Once again a war on the screens... Buddhist kiosks take to the streets to offer their colourful crutches for the mind that yearns for the ease of comfort. Instant Sadhanas and thousands of posters to paste on social media.
They forget that it is this suffering-filled peace that makes it possible for war to thrive.
I don't understand this post.
I think some Buddhists started a war???
I assumed he was talking about Russia (which does have Buddhist populations). I'm completely lost.
Yeah me too. I was being sarcastic.
What’s a Buddhist kiosk?
What are "colorful crutches"?
We ALL need to think about what is happening now and become aware of it.
But to think only of war, without being aware of the PEACE that we have in our
times and which is the cause of the war, is to see Mara only by way of a mirror...
vision is one-dimensional, when Mara has many faces...
I light the lamps of the temples and stupas for the dead in this war...
For the dead, simple sons and daughters of families, military recruits, who always do
those who think it is their duty, without hate, without rancor, and without any idea of winning
nothing for themselves except a miserable soldier's salary.
I light the lamps also for the innocent in this war who lose their lives
in combat actions.
I light the lamps also for the leaders who do not clearly see the
depth of the Dharma, and in turn they can die.
I light the lamps for the fathers and mothers who have their children in this
I light the lamps for those who die in this ignoble peace that is on this
land when there are no wars.
I light the lamps for those who die of hunger, for the children who are
forced to work in slavery and die.
I light the lamps for the thousands and thousands who die of AIDS.
I light the lamps for the thousands and thousands who die driving their car in
the roads.
I light the lamps for those who die of cancer and heart attack.
I light the lamps in this wonderful peace for the women who die
abused by their husbands.
I light the lamps for the millions of animals killed every day in this peace.
I light the lamps for the trees that fall every second.
I light the lamps for extinct animals every year, whole species
dead for this PEACE.
I light the lamps for all those who live in this peace, because they are dead,
because they are in the hands of Mara, with her greed, her hostility and her confusion.
I light a lamp for those who earn money for their own benefit, not for others.
I light a lamp for those who die in the sky and in the sea.
I light the lamps for all who die and all who live in all
times, because dying is nothing compared to the suffering of life.
Who else do I light a lamp for?
I light a lamp for myself, to let you always see that there is no
I TRAM call the golden RATNASAMBHAVA within me to turn on the
equanimity and close the door to pride.
I call with AH to AMOGHASIDDHI of emerald within me, so that it ignites
perfect actions and close the door to jealousy. I call with OM to VAJRADHARA and VAIROCANA within me, so that they ignite
the natural intelligence and wisdom of DHARMA DATU, the perfection of reality, and
close the door to ignorance and envy.
I call with HRIH to ruby-colored AMITABHA within me, to turn on the
discriminating wisdom and close the door to greed.
I call with HUNG to AKSHOBHYA of diamond color so that it ignites the wisdom
of the primordial mirror and close the door to indifference and hatred.
Thus, I can help all those who light a small candle during this
conflict, so that they will soon go to their sweet home of peace.
I pray that when the light from the bombs of war goes out and the soldiers
return home, that they may see the falsity of war and peace, and
also turn on an internal light where neither peace nor war exist, only one's own
nature of true compassion, not false... true benevolence, not
false... true joy, not false, and true equanimity, not indifference
I pray that when this light against the war goes out, and the demonstrators return to
their houses, that they can really light not a single day, but all their lives, a
inner light where there is neither peace nor war, but only the very nature of
true compassion, not false... true benevolence, not false...
true joy, not false, and true equanimity, not indifference
I ask that all soldiers cast their weapons and turn them into plows to plow
the land to get food for those who are hungry.
I ask that all civilians fund their cars and possessions, and build dams
of water for those who do not have water.
I ask that those who feel intellectual indifference turn the ignorant mind into
a transparent and benevolent mind, to help everyone.
I ask that we all forget the nonsense of trade and politics and have
communion with the animals and plants of the world, in harmony and balance, and with
Sincerity, let us pray this prayer from now on, every day of our lives, to
purify ourselves, and by way of this purification help all
the rest.
I ask that everyone dissolve empathy, which is not true compassion, and enter into
the hearts of those who suffer and die, united in peace and war until the
two disappear.
I ask that this hand that holds up the sword be transformed into the hand of
Manjushri, so that he can cut off the ignorance of the world.
I pray that this hand that holds up this dimly lit candle may be
transformed into eternal light.
This is the prayer AGAINST PEACE AND WAR
The invasion of the Ukraine is getting a lot of airtime over here too. Putin, not a very nice man.
And I hope that @ShanJieshi2 is feeling ok…
But a sure fire way to make me not do something is to tell me I have to.
Maybe I’m not so different to Mr Putin 🤔
Carry on
Please allow me to explain, as English is not my mother tongue and I am very limited.
What I tried to say, and my eloquence is not good, is that with the imminence of another catastrophe or war, a multitude of prayers and posters with phrases are appearing like mushrooms on the social networks.
Is it good or bad? I don't know, but something in my experience tells me that much of this "graphic design only" effort fails to achieve anything beyond a false sense of compassion.
Please forgive me for my poor English.
That’s ok and I tend to agree with you.
Maybe it’s peoples way of feeling like they’re doing something in a situation in which we are all quite helpless.
in Spanish we have the word "inerme" which is like saying that someone is somewhere between unarmed and defenseless.
There is a religious feeling of praying today for today's problems...which won't work.
Bill Cosby used to do a sketch about God asking him to build an Ark, and he'd argue this and that until...it starts raining the first drops.
My Master used to tell me this joke and he said "build an Ark"...I'm not asking for money or anything except to change your life before the Deluge comes.
Good luck with the Ark my friend......
Who owns the third pussy?
… and now back to the jihad catnap catnip …
This just about sums it all up..

Glad to report Dalai Lama has found two more volunteers to add to his vajrayana 'Kalachakra Peace Paratroopers'.
Eh Ma Ho!
War is terrorism at a massive scale
War is the ultimate denial of the dignity of human life and the right of people to live.
War is the ultimate act of arrogance and stupidity inflicted upon a people by the so called leaders nations.
As individuals and as human beings, commom mortals, we must do whatever we can within our scope to change the mindset that fosters wars and the dehumanizing of others within our families, our communities and between our nations. We must to and eradicate the source which is fear, arrogance and greed (stupidity).
it is a slow tedeous and often frustrating task. But we must never give up.
Peace to all