have a good plan :) I like the bible sort of. I've read a wee bit, I don't personally believe it (no offence) and have a few differences in my moral beliefs but that aside a good book LOL. I hope you enjoy Buddhism as I have and that your beliefs work for you, I've had a few paths before I found this one and I greatly enjoy Buddhism (apart from an afair with Wicca but I'm over that LOL) and I plan to stick with it. I hope your beliefs find themselves for you :)
    Love & Peace
  • edited January 2010
    Hello everyone! I am brand new to the site and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Alex, I'm a 22 year old male, a senior in college. I'll be receiving my B.S. in Geographic Science in May!

    As far as Buddhism goes for me. I've never been a religious person. Ever. My mother was raised christian, my father was raised Jewish. However they both disagree with 'religion' and always believed that my siblings and I should have an open mind to all things. My interest in Buddhism and Eastern Thinking in general came from my father, who when he was in college studied Hinduism and lived in India for an extended period of time.

    I'm still learning, and part of the reason I chose to join this forum was so I could learn more! It has taken me 22 years, but for the first time in my life, I finally feel like I belong somewhere (buddhism).

    Anyways, Hello to All!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited January 2010
    Hiya Alex :D
  • edited January 2010
    Hey guys, I was happy to find this forum floating out in google land. I have recently started studying Buddhism through a path that lead from the LOA. It's a domino effect of sorts I suppose. Anywho, not much for introductions but 'Ello and all that good stuff.

  • edited January 2010
    Nice to meet you Alex, glad you found something that is suiting to you! :)

    Hahahah, Nice to meet you Jenn I like your intro-- short, sweet and too the point. :)
  • edited January 2010
    Hi all :o) I'll do the question format I found earlier in the thread....

    Name: Rena
    Age: 39
    Sign: Aquarius
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5' 7''
    Weight: An exercise in impermanence :)
    Born: Oklahoma City, US
    Live: Small town in rural central Oklahoma
    Favorite book: "Celine" by YA author Brock Cole
    Favorite band: R.E.M., but like lots of folk-rock also
    Favorite food: Mexican
    Favorite movie: The Princess Bride, Amelie
    Favorite colour: Green.

    I don't call myself a Buddhist, but the more I read about Buddhism the more I see my thoughts and experiences reflected in its philosophy. And it strikes me as full of common sense. I'm trying to learn more and am actively applying it to my life.

    I guess the biggest thing that has brought me to this point is impermanence. In a short stretch of time, nearly all of my family died. At the same time I was trying to conceive a child and it wasn't working. My husband and I went through about 10 years of thinking we couldn't get pregnant. Then, after I'd finally come to terms with all of this ... accepted it ... I found out we were having a little girl. Without even trying!

    Yup, things turn on a dime. I thought for a while that my biggest lesson in this life was coming to terms with change, but of course I'm not so special. It's everyone's challenge. And, as I found out, blessing.

    So ... I spend my days and nights taking care of a very attached 5 month old, and as she sleeps on my shoulder I explore websites like this one. I have to say this one has felt very welcoming and its members genuine.

    I would love to visit a couple of sanghas in my area to take basic Buddhism classes, but the little one's bedtime interferes. She's proving to be an effective Zen master herself though! I guess the learning is where you find it.
  • edited January 2010
    Hi there and welcome to Nhan, Danny, Anya, Genevieve, Alex, Jenn and Rena !

  • edited January 2010
    I guess I should do this. :)

    Name: Ray
    Age: 43
    City: Charlotte, NC

    I'm married with 2 daughters, 8 and 10. I've been fascinated by Buddhism for nearly 25 years, going back to an elective course in it that I took in college, though I was majoring in engineering and friends thought I was crazy. As of now, I do identify myself as a Buddhist if asked. I do, however, attend a Christian church with my family at times. I see no issue.

    I'll get my major "attachment" out of the way...I have a fairly serious car hobby. I'm actually an admin at a site for Subaru WRX's, which are a favorite of young enthusiasts for fun driving and modification. I'm the "old guy" over there.

    Glad to be here. Still trying to find a Buddhist forum that feels like home. :rolleyes:
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited January 2010
    Hey everybody!

    Lovely to meet you all!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Hi Jenn, nice little intro :D
    Hiya Rena, the people on here are generally very nice :) I'm sorry to hear about your losses but happy to see you hear and even more happy to see you have a daughter after all that time :)
    Hi Ray, this place is my e-home... :lol:
  • edited February 2010
    Hello to all!

    This is just my brief introduction.

    Have a good one. :)
  • edited February 2010
    Hey Guys!

    I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I decided to try out a buddhist forum because I was interested in its teachings. Ive been reading allot of books lately on this sotra stuff. Books like:

    The art of living
    Ways of the superior man
    the power of now
    mastering your hidden self

    As well as participation in other forums on this sort of thing. I know very little about Buddhism. But what ive realized in my readings is that thousands of years ago there were many people who came to the same kind of realizations that budda himself discovered (or so I understand).

    I suppose for me a large goal is to one day reach enlightenment. I want to become awakened to truth and be completely free. I have been actively practicing my learnings over the last 3 months.

    I look forward to reading your posts and asking lots of questions!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Hiya Lobsang :wavey:
  • edited February 2010
    Hi my name is alexander hall. I'm 24 and from florida. I love music and am majoring in music education. I love to learn as well as philosophy, psychology, and people or sentient kind as it were. I have found the culmination of these in buddhism and am and avid laypractitioner of zen. I love buddhism because it is so simple and accessable to me. I also love the fact that for me it seems to embrace many world views concerning religion. It also offers a valuable practice for developing the virtues of all of them as well as insight into there nature. I know that I will learn form all of you and I hope that I can bring some good to the table

    Thank you
  • edited February 2010
    Welcome to the forum, Alex!

    Think you meant to put this under the "NewBuddhist Member Introductions" thread though (or rather, should have)...
  • edited February 2010
    Hi alex,

    I have some Zen associates in Florida:

    Claude AnShin Thomas is a really great teacher. I recommend checking him out!

  • edited February 2010
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Hi, Victor, Lobsang and Alex!

    Welcome to the party!
  • edited February 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    It's great to hear you're interested in Human Rights. A very beneficial job:) I'd like a beneficial job so I'd like to work in the areas of Religious Education and Animal Conservation. Shouldn't be too hard as long as I keep up my currect intelligence. I'm top set science, maths, english, and RE :)
    Anyway, Hiya :wavey:

    Hi, and, I know, it should be very beneficial, it will, hopefully, get me somewhere where I can be helping a lot of people, I don't exactly know what I want to do yet, but, I know that my perfect job will be helping people (basically, to help stop, or relieve, their suffering - very Buddhist!).

    Animal Conservation and Religious Education sounds like something very cool, and very needed, especially at this current time of rising Fundamentalism.

    I'm sure you'll go far - you're definitely smarter than I was - I was bottom set Maths for GCSE (& still got an E!), and kind of middle for Science, English I was really good at though.
    Palzang wrote: »
    RE = Religious Education I assume? Do they teach that in public schools, or do you go to a Catholic school? Just curious.

    Welcome, David. Be interested in knowing more about what you actually do with a degree in Human Rights.


    I'm not sure what school Love'N'Peace goes too, but, over here, RE is part of the Curriculum, at least, till GCSE level, then it becomes optional.

    Also, thanks, sorry for just getting to this now, and I'll be sure to let you know what I eventually go into.

  • edited February 2010
    Hi my name is alexander hall. I'm 24 and from florida. I love music and am majoring in music education. I love to learn as well as philosophy, psychology, and people or sentient kind as it were. I have found the culmination of these in buddhism and am and avid laypractitioner of zen. I love buddhism because it is so simple and accessable to me. I also love the fact that for me it seems to embrace many world views concerning religion. It also offers a valuable practice for developing the virtues of all of them as well as insight into there nature. I know that I will learn form all of you and I hope that I can bring some good to the table

    Thank you

    Hi Alex, that's quite a cool subject you're doing, and I also like learning about Psychology too. Zen interests me as well.

    Anyway, good to see you :).

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Hiya Alex :wavey:
    David, I'd like to work in the area of animal conservation at the minute. I'd like to take all my subjects LOL. Then again there's different areas of each subject, I'll just take which areas will help me best. If I make everyday like today I could get far. I did great at languages (know all my subjects in French) and completes all my calculations in maths (or le maths) with spare time. Was the best at overcoming optical illusions in RE (or histoire-geo), have some great ideas for my story in English (or le anglais) and could play the piece of piano music we were given in music (or musique) off by heart and played a new piece of music exellently in my tenorhorn lesson. An extremely productive day me thinks, now I just have to keep it up :D
    Love & Learning (:lol:)
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2010
    David_2009 wrote: »
    I'm not sure what school Love'N'Peace goes too, but, over here, RE is part of the Curriculum, at least, till GCSE level, then it becomes optional.

    Uh, you're assuming I know what "GCSE level" is?

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited February 2010
    RE is part of the curriculam, Palzang, in all schools. We even have to take it as a subject. In my school we HAVE to take PE, RE, maths, English, science, an art (it's an arts college too) and four other subjects, AT LEAST. GCSEs are end-of-school exams.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2010
    OK. Remember, we don't have the same abbreviations over her in barbarian land. And they've probably all changed since I was in school anyway. I hear they don't even use stone tablets to write on anymore! Can you imagine?

    I think they should combine PE with RE. Call it PRE. Save a letter...

  • edited February 2010
    :lol: Palzang you sooo funny!!!

    Thanks for lightening the day.

  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Well, Brother Bob, it's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it!

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited February 2010
    PE cross RE? Hahaha:lol:

    'That's it children, meditate, and again, meditate, come on, you can do it! Start that praying! And pray, and pray, and pray. Good class now start reciting that passage! Good, get those lips working. And now class discussion. And discuss. And discuss. Come on, your pathetic! Start woking that point of view, work it, work it.... ect'
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Just think of the spiritual muscles you could develop!

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited February 2010
  • edited February 2010
    Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to say hello, and that I'm happy to find a community of like-minded individuals. I've been on the spiritual path for a few months now, and it feels like home. :)
  • Quiet_witnessQuiet_witness Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Welcome, I hope you will like it here and learn, I know I have.
  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Hello everybody !
    Well, I'm kinda new here, i hope i don't get lost. Ooh, yeah , I forgot my intro !
    Name: Robert;
    Age: 17 (nearly 18);
    Sign: Pisces;
    County: Romania...
    Now, i guess that's a start...I'm not really good at introducing myself yo' know ?
  • edited February 2010
    Hey Miranda! Nice to hear of your interest, hope this place turns out to be homely and allows for some spirutual growth! :)

    Hello Robert, nice to have some fellow youngins around here :D
  • edited February 2010
    Hi All,

    Don't know if I did this yet, If I did never mind! :D

    Name: Brother Bob AnGyo Brown (also; Joy of Transformation, Bhakta, Pilgrim, Loco Viejo Monje Buddhista, and a couple others I won't publicly display or can't remember right now)

    Age: 57 (no wonder I can't remember - oldtimers disease)

    Residence: Vidya Priory, Salem, Oregon, USA

    Buddhadharma Training: long-time novice monastic (maybe lifelong :lol::lol::lol:)

    Favorite Saying Related to Training: 'Don't mean "s..t"' by Mr. Natural, Zap Comic Books, late 1960's.

    Interest here: learning to communicate more skillfully, in community, about training.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Hi, Miranda and Robert.

    It's lovely to meet you both and I hope you find this site as friendly and helpful as I have.

    Great to see so many young people! I can't get over it!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Miranda, this place certainly feels like home to me... :)

    Hiya Robert, as Now-is-Reality and Brigid have said nice to see more youngens ;)

    Hello Brother Bob :wavey: I believe we've met? LOL

    Love & Peace
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Brigid wrote: »
    Great to see so many young people! I can't get over it!

    Newbuddhist is the new Facebook!

  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Palzang wrote: »
    Newbuddhist is the new Facebook!


    Yeah, it would be ! :D
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2010
    So, NomaD (love your avatar btw), how are things in Romania these days? I know things were pretty tense in post-communist days. Are things better there now? Are the vampires minding their manners? ;)

  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Well, these days in Romania... it's snowing like hell! And yes, these post-communist days are really tense.It's hard for me to explain why, it's like a looong long story.
    Oh, and my vampire friends say hello to all the newbuddhist community :D !!
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Well, these days in Romania... it's snowing like hell!

    Well, we've got something in common! Supposed to get about 20 more inches today and tomorrow...YIKES!

    I was in Mongolia in 2005, and they were also struggling with their post-communist withdrawal pains. Very difficult. Many people missed the old days when all your needs were taken care of - job, healthcare, education. Now for most people it's a real struggle. But they also don't have the mass extermination of Buddhist monks, destruction of all the monasteries and temples, disappearances of dissidents, etc. So it's better in the long run, and they are slowly climbing out of the worst of it.

    And tell your vampire friends to just suck it up...

  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Palzang wrote: »

    I was in Mongolia in 2005, and they were also struggling with their post-communist withdrawal pains. Very difficult. Many people missed the old days when all your needs were taken care of - job, healthcare, education. Now for most people it's a real struggle. But they also don't have the mass extermination of Buddhist monks, destruction of all the monasteries and temples, disappearances of dissidents, etc. So it's better in the long run, and they are slowly climbing out of the worst of it.


    I know, some people here in my country miss the "old days". But in Romania there weren't any really religious destructions. The only destructions and imprisonments and executions were only for people who preached democracy(western, american values) instead of the communist principles... And about the religion in that time, communist could not afford to blow up the medieval orthodox monsteries. If they did that the next day the whole country would rise agains them. Instead, they used it as propaganda, to tell the people how great were the voyvods (medieval rulers of Romania), who built churched and monasteries after kicking the Ottomans' a**es
    Well, in guess in went offtopic, but i'll open a topic about the bloody history of my country.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Yes, that would be interesting.

  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Palzang wrote: »
    Yes, that would be interesting.

    I know it would be interesting, but I won't find the time to write about it. Tomorrow, I go to school (again:( ) after a short holiday, and...I would have lots and lots of homework...blah-blah-blah...But, maybe I'll find time to write about it in he evening :) . (Romanian time)
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited February 2010
    Look at it as an exercise in cross-cultural education!

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