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Naomi Wolf thinks the Tea Partiers fight Fascism



  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    I watched a film about Harvey's life. I think the gay school's a bad idea, think how you'd feel if they made a school just for straight kids. It's a terrible idea in fact, and I'm strongly against it.
    However, a support group would not be a bad idea. I'm of the same opinion towards special needs schools.

    i don't know much about the Harvey Milk school, but i did watch a documentary on another gay school in Texas. it was my understanding that some of the kids who went there actually left their families to go to this place. if i remember correctly, some of them had people who took them in, much like foreign exchange students. i think that if your situation is bad enough to warrant this kind of change, then perhaps it is a good thing places like that exist. also, they weren't "gay only" it was more like the gay/straight alliances they have in more progressive high schools. but of course, most people wouldn't desire to go there unless they had a reason to...
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I suppose then.... but I still think support groups would be easier. Perhaps councilling? But I wouldn't do it because the councillor would probably go gobbing off about it (and trust me, they do).
  • edited September 2010
    zombiegirl wrote: »
    :( it's the most unfortunate when they take it from simply being an ignorant joke, to implying violence and even making light of the fact. i've been there before and i think i would have done just as you did. it's best to be calm and collected and wow them with some amazing insight that makes them realize how wrong they are! ....but if you can't do that, and you find you can't respond without anger, it's best to just not respond at all.

  • edited September 2010
    If schools weren't controlled by the government, and people had more choice, maybe there could be schools that tailored to gay kids and their needs.

    that would not be a good idea.
  • edited September 2010
    I would support more school choice then.

    seriously?? gay schools?? what are people thinking???? why the f**k, it's like openly discriminating them. It is similar to the schools which are built for mentally challenged people -- they do need special attention so the school for them is justified.
    BUT GAY people are NOT mental, deformed or different in any other way from us, WHY the HELL are you treating them like that :confused:
  • edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    I watched a film about Harvey's life. I think the gay school's a bad idea, think how you'd feel if they made a school just for straight kids. It's a terrible idea in fact, and I'm strongly against it.
    However, a support group would not be a bad idea. I'm of the same opinion towards special needs schools.

    I think you are taking about Sean Penn movie Milk -

    thankfully. bad... it is the worst idea.
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited September 2010
    If schools weren't controlled by the government, and people had more choice, maybe there could be schools that tailored to gay kids and their needs.

    What needs would those be?
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    seriously?? gay schools?? what are people thinking???? why the f**k, it's like openly discriminating them. It is similar to the schools which are built for mentally challenged people -- they do need special attention so the school for them is justified.
    BUT GAY people are NOT mental, deformed or different in any other way from us, WHY the HELL are you treating them like that :confused:
    Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo totally agree with you, I would have said the same thing, had I been more angered rather than just... anoyed.
    I still think learning-difficulty schools are a bad idea though. The money should be put towards making ordinary school equipt to care for the challenged. In my school we have a dissabled boy and a girl who's in a wheelchair because of cancer and they do fine and we've raised money for special facilities. We have lots of mentally challenged children too, but we do fine.
  • Buddha_RocketBuddha_Rocket Explorer
    edited September 2010
    Takeahnase wrote: »
    What needs would those be?

    Ask them, I don't know. But if someone wanted to make such a school, they could.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited September 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    seriously?? gay schools?? what are people thinking???? why the f**k, it's like openly discriminating them. It is similar to the schools which are built for mentally challenged people -- they do need special attention so the school for them is justified.
    BUT GAY people are NOT mental, deformed or different in any other way from us, WHY the HELL are you treating them like that :confused:

    lol, i think you're misunderstanding the point. these schools are started by gay people. they're meant as a place where gay kids can go to escape the torment from their peers from their normal school. it wasn't until just about a year ago that the federal government even classified homosexuals as people protected under the "hate crimes" laws (The Matthew Shepard Act, October 22, 2009). before that it was up to the states, and some did, some didn't. the mentality here is mostly that you have a right to discriminate against homosexuals if you choose, as most churches here support this. in the state i live in, i could lose my job if my boss found out i was gay and it is perfectly acceptable for them to fire me because of it. there is no regulation.

    gay/straight alliances are a great idea, but they are by no means mandatory. in most schools in the US, any sort of club is started and run by teachers and students. we certainly didn't have a club like that at my high school. and the vast majority of teachers certainly didn't correct kids when they used the term "faggot", for example. most still think it's a "choice" and therefore, if you make that "choice" you deserve discrimination. i think it's the trickling down effect of glbtq people not having actual rights and not having things like this defined by the government as wrong. homosexuality was taken off of the list of mental disorders in the 1980's, but nobody seems to pay attention to that... you can still find tons of "Christian Therapists" who will do "ex-gay reparation therapy". i never had the pleasure, but several of the girls i've dated have.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Really? You can get fired? :( On the internet it said ten of the best countries to live in and one of them was the USA but Britain wasn't on it, whereas in Britain if you were fired for being gay you could file a lawsuit, sue the business, sue your boss, let's just say the boss would be in deep sugar...
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Ask them, I don't know. But if someone wanted to make such a school, they could.
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Ask them, I don't know. But if someone wanted to make such a school, they could.

    I'm pretty sure gays have no particular special needs. And someone can open such a school if they wish. The government, as much as you might like to demonize it, doesn't hold a monopoly on schools.
  • Buddha_RocketBuddha_Rocket Explorer
    edited September 2010
    Takeahnase wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure gays have no particular special needs. And someone can open such a school if they wish. The government, as much as you might like to demonize it, doesn't hold a monopoly on schools.

    I don't think that is for you to decide. Government schools are a monopoly. There is no real market and no real choice.
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I don't think that is for you to decide. Government schools are a monopoly. There is no real market and no real choice.

    What isn't for me to decide? No real choice? Are you oblivious to the numerous private schools out there? I know of at least two private schools in my small town alone.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    Really? You can get fired? :( On the internet it said ten of the best countries to live in and one of them was the USA but Britain wasn't on it, whereas in Britain if you were fired for being gay you could file a lawsuit, sue the business, sue your boss, let's just say the boss would be in deep sugar...

    was it top 10 places to live for homosexuals? and even if it was, eh, i think there's pretty slim competition out there.

    out of curiosity, i looked it up... apparently, it is still legal to fire someone for being gay in 29/50 states. i happen to live in one of those 29.

    i think technically, you could still hire a lawyer and sue for wrongful termination, but i don't know the details of how you would go about doing that. it's much more complicated and they might have to take it to a higher court. a similar situation, currently there is a big messy court case going on in california regarding same sex marriage. they said it was legal, tons of gays got married. then they said it was illegal, they took back all of the marriage certificates and rights. then federal judge walker declared the ban of gay marriage unconstitutional... and then the 9th circuit court intervened and... i don't even know what's going on with that anymore. like i said, messy.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Messy's one word for it...
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Takeahnase wrote: »
    What isn't for me to decide? No real choice? Are you oblivious to the numerous private schools out there? I know of at least two private schools in my small town alone.
    I think in Britain the government own most of the schools, but thankfully our school's going private :) I say thankfully because I certain headline in today's paper says: Tory Member of Parliament's Wife Sells Sex For £70 :eek: :wtf: :lol:
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    was it top 10 places to live for homosexuals? and even if it was, eh, i think there's pretty slim competition out there.
    Yeah... I am still quite surprised Britain wasn't on it, because they have the exact same rights as everybody else, army, job, civil partnership, adoption, 100% illegal to use homophobic speach to somebody and if you beat up somebody who's gay, and the person beating up was straight, you could file it as a homophobic attack and give them a longer sentence (although unless it really was, I wouldn't file it as). The only thing is marriage but I think that'll be legalised sooner or later.
    On the topic gay pride visited Cleethorpes which is the closest seaside town to where I live (about 40 mins) but I didn't ask to go because my mum would already be suspicious with the deleting-my-computer's-history-every-time-on-it and giving-her-'that'-look-when-she-said-something-about-my-'future-girlfriend'.
    Do you have gay-pride in your state?
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    I think in Britain the government own most of the schools, but thankfully our school's going private :) I say thankfully because I certain headline in today's paper says: Tory Member of Parliament's Wife Sells Sex For £70 :eek: :wtf: :lol:
    Sure, most schools here are public, but there's plenty of private schools as well. Not sure what kind of scenario Buddha Rocket would prefer, perhaps one where there are no public schools, only private ones and if your family can't afford it well then thems the breaks.
  • Buddha_RocketBuddha_Rocket Explorer
    edited September 2010
    Takeahnase wrote: »
    Sure, most schools here are public, but there's plenty of private schools as well. Not sure what kind of scenario Buddha Rocket would prefer, perhaps one where there are no public schools, only private ones and if your family can't afford it well then thems the breaks.

    I prefer a voucher system where private schools compete for your business.

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    Here in Houston the government schools took down the barbed wire surrounded the school. Yay.. now that's REAL progress....
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    was it top 10 places to live for homosexuals? and even if it was, eh, i think there's pretty slim competition out there. Yeah... I am still quite surprised Britain wasn't on it, because they have the exact same rights as everybody else, army, job, civil partnership, adoption, 100% illegal to use homophobic speach to somebody and if you beat up somebody who's gay, and the person beating up was straight, you could file it as a homophobic attack and give them a longer sentence (although unless it really was, I wouldn't file it as). The only thing is marriage but I think that'll be legalised sooner or later.
    On the topic gay pride visited Cleethorpes which is the closest seaside town to where I live (about 40 mins) but I didn't ask to go because my mum would already be suspicious with the deleting-my-computer's-history-every-time-on-it and giving-her-'that'-look-when-she-said-something-about-my-'future-girlfriend'.
    Do you have gay-pride in your state?

    wow, i'm surprised that britain wasn't on it as well. it's probably because an article like that is ultimately an opinion piece. there's no real scientific way to measure something like that.

    army- "don't ask, don't tell" was just repealed this year by president obama. it was originally put into effect by clinton on the premise that homosexuals should be allowed to serve as well, but in actuality, it ended up getting more homosexuals kicked out of the military than before.
    job- like i said, 29/50 don't have laws protecting it.
    civil partnership- 5/50 states allow gay marriage.
    adoption- still difficult and there are several states that don't allow it at all, mine being one of them.

    all in all, i think based upon what you told me, i would rate Britain higher than the US. maybe we just have more gay bars... ?

    we have gay pride in any decent sized city. my state, although it doesn't allow me rights, has 3 gay prides. one of which is right outside my door, haha. i live in the gay area of detroit.
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I prefer a voucher system where private schools compete for your business.

    Please tell me, in your own words (as I don't really have audio on the computer I'm on now) why that is better?
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Do you mean, Zombiegirl, you live in an area for LGBT peoples? If so, I've heard about them, what are they like?
  • edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo totally agree with you, I would have said the same thing, had I been more angered rather than just... anoyed.
    I still think learning-difficulty schools are a bad idea though. The money should be put towards making ordinary school equipt to care for the challenged. In my school we have a dissabled boy and a girl who's in a wheelchair because of cancer and they do fine and we've raised money for special facilities. We have lots of mentally challenged children too, but we do fine.

    yes providing care should be the right thing but it should not be like --

    oh. you are gay.. don't worry, we will help you not be gay
    and then the torture session starts.
  • edited September 2010
    zombiegirl wrote: »
    lol, i think you're misunderstanding the point. these schools are started by gay people. they're meant as a place where gay kids can go to escape the torment from their peers from their normal school. it wasn't until just about a year ago that the federal government even classified homosexuals as people protected under the "hate crimes" laws (The Matthew Shepard Act, October 22, 2009). before that it was up to the states, and some did, some didn't. the mentality here is mostly that you have a right to discriminate against homosexuals if you choose, as most churches here support this. in the state i live in, i could lose my job if my boss found out i was gay and it is perfectly acceptable for them to fire me because of it. there is no regulation.

    gay/straight alliances are a great idea, but they are by no means mandatory. in most schools in the US, any sort of club is started and run by teachers and students. we certainly didn't have a club like that at my high school. and the vast majority of teachers certainly didn't correct kids when they used the term "faggot", for example. most still think it's a "choice" and therefore, if you make that "choice" you deserve discrimination. i think it's the trickling down effect of glbtq people not having actual rights and not having things like this defined by the government as wrong. homosexuality was taken off of the list of mental disorders in the 1980's, but nobody seems to pay attention to that... you can still find tons of "Christian Therapists" who will do "ex-gay reparation therapy". i never had the pleasure, but several of the girls i've dated have.

    yes the person will escape the tormenting but you are sort of black marking yourself when you study at such a school.
    people's conversation would be like - do you know he/she goes to that college.
    other kids would be like - he/she goes to the faggot college.
    a seperate college is not the answer, there should be stricter laws against tormenters.

    it would be best if college would treat gay people as normal people. (even what I am saying now - gay people, normal people -- this kind of differentiation should not be there.)
  • edited September 2010
    zombiegirl wrote: »
    lol, i think you're misunderstanding the point. these schools are started by gay people. they're meant as a place where gay kids can go to escape the torment from their peers from their normal school. it wasn't until just about a year ago that the federal government even classified homosexuals as people protected under the "hate crimes" laws (The Matthew Shepard Act, October 22, 2009). before that it was up to the states, and some did, some didn't. the mentality here is mostly that you have a right to discriminate against homosexuals if you choose, as most churches here support this. in the state i live in, i could lose my job if my boss found out i was gay and it is perfectly acceptable for them to fire me because of it. there is no regulation.

    gay/straight alliances are a great idea, but they are by no means mandatory. in most schools in the US, any sort of club is started and run by teachers and students. we certainly didn't have a club like that at my high school. and the vast majority of teachers certainly didn't correct kids when they used the term "faggot", for example. most still think it's a "choice" and therefore, if you make that "choice" you deserve discrimination. i think it's the trickling down effect of glbtq people not having actual rights and not having things like this defined by the government as wrong. homosexuality was taken off of the list of mental disorders in the 1980's, but nobody seems to pay attention to that... you can still find tons of "Christian Therapists" who will do "ex-gay reparation therapy". i never had the pleasure, but several of the girls i've dated have.

    would you want a name of such school/college in your resume? it might hinder your carrier prospects.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Well refering to heterosexuals as "normal" and homosexuals as "not" is probably the worst thing, but a world with out sexual differentation would be the best.
  • edited September 2010
    Takeahnase wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure gays have no particular special needs. And someone can open such a school if they wish. The government, as much as you might like to demonize it, doesn't hold a monopoly on schools.

    I think it is usually some smartass guy trying to make some money here. OR someone thinking that they are making some change in the world but sadly they are not. they are just making the situation wrong.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    yes providing care should be the right thing but it should not be like --

    oh. you are gay.. don't worry, we will help you not be gay
    and then the torture session starts.

    they actually have camps for that *giggles oddly*
  • edited September 2010
    If schools weren't controlled by the government, and people had more choice, maybe there could be schools that tailored to gay kids and their needs.

    what is this crap about gay kids and their needs, PLEASE UNDERSTAND they are just like us, we are attracted to girls at this age and they are attracted to guys at this age. THAT"S ALL.

    they don't don't have any special sexual urges that they need to satisfy. OR any other special need they need to satisfy.... I might be wrong... if there are some special needs....someone please enlighten me on that, so that I can understand better what is going on here.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Jason wrote: »
    Like what, being surrounded by hot guys?
    That isn't a "need". And it would just make my low self-esteem lower, and then I'd be anoyed at my physical appearance and after a while perhaps cry, feel bad about myself, become superficial, and then go back to my normal self. But I'd rather cut out the middle me. Although not everybody's as weird as me :lol:
  • edited September 2010
    I don't think that is for you to decide. Government schools are a monopoly. There is no real market and no real choice.

    really?!?!?! someone "gay" please help me out here. DO you feel like fu*king every other guy that you meet?
    (actually even that is not a bad thing because when I see a really cute girl... I do feel like fu*king her)

    I wonder what other thing could be their special need???

    how else are gay different from us other than their sexual orientation?
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    what is this crap about gay kids and their needs, PLEASE UNDERSTAND they are just like us, we are attracted to girls at this age and they are attracted to guys at this age. THAT"S ALL.

    they don't don't have any special sexual urges that they need to satisfy. OR any other special need they need to satisfy.... I might be wrong... if there are some special needs....someone please enlighten me on that, so that I can understand better what is going on here.
    Many children feel insecure about their sexualities, no matter what it may be, and I feel children would feel better if their councillor tried to bond more with class members. I don't know why I bonded with my science teacher, but I just felt confident enough to talk to her about sexuality, sexual deseases, and stuff like that (although I didn't mention my own sexuality). If she remained my science teacher through school I'd maybe even come out to her, but it's unlikely. Still, when you don't have a clue who the councillor is or even looks like, you don't want to really tell them your inner most secrets (like my molested friend Fran and weed addict friend Tai- although luckily somebody 'grassed' on Fran's 'secret' to the councillor).
  • edited September 2010
    zombiegirl wrote: »
    was it top 10 places to live for homosexuals? and even if it was, eh, i think there's pretty slim competition out there.

    out of curiosity, i looked it up... apparently, it is still legal to fire someone for being gay in 29/50 states. i happen to live in one of those 29.

    i think technically, you could still hire a lawyer and sue for wrongful termination, but i don't know the details of how you would go about doing that. it's much more complicated and they might have to take it to a higher court. a similar situation, currently there is a big messy court case going on in california regarding same sex marriage. they said it was legal, tons of gays got married. then they said it was illegal, they took back all of the marriage certificates and rights. then federal judge walker declared the ban of gay marriage unconstitutional... and then the 9th circuit court intervened and... i don't even know what's going on with that anymore. like i said, messy.

    a simple question - are you people alien?? from some other planet or something like that?

    you know.... criminals are put together at a place. should gay people receive the same kind of treatment?
    :sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc: what's the point in arguing?people's attitude should change. firing someone who is a very good worker just because he is gay is the most stupid thing to do.
  • edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    Well refering to heterosexuals as "normal" and homosexuals as "not" is probably the worst thing, but a world with out sexual differentation would be the best.

    yes that would be really good.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    really?!?!?! someone "gay" please help me out here. DO you feel like fu*king every other guy that you meet?
    Every other, what am I, frigid? :p
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    a simple question - are you people alien?? from some other planet or something like that?

    you know.... criminals are put together at a place. should gay people receive the same kind of treatment?
    :sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc: what's the point in arguing?people's attitude should change. firing someone who is a very good worker just because he is gay is the most stupid thing to do.
    Say I'd just got a civil partnership or marriage or "vassever" as Bruno would say, and decided, if a partner and me turned to be a happy-go-lucky sort took the first available flight and you had a choice between Stockholm or Islamabad you'd have a clue of which one supplies equal rights and which one would end with you buried up to you neck in sand with people throwing stones at your head.
  • edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    they actually have camps for that *giggles oddly*

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    how so?
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I giggled oddly because I litterally giggled when I writ it. Do you really want me to explain? *smirks* OK, I feel odd now *hums*
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Ohhh... it was hrm face, not a skeptical one. :hrm:
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    That isn't a "need".

    Yeah, I know. I was just trying to point out the absurdity of tailoring schools to "gay kids and their needs." Also, I can't take full credit for it; it's was a comment my gay friend made when I read that quote to him.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    Well refering to heterosexuals as "normal" and homosexuals as "not" is probably the worst thing, but a world with out sexual differentation would be the best.

  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited September 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    a simple question - are you people alien?? from some other planet or something like that?

    you know.... criminals are put together at a place. should gay people receive the same kind of treatment?
    :sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc::sadc: what's the point in arguing?people's attitude should change. firing someone who is a very good worker just because he is gay is the most stupid thing to do.

    about being fired for being gay, it doesn't matter that it is stupid, it is permissible by the law.

    i think you're missing something here. in america, you can send your kid to any school you want. they have different religious schools, boarding schools, art schools, prep schools, etc. you always have the option for public schooling, but if you want to send your kid some place special, you generally have to pay for it. that being said, there are no laws to keep kids from going to a gay school if they want to. no one would SEND them there for being gay, it would be their own choice or possibly their parents. we are not talking about rallying up all the gays and shipping them out in a "separate but equal" type situation.

    that being said, who am i to tell anyone they cannot run a gay school? these schools will exist so long as they have enough participants to function. end of story.

    i don't know about you, but if i was the parent of a gay kid who was constantly being harassed and possibly beaten up as a result of their sexuality, i might consider sending them to a "gay" school if it's what he/she wanted.
    LoveNPeace wrote:
    Do you mean, Zombiegirl, you live in an area for LGBT peoples? If so, I've heard about them, what are they like?

    it's really just an area that, for some reason or another, a lot of gay people tend to congregate. i mean, i love it. my girlfriend and i can walk down the street holding hands and nobody gives us weird looks or talks crap. we have several gay bars within walking distance. we have a glbt support center that i really want to start volunteering for (they provide a 24 hour suicide hotline you can get training for). it's pretty trendy so we always have dance music playing on the speakers throughout the city, like lady gaga, for example. we see our mayor out all the time at gay bars, haha.

    to be honest, i think i would probably like it more if i were single though. the real benefits come when you're trying to find a potential partner, since you're dealing with such a small dating population generally. then i wouldn't have to get scolded every time a cute girl flirts with me like i did the other day. :rolleyes:
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    "vassever" as Bruno would say

    Ich don't think so :D
  • Buddha_RocketBuddha_Rocket Explorer
    edited September 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    what is this crap about gay kids and their needs, PLEASE UNDERSTAND they are just like us, we are attracted to girls at this age and they are attracted to guys at this age. THAT"S ALL.

    they don't don't have any special sexual urges that they need to satisfy. OR any other special need they need to satisfy.... I might be wrong... if there are some special needs....someone please enlighten me on that, so that I can understand better what is going on here.

    It doesn't matter to me. I'm just saying they should be able to do what they want. Maybe they have more classes on gay rights history etc. I'm just saying there should be an option if that's what they want to have, even if I think its unnecessary. It's called free choice.
  • Buddha_RocketBuddha_Rocket Explorer
    edited September 2010
    Takeahnase wrote: »
    Please tell me, in your own words (as I don't really have audio on the computer I'm on now) why that is better?

    If you had a system where the education money follows the student, instead of pouring it into government schools, then the parents would decide what school to send their kids to. More private schools would be made to compete for the students/parents business. It would create choice and competition instaed of government bureaucracies that fight over what to put in textbooks.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    zombiegirl wrote: »
    about being fired for being gay, it doesn't matter that it is stupid, it is permissible by the law.

    i think you're missing something here. in america, you can send your kid to any school you want. they have different religious schools, boarding schools, art schools, prep schools, etc. you always have the option for public schooling, but if you want to send your kid some place special, you generally have to pay for it. that being said, there are no laws to keep kids from going to a gay school if they want to. no one would SEND them there for being gay, it would be their own choice or possibly their parents. we are not talking about rallying up all the gays and shipping them out in a "separate but equal" type situation.

    that being said, who am i to tell anyone they cannot run a gay school? these schools will exist so long as they have enough participants to function. end of story.

    i don't know about you, but if i was the parent of a gay kid who was constantly being harassed and possibly beaten up as a result of their sexuality, i might consider sending them to a "gay" school if it's what he/she wanted.

    it's really just an area that, for some reason or another, a lot of gay people tend to congregate. i mean, i love it. my girlfriend and i can walk down the street holding hands and nobody gives us weird looks or talks crap. we have several gay bars within walking distance. we have a glbt support center that i really want to start volunteering for (they provide a 24 hour suicide hotline you can get training for). it's pretty trendy so we always have dance music playing on the speakers throughout the city, like lady gaga, for example. we see our mayor out all the time at gay bars, haha.

    to be honest, i think i would probably like it more if i were single though. the real benefits come when you're trying to find a potential partner, since you're dealing with such a small dating population generally. then i wouldn't have to get scolded every time a cute girl flirts with me like i did the other day. :rolleyes:

    @ the homophobic bullying bit, if that would my kid I'd probably just ambush the attacker after school and torture them to death... nah :p, em... I'd get the attacker expelled, by sueing the school and/or the parents.
    @ the last bits, it's so not fair that you live in such a cool place but you don't have equal rights! *sighs* I like some lady gaga songs, although I like a lot of music...
    @ the cute girl thing, you can't have the best of both worlds; a happy (it's the only kind to have) relationship and flirt with every cute person who likes you :D In most cases, anyway ;) Anyway, your girlfriend should be the cutest person to you in the whole wide world :D Although I know for a fact that it's not how things go, always :rolleyes:
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    mugzy wrote: »
    Ich don't think so :D
    Vassever Mugzy, u really zink you could eva meet up to me? To do zat you'd have to really zink outzide of ze vierseitigen drei-D-quadrat :cool: Now go back to your wile svamp vere you liw viw your ztinkin trolls :lol:
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