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What music are you listening to?
Hmm, I'm getting testosterone overload from this thread. How 'bout a little estrogen?
One of my favourite hometown bands.
Listening to a medley of party hits, as my neighbours are having a birthday celebration.
'Dancing Queen - Abba' is the latest ...
What is Music without Dance? Mr. Bojangles (sung by Whitney Houston, with her husband, Bobby Brown, dancing)
This is more my style
Found this today, as a linking word in The word association thread....

And just to show that some things are truly timeless (apart from portly figures and paunches, big hair and wrinklies!)
I prefer Pete Townshend's windmill. Although, apparently, he ripped off the move from Keith Richards.
The Raspberries!
Something nice by a Scottish band:
"The Raft" Fat Freddy's Drop....
Something from the excellent Transatlantic Sessions series:
Henbane by Belleruche
Some stories will never be forgotten
They’ll chase you round your carelessness
Switching up till memory cant be trusted
Shadows dance through consciousness
You got to
You got to deal with it
You got to deal with it
Switching characters oh so many
Re-inventions are so plenty
Don’t recognise yourself from time to time
Questioning nothing without reason or rhyme
You got to
You got to deal with it
You got to deal with it
Now bring them out bring them one by one
In one straight line bring them one by one
Its up to the wall to take them down one by one
It´s times like these you need your friends
Battles are far easier shared
Than sat on driving yourself crazy
Or we´ll bring causalities in the end
You got to deal with it
You got to deal with it
A blast from the past. "Frame by frame" by King Crimson.
One of my favourites, I love the energy and the guitar is great.
"LA Woman" by The Doors.
Play it loud!
It says that you're in Oz. Not sure if this is your age group but in case, here's a classic, and good for compassion and the dharma.
My favorite
Thank you @Tiddlywinds - it's always interesting to hear the back story to songs I think. Especially one as iconic in my country as this one.
For some inexplicable reason, my H was listening to Slade's "Merry Christmas Everybody!" He can't stand Slade. Listening to Noddy Holder sing, I'm amazed the guy's vocal cords still work...
Good meditation music, though not long enough. This whole album is awesome btw.
Amos Lee at the Transatlantic Sessions... love this track.
Those Transatlantic Sessions are great, a real mix of material.
John Martyn, "Small Hours". The song starts around 0:55.
I really need something new and relaxing to listen to, any suggestions? I have a very eclectic taste in music.
Ok I don't 'need' it per say, I could just sit here and enjoy the silence instead :-)
Though I think I would rather enjoy discovering a new auditory experience to inspire my senses.
@Lee82 I find this kind of music relaxing
I discovered Christine and the Queens last year, something different.
I've been exploring some mantra's set to music, this I found really relaxing and invigorating.
Whenever I'm feeling a bit depressed, I do a quick search for Japanese music videos. I have no idea what they're singing, but how can you not get a lift from something like this?

I don't think they are singing anything but a lot of clucking!
1st of December is officially summertime...So....
In the summertime when the weather is fine......

And the living is easy

He says to have a drink and then drive. Oh, 1971 was a golden year - the era of big hair for men. ah, and he has the great musical instrument: a bottle he blows into.
This is Chinese. (But I have no idea what they are singing... Or clucking.)
Have you heard this one?

@Shim, do you think it's a title song for a movie? or just a weird pop song?
Wow. When they get weird, they don't go halfway.
The apple song was made for a movie called "Old Boys: The Way of the Dragon" but the song alone has been hugely popular in China.
I also found an article about that chicken song: it was inspired by a dream and there are no lyrics in the song, just "cluck cluck day".
I nearly broke my neck on a pair of platforms very similar to those! Ah the damn-fool things we do, because we think "I make this look Gooood!"
Just listening to "Mortal Flesh" by Christian Forshaw. One of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.
Outstanding song.
I came across this for meditating or going to sleep to... works beautifully.
-Christmas music...