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Form is emptiness - what does it mean?

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. What does it mean? I have a theory, but I could be wrong (shocking, I know).

So tell me what it means? I can understand the first part in terms of DO, but how can the second part also be true?


  • jaejae Veteran
    @betaboy ...what is your theory?
  • Form doesn't go away because it is emptiness. It is still apparent? That's my stab of my fork.
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    interconnectedness... be is to interbe...
  • "Form Does not Differ From Emptiness,
    And Emptiness Does Not Differ From Form.
    Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form;
    The Same is True For Feelings,
    Perceptions, Volitions and Consciousness."

    It means exactly what it says. With some meditation and contemplation, people can see the ultimate emptiness of mental phenomena, the skandhas that make up human existence. Yet being empty does not mean it isn't there. The emptiness has taken form.

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    edited February 2014
    There are a few takes on this but to me, emptiness means the potential for change and thus a temporary existence for all events or being(s).

    It is said we suffer for fighting change and holding onto other beings, processes/perceived possessions or reliving events in our minds but if we accept the reality and uncertainty of change, we can be liberated in knowing that all things pass. Thus emptiness gives a deeper meaning to things than some nihilistic viewers will tell us.

    Knowing the good will not last makes it possible to be cherished.
    Knowing the bad will pass gives rise to hope and faith.

    Having no true nature is the nature.

    Emptiness and form are complementary aspects of the same cycle which has no opposite.

    Birth and death are not opposites but also complimentary aspects of the same cycle which has no opposite.

    Opposites only exist conceptually.

  • All appearance do not arise.
  • matthewmartinmatthewmartin Amateur Bodhisattva Suburbs of Mt Meru Veteran
    I don't understand the Heart Sutra.

    I have a working understanding of sunyata from other descriptions of Sunyata, this one never spoke to me, it might as well be a dharani (a mantra that isn't translate able into a exoterically meaningful sentence).

    Maybe it's a dharmagate for people smarter than me.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    It means exactly what it says.
    No, no, no, no, no and no.
    And when I say no, I also mean yes and know.

    It means so much, so many things best to contemplate again and again.
    What does it mean indeed. Ten lifetimes would not suffice to understand its meanings and subtleties . . .


  • CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
    edited February 2014
    lobster said:

    It means exactly what it says.
    No, no, no, no, no and no.
    And when I say no, I also mean yes and know.

    It means so much, so many things best to contemplate again and again.
    What does it mean indeed. Ten lifetimes would not suffice to understand its meanings and subtleties . . .


    Well, yes. It's my favorite sutra, and my love of it translates into an unbroken string of "Oh, that's what it means! Why didn't I see that before?" For every stage of my own journey, it's meant both exactly what it says and something different from my previous understanding. Sorta. As my comprehension of emptiness broadens, so does the meaning of the Sutra.

    To paraphrase - if I dare - the great Sutra itself, "It says what it means and means what it says. Meaning is words and words are meaning."
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Hey, @betaboy....?

    I -

    Don't -



    (actually, I lie, I do. (or maybe, I REALLY don't....) But I suggest you find out the same way I did. Through research, reading and looking it up.

    It's the best way.
    Don't try to rely just on any of us giving you a definitive answer. Sometimes, there are just some things you have to find out for yourself; then come back and tell us what you think.....

  • anatamananataman Who needs a title? Where am I? Veteran
    I have touched on it in a previous thread, and although what I wrote seemed solid and real to me at the time, such that I thought it had substance, no one else on this site did, which made me and my post feel empty.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    It means your concepts are just that
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited February 2014
    Emptiness doesn't exist on its own, it is more like a quality of form. If there were no form then there would be nothing that is empty and thus no emptiness.

    Normally we think of one thing leading to another and not arising simultaneously. For example parent and child. The general way of thinking is that the parent exists and then the child comes into the world. Really though, there is a person who will become a parent but they are not an actual parent until the child is born. So, in reality, someone called a parent arises simultaneously as a child is born.

    Form and emptiness are the same way. One cannot exist without the other. Just as emptiness needs form, form also needs emptiness. If things had a solid core reality to them they could not interact and change.
  • I don't understand the Heart Sutra.

    It's very dense. My suggestion is to find a good commentary on it; a long commentary - they explain everything you need to know, like dependant arising, to get an intellectual understanding of Emptiness.

    It's not that difficult really, but for me my problem was my preconceptions made it difficult to understand what Emptiness actually is.

    I remember having a Grasshopper moment with a monk when I explained to him I was lost with Emptiness and blamed my lack of understanding on being a daft Geordie.

    The monk said, "Point to me where it is you're a Geordie!"

    I was like, "Eh?"

    But now it's obvious.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited February 2014

    I don't understand the Heart Sutra.
    I have a working understanding of sunyata from other descriptions of Sunyata, this one never spoke to me, it might as well be a dharani (a mantra that isn't translate able into a exoterically meaningful sentence).

    Maybe it's a dharmagate for people smarter than me.

    The heart suttra connects best with me as a perfect description of meditation.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    Anything with form has no inherent existence. The whole sutra is about relative and ultimate/absolute reality/truth. What we see and experience because we are living a relative existence is different than realized people see and experience because they are beyond form (and everything else).
    If we thirst, we pick up a cup with water and we drink (relative, form)
    To someone realized, like Buddha or Jesus, there is no thirst at all much less a cup with water (ultimate reality) but in order for them to show as present for us to receive teachings they still use the cup to get in touch with us. Those of us in relative life need the water to live. Those in ultimate life do not.
    We had a retreat on this sutra a couple weeks ago with my teacher (my understanding is evolving, I don't intend it to be an absolute!) and it reminded me of my early years in Christianity where Heaven is described as a place with no hunger, no thirst no's beyond that. Buddha was beyond that = enlightened. I think Jesus was, too. The rest of us are not.
  • I appreciate all responses, but I am afraid except for @person and @Cinorjer others may have somewhat misunderstood. I wasn't asking what emptiness meant or how form was empty etc. That's a different matter.

    If we readily accept that form is empty, how does it follow that emptiness is also form? If I accept that the sky is blue, that doesn't necessarily mean that anything blue is always the sky. But if we equate sky with blue (or any objects) - but not as one being the attribute of the other - then perhaps this problem could be resolved.

    This is how I see form is emptiness, emptiness is form. Person/Cinorjer have also explained along similar lines.
  • There is no emptiness that is not form. Emptiness does not exist on its own.
  • Emptiness does not mean nothingness, and the emptiness itself has a form. Emptiness also has a quality, call it potential.

    The best way to see that emptiness is also form is to meditate upon a bowl. The bowl is form. What is it that makes this form a bowl? It is the emptiness, the potential for the bowl to hold something. The form that we call a bowl is actually defined by the emptiness the bowl contains. That emptiness IS the bowl. Emptiness is the form. But the bowl gives form to the emptiness. Without the bowl in your hand, the potential for it to be filled with something, the emptiness would not exist.

    Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. They complete each other.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    :) or : ) or :-)
    First there is a cat, then no cat, then a smile

  • pegembarapegembara Veteran
    edited February 2014
    The "ear" (form) is empty ie. does not truly exist. There is hearing but no one who hears (hearer). Emptiness is same as anatta - an absence of inherent existence.


    What is the ear without its parts (the eardrum, ear ossicles, cochlea, auditory nerve or brain)? As Ajahn Chah said, things don't exist but "we" determined "them" into existence. Mountains, lakes, atoms, nucleus -- basically everything.
    If we know the truth of determinations clearly, we will know that there are no beings, because ''beings'' are determined things. Understanding that these things are simply determinations, you can be at peace. But if you believe that the person, being, the ''mine,'' the ''theirs,'' and so on are intrinsic qualities, then you must laugh and cry over them.
    Is there a gap between the perceiver of sounds– sounds and hearing– or is there just one process that we call hearing? Test it with a sound. Stop everything for two minutes and listen intently to all sounds that are present. Is there a hearer of sounds, separate from hearing and the heard? Where does hearing happen? Listen to distant sounds. Where is the hearer then? With closed eyes, check if there is a line between here and there. Can it be defined?
    In reference to the seen, there will be only the seen. In reference to the heard, only the heard. In reference to the sensed, only the sensed. In reference to the cognized, only the cognized. That is how you should train yourself. When for you there will be only the seen in reference to the seen, only the heard in reference to the heard, only the sensed in reference to the sensed, only the cognized in reference to the cognized, then, Bāhiya, there is no you in connection with that. When there is no you in connection with that, there is no you there. When there is no you there, you are neither here nor yonder nor between the two. This, just this, is the end of stress.
    There is only the process of hearing. No hearer and no heard. What actually hears? Where is the hearer located? Is it the eardrum, ear ossicles, cochlea, auditory nerve or brain? What is heard is nothing but vibrations. The "hearer" is an activity, not an entity.
    In other words, there is only hearing.

    "I" hear does not describe reality. Same with "I am breathing", "I am coughing", "My heart is beating".
    Why now do you assume 'a being'?
    Mara, have you grasped a view?
    This is a heap of sheer constructions:
    Here no being is found.

    Just as, with an assemblage of parts,
    The word 'chariot' is used,
    So, when the aggregates are present,
    There's the convention 'a being.'
  • SilouanSilouan Veteran
    edited February 2014
    Emptiness does not negate form, but rather form is evidence of emptiness. All phenomena lacks inherit intrinsic existence, because of co-dependent arising. Conventional or relative truth ,which is form, reveals the ultimate truth, which is emptiness the true nature of all phenomena.

    Sorry, tonight I have had one too many ales. Its Friday night on the west coast of the good old U.S. of A you know.
  • Therefore, in the Emptiness there are no Forms,
    No Feelings, Perceptions, Volitions or Consciousness
    No Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body or Mind;
    No Form, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch or Mind Object;
    No Realm of the Eye,
  • wangchueywangchuey Veteran
    edited February 2014
    betaboy said:

    If we readily accept that form is empty, how does it follow that emptiness is also form?

    It's dualistic thinking to compare emptiness and form. Emptiness simply suggests or favors impermanence, anatta, and dukkha. Simply don't cling to it.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    No form, no emptiness
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    pegembara said:

    Therefore, in the Emptiness there are no Forms,
    No Feelings, Perceptions, Volitions or Consciousness
    No Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body or Mind;
    No Form, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch or Mind Object;
    No Realm of the Eye,

    Yes, but what does that mean? I assume it doesn't mean that these things don't exist, rather it means that they are dependently arising and have no independent or inherent existence?
  • Yes, but what does that mean? I assume it doesn't mean that these things don't exist, rather it means that they are dependently arising and have no independent or inherent existence?
    To me it is another way of describing suchness. Perhaps a way to say that there is another way to see the world, other than conventionally.
    You could say that there are all those things, which would also be true, but then why bother?
    It doesn't really work for me at this point, but since it's just words, I'm not going to worry about it.
  • Heart Sutra Chanting

    If I were a younger man and had more of a head for languages, I would have learned sanskrit just to be able to comprehend this Heart Sutra in that language.
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran

    Yes, but what does that mean? I assume it doesn't mean that these things don't exist, rather it means that they are dependently arising and have no independent or inherent existence?
    I would say so because saying none of it exists is nonsensical and only obscures the reality of DO.

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    pegembara said:

    The "ear" (form) is empty ie. does not truly exist. There is hearing but no one who hears (hearer). Emptiness is same as anatta - an absence of inherent existence.

    Oh, ears exist alright. They just do not exist by themselves and depend on all else.

    Emptiness does not mean non-existent. Having no inherent existence only means a thing is subject to change, not that it isn't actually here.

  • anatamananataman Who needs a title? Where am I? Veteran
    edited February 2014
    This morning whilst walking with my 2 boys to the cinema, I looked up at a beautiful clear blue sky (something we haven't had in these parts for the better part of nearly 2 months - just rain and cloud). Anyway situated in the midst of this clear blue firmament was the moon. Half illuminated, half eclipsed. The eclipsed half was the same colour as the sky, and seemed connected to and part of it, but the illuminated half was the moon, and stood out from the firmament.

    Kshitigarbha, who I have invited into my consciousness, then voicelessly whispered to me - you see the form and the emptiness. And I did. Thanks I prayed in my heart. Now I know that form is emptiness and emptiness is form.

    Then I asked a question of Kshitigarbha. If I hold my hand up to this half moon will I see emptiness and form in my hand. And Kshitigarbha whispered back - what does your wisdom mind say. So I held up my hand to the moon and my wisdom informed me. Wow. I said I want to tell people about this, make them see. But my wisdom mind said, they need to discover it as you have done.

    Kshitigarba then said, come on we're going to be late to see Robocop with your kids. So I hurried on but with a smile on my face.

    Great film by the way. It questions free will. I would like to question whether I really have free will, but as yet Kshitigarbha is silent. I'll keep you posted ;)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Someone, I sadly forget whom exactly, once described 'form is emptiness, emptiness is form' in this way to me.

    "A dictionary is a perfect example.
    A dictionary is full of words. Words are useful. Their definitions are useful, we'd be nowhere without words. Yet, in a dictionary, they're a fat lot of use. They're pointless, unless we 'activate' them and put them to use. Unless we actually embody those words, or make them 'concrete' they're just.... empty. Meaningless. Without purpose.

    Words are 'empty'.
    But utilise the 'emptiness' and you have form. "

    That's as much as I can remember, and some may be able to pick holes in the simile, but it worked for me, when I needed a clear picture of what 'Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is form' meant.

  • NevermindNevermind Bitter & Hateful Veteran
    betaboy said:

    Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. What does it mean? I have a theory, but I could be wrong (shocking, I know).

    So tell me what it means? I can understand the first part in terms of DO, but how can the second part also be true?

    In almost a word: non-duality.
  • anatamananataman Who needs a title? Where am I? Veteran
    Your time has come @betaboy..

    What does it mean? What is your theory?

    You may be wrong, but so may we, but we've been bold enough to determine ourselves enough to answer 'your' question in 'our' own way. The questioner is now being questioned. What does he (or her) have to say about that question and that which is being questioned?

    Don't answer it with a question - just answer your question!

    Silence please... @betaboy is thinking!
  • ourself said:

    There are a few takes on this but to me, emptiness means the potential for change and thus a temporary existence for all events or being(s).

    It is said we suffer for fighting change and holding onto other beings, processes/perceived possessions or reliving events in our minds but if we accept the reality and uncertainty of change, we can be liberated in knowing that all things pass. Thus emptiness gives a deeper meaning to things than some nihilistic viewers will tell us.

    Knowing the good will not last makes it possible to be cherished.
    Knowing the bad will pass gives rise to hope and faith.

    Having no true nature is the nature.

    Emptiness and form are complementary aspects of the same cycle which has no opposite.

    Birth and death are not opposites but also complimentary aspects of the same cycle which has no opposite.

    Opposites only exist conceptually.

    Loved your post. I've heard it said differently in relation to the portion I bolded. I've heard it said: no essence and nothing else needed. The last part is interesting to me which I felt extended on your idea of no nature as the nature.
  • person said:

    Emptiness doesn't exist on its own, it is more like a quality of form. If there were no form then there would be nothing that is empty and thus no emptiness.

    Normally we think of one thing leading to another and not arising simultaneously. For example parent and child. The general way of thinking is that the parent exists and then the child comes into the world. Really though, there is a person who will become a parent but they are not an actual parent until the child is born. So, in reality, someone called a parent arises simultaneously as a child is born.

    Form and emptiness are the same way. One cannot exist without the other. Just as emptiness needs form, form also needs emptiness. If things had a solid core reality to them they could not interact and change.

    There's also the meditative experience of not being able to find a root of phenomena. That is to say there is a naked experience. What is that experience? Do we really see objects that are empty? How do they get into our awareness? If they are outside of our awareness then how do we take them as objects?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2014
    wangchuey said:

    Form is empty doesn't sound right at first, but "clinging and craving form leads to dukkha" does sound right. Therefore form is empty so we should not cling or crave it.

    Dukkha is empty too. So if we are experiencing Dukkha that is also the mind's radiance.
  • Cinorjer said:

    Emptiness does not mean nothingness, and the emptiness itself has a form. Emptiness also has a quality, call it potential.

    The best way to see that emptiness is also form is to meditate upon a bowl. The bowl is form. What is it that makes this form a bowl? It is the emptiness, the potential for the bowl to hold something. The form that we call a bowl is actually defined by the emptiness the bowl contains. That emptiness IS the bowl. Emptiness is the form. But the bowl gives form to the emptiness. Without the bowl in your hand, the potential for it to be filled with something, the emptiness would not exist.

    Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. They complete each other.

    The diamond sutra says that a flower is not a flower. That is how it is a flower.

    Only by being composed of non-flower elements could we possibly have a flower.

    The heart sutra is the most concise prajna paramita sutra. If you think you understand it fully then probably you don't. There are many more sutras of increasing length to help us beings who don't understand the most concise form.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    Dukkha is empty too. So if we are experiencing Dukkha that is also the mind's radiance.
    Difficult to experience in this way, why? Because Dukkha by its nature holds us in its convolutions and hindrances. Do we have tools? Yes.
    For example when you see dukkha coming your way, duck.
    Not as so many brave souls do, go and confront it macho style . . .

    Dyin’ ain’t much of a living, boy.
    — The Outlaw Josey Wales
  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    ourself said:

    I would say so because saying none of it exists is nonsensical and only obscures the reality of DO.

    Yes, good point. The next question is, how do we see this directly?
  • anatamananataman Who needs a title? Where am I? Veteran
    Yes although dukkha is empty. It takes on a pretty solid form for those who are experiencing it. Unless you really have conquered it. I always cringe at this picture of this boddhisattva

  • GuiGui Veteran
    To me, at least today, it means that the illusion that is life is real.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    Note to pussy self. Save immolation for a windless day..
  • NevermindNevermind Bitter & Hateful Veteran
    With a gasoline fuel it won't make a difference.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    XXX you guys, so theoretically fearless . . . ;)

    If only we can live up to the Great Bodhi Lobster of olde times, who placed himself in a pot of boiling water and stirred himself into oblivion for his farewell feast . . .
  • Yes, but what does that mean? I assume it doesn't mean that these things don't exist, rather it means that they are dependently arising and have no independent or inherent existence?
    What we call ear is actually a compounded thing (sankhara/fabrication) and does not actually describe anything. You cannot point to "that" thing and say that is the ear.

    Sound is actually "vibrations". There is no "sound" inherently. Sound appears as images to a bat. Sound depends on "ear" and "ear object". You can simulate sounds by directly stimulating the nerves without there being actually a "sound vibration." So yes, there is no sound.
  • pegembarapegembara Veteran
    edited February 2014
    ourself said:

    Oh, ears exist alright. They just do not exist by themselves and depend on all else.

    Emptiness does not mean non-existent. Having no inherent existence only means a thing is subject to change, not that it isn't actually here.

    What you have just done is determined it into existence!

    "By & large, Kaccayana, this world is supported by (takes as its object) a polarity, that of existence & non-existence. But when one sees the origination of the world as it actually is with right discernment, 'non-existence' with reference to the world does not occur to one. When one sees the cessation of the world as it actually is with right discernment, 'existence' with reference to the world does not occur to one."

    Form is emptiness .....

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