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“Not leftovers again”
Food is medicine. How we eat is emotionally healing.
Here are some tips, be glad of yours:
- Buddha Nurture is not in junk/crutch eating.
- Turmeric, garlic and ginger = curry (health food)
- More fruit and veg, everybody needs ...
Here is one we cooked earlier ...
Due to various internal organs turning nasty on me I am on the lighter than light diet, lots of salad, veg, low fat protein. I would call it the en-light-en-ment diet but it might catch on
I have benefitted artistically by a collection of scans and diagrams done for me by various kind consultants and will be making a montage 
I eat pretty minimally - usually two slices of bread in the morning and a small vegetable meal in the evening - but the body steadfastly refuses to lose weight (he says looking mournfully down at his belly). I’m still closer to Hotei than to the emaciated Buddha in @lobster’s picture above, perhaps I shall switch the bread for crackers...
It's good to be mindful of what you are eating. Sugar can be particularly bad, they try to put extra sugar in some foods to get you addicted (not even a little bit), so always be careful what you buy. Once you eat less processed sugar you will feel more relaxed and healthy :0
Thanks everyone
The body is part of the mind. It effects how we think. Just as how we think effects our brain, body and environment.
Dharma is obviously a form of nutrition but a sound body is part of a non suffering mind and hence a practice vehicle ...
I agree with @Carameltail that sugar rots the equanimity ...
However dates are a substitute, dark chocolate is healthy ...
I am going to cook salmon tomorrow for a guest. They really are too beautiful to eat but I am a lobster and fish is delicious ? The guest is not a salmon incidentally ...
I am growing some herbs this year, so oregano and fennel might be the flavouring.
I also like the idea of rice with fruit, maybe apricots ...
When at monasteries, including Christian, food is prayer.
Buddha is a salmon.
Wot no vegans? Tee hee, we must have eaten them all ...
Haha! I just put together a Chicken Florentine for dinner. It was a special request from my younger son who is a bit sore from orthodontic work this morning. I was burning sandalwood incense at the time, so its all good with the chicken. In all seriousness though, I do love preparing quality food for my family.
I feel that vegan and vegetarian food is for many an expression of ahimsa. Bravo.
Like @Shak I am shamelessly omnivorous. My feeling is the ideal that @federica achieves. I sense great love for her vegetarian food.
Willy Wonka is real! Buddha be praised ...
I must admit that a certain amount of sweets are among my vices... i’ve lived without sugar for sometime but couldn’t maintain it, what is life without a few pleasures?
Very funny about the German chocolate factory
Sadly curry burns a large hole in the bottom of my stomach. Otherwise I'd probably enjoy Indian food...
just random thoughts....everything is buddha? if buddha is defined as accomidating.siddhartha says seeing me is seeing dharma.what was his insight?his body is not separate from dharma--and to what was dharma to him?to serve or accomidate.
a broader view.the earth serve .the earth provide. thank you dharma earth.
I loved that article.
Vegans are sort of the Jehova witnesses of new age circles.
As a rule, I do prefer vegetarian food and have been trying vegan replacements for animal-origin staples.
But all vegan milks are still a rip off.
One look at the labels, and we find less than 5 or 10% rice, almond, cashew, you name it.
And new research suggests that soy is not really a healthy option to eat in huge amounts.
I love turmeric and among other uses, I begin my day with white tea laced with turmeric.
Turmeric latte also tastes great.
Oh ...
Herbs for you then? Some are growable, in store and will cure holy stomachs. For example I have dill (for the fish) and rosemary in the fridge and basil and parsley pretending to grow in window pots. Those window pots are growing herbs, eaten before they get far ...
Maybe you get heart burn? There are blander curries such as korma ...
I have been eating loads of kale, which is a pretty horrendous brassica without careful enhancement ...
Varying ones diet, tips ...