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How do people who suffered severe abuse can accept their karma?

Hello everyone!

I'm Flavia and I was introduced to Buddhism and the concept of karma a little while ago, so I'm trying to reconcile this idea with my life experience.

I had a particularly violent upbringing and, according to the laws of karma, the terrifying childhood I experienced, full of violence, verbal abuse, and the extreme rejection and neglect that came from my mother was deserved because it was my karma. I grew up to be a self-destructive, self-hating individual who strongly believes that no good thing can come out of me... I grew up extremely depressed and suffered from an array of mental health issues that I didn't even know I had. However, since that's my karma, I believe I should have a better mindset, stop "acting out" and accept that. But practically, that makes me feel even more dreadful... How can one receive so much suffering to the point you wish suffering on yourself and move on? I don't want to do anything... It took me days to finally write this. I don't want to talk to anyone, I just isolate and try to make ends meet. It's interfering with my ability to provide for myself, my health, everything. I've been listening to some mantras and all, but that's not helping me so much. I really don't want to do all this anymore because I'm super tired.

Anyway, I don't want to make this long, I just would like to ask your advice on how I can accept my karma and have a better attitude about it.

Thanks to anyone who has the patience to read it and respond to it. I really appreciate it.



  • IdleChaterIdleChater USA Veteran
    edited April 2024

    Seek counseling

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    Even for people with relatively healthy upbringings the spiritual path is a lifelong process, there isn't a quick bit of advice. Or if there is its probably well above the sort of thing anyone here is able to offer. I do hope you are able to seek and receive professional help sorting out and healing your trauma.

    I think I might say that the individual of past lives isn't the same as the individual of this life. The child and the person you are now didn't cause the suffering you endured and isn't responsible for it.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    As you said you don’t want to talk to anyone, perhaps counseling is not for you. And your question about karma might be better answered by a Buddhist teacher, which I am not.

    But I have heard it said that karma is not a prison, that all your karma good and bad can be burnt up in a flash when you meet the right teacher. Just so you know. A well-lived Buddhist life can also purify heart and mind, and generate much good karma. The other thing is, a poor upbringing is a release of a lot of dark karma, so now that you are rid of it you can get on with dealing with the after effects.

    It is good that you are aware of your trauma and its roots. I would suggest reading some books on trauma, people like Dr Gabor Maté or Dr Bessel van der Kolk, who have written compassionately and out of experience about trauma. The scientific perspective might help you gain some distance from the self blame.

    Ultimately I think a traumatic upbringing can be risen above, through self help and good spiritual life. My own upbringing was also difficult, though there was love.

  • flavialuzflavialuz Portugal New

    Thank you all for these responses. I super appreciate it. They're really helpful to come back to it when I need them. Dakini, thank you for the EMDR tip. I will look into that. I wish all the best to all of you.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Please be aware that I am karmically an attitude. You have yours.
    Mantrayana in Tantra can be done in various ways. Listening is the least effective.

    I will offer you my personal Mantra and different ways to use it.


    1. We can do it with clapping on each word, hard as you like
    2. We can shout or scream it whilst playing loud music of our choice to drown out the noise
    3. We can use it in different yoga postures
    4. We can use it whilst practising hitting a punch bag

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    @flavialuz said:
    Hello everyone!

    I'm Flavia and I was introduced to Buddhism and the concept of karma a little while ago, so I'm trying to reconcile this idea with my life experience.

    I had a particularly violent upbringing and, according to the laws of karma, the terrifying childhood I experienced, full of violence, verbal abuse, and the extreme rejection and neglect that came from my mother was deserved because it was my karma. I grew up to be a self-destructive, self-hating individual who strongly believes that no good thing can come out of me... I grew up extremely depressed and suffered from an array of mental health issues that I didn't even know I had. However, since that's my karma, I believe I should have a better mindset, stop "acting out" and accept that. But practically, that makes me feel even more dreadful... How can one receive so much suffering to the point you wish suffering on yourself and move on? I don't want to do anything... It took me days to finally write this. I don't want to talk to anyone, I just isolate and try to make ends meet. It's interfering with my ability to provide for myself, my health, everything. I've been listening to some mantras and all, but that's not helping me so much. I really don't want to do all this anymore because I'm super tired.

    Anyway, I don't want to make this long, I just would like to ask your advice on how I can accept my karma and have a better attitude about it.

    Thanks to anyone who has the patience to read it and respond to it. I really appreciate it.

    @flavialuz ( I have a Brazilian friend whose name is Flavia)
    It's a common misconception for many beginners to view karma solely as a system of reward and punishment, when in reality it is just causes (influenced by the energy we put into our actions both past and present actions) conditions ( the environment or circumstances in which the energy produced from our actions interacts with other energies) and effect (the outcomes of this interaction ) all of which is constantly changing, no thing is set in concrete...

    What you think, say or do in this very moment impacts on the next moment and so forth..

    Our past shapes our present and our present shapes our future

    It's all interconnected...

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    @IdleChater said:
    Seek counselling

    That may be the best but not possible option.
    Your location is given as Portugal, so not sure what is open to you …

    Here is what we have in the UK.

  • VajrasvapnaVajrasvapna Brazil New

    While this understanding may even be popular, I will argue that it is wrong and only reinforces samsara-citta.

    The first point of error is the belief in a conventional self that you could hold accountable. Convetional truth is "saṁvṛti-satya" in Sanskrit. This term comes from the root "saṁvṛt," which means "to cover" or "to conceal." In this context, it can imply something that is enveloped, hidden, or conventional. Thus, there is no conventional existing self; a self exists only in the minds of samsaric beings, but not in the luminous minds of enlightened beings.

    Beings create their own suffering out of their ignorance. Karma cannot be explained without the context of the twelve nidanas. The first is ignorance. Both Vasubandhu and Nagarjuna somehow agree about this in their Thirty Verses and Sixty Verses, respectively.

    So instead of reinforcing the actual cause of suffering by clinging to the subjective and objective, try to focus only on practicing equanimity and luminosity.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @flavialuz said:
    Hello everyone!

    I'm Flavia and I was introduced to Buddhism and the concept of karma a little while ago, so I'm trying to reconcile this idea with my life experience.

    I had a particularly violent upbringing and, according to the laws of karma, the terrifying childhood I experienced, full of violence, verbal abuse, and the extreme rejection and neglect that came from my mother was deserved because it was my karma. I grew up to be a self-destructive, self-hating individual who strongly believes that no good thing can come out of me... I grew up extremely depressed and suffered from an array of mental health issues that I didn't even know I had. However, since that's my karma, I believe I should have a better mindset, stop "acting out" and accept that. But practically, that makes me feel even more dreadful... How can one receive so much suffering to the point you wish suffering on yourself and move on? I don't want to do anything... It took me days to finally write this. I don't want to talk to anyone, I just isolate and try to make ends meet. It's interfering with my ability to provide for myself, my health, everything. I've been listening to some mantras and all, but that's not helping me so much. I really don't want to do all this anymore because I'm super tired.

    Anyway, I don't want to make this long, I just would like to ask your advice on how I can accept my karma and have a better attitude about it.

    Thanks to anyone who has the patience to read it and respond to it. I really appreciate it.

    dear friend. firstfor those new to the path,treat karma as a choice not your fate. in zen endless possibility in a beginners mind. the practice is to make the mind seasoned. our choice--action-- to treat karma with mercy and grace. in my life, today is to choose wise action as we walk this messy human life. our zen, past is done, today is fresh with new choices. walking with you.namaste, the love in me, respect the love in you.

  • pegembarapegembara Veteran
    edited April 2024

    The age old argument of intention/karma or determinism/fate.

    In the realm of samsara or causality, intention is all important. What you experienced was the result of past causes. What you do now will determine your future. All a matter of cause and effect.

    If you can keep your mind pure instead of allowing anger and hatred in, you break the cycle of abuse and violence.

    Of the utmost importance is the company you keep. To avoid foolish people and to associate with the wise is one of life's great blessings.

    1. Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox.

    2. Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts happiness follows him like his never-departing shadow

    3. "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their hatred.

    4. "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who do not harbor such thoughts still their hatred.

    5. Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.


    "Not to associate with the foolish,[5] but to associate with the wise; and to honor those who are worthy of honor — this is the greatest blessing.

    To reside in a suitable locality,[6] to have done meritorious actions in the past and to set oneself in the right course[7] — this is the greatest blessing.

    To have much learning, to be skillful in handicraft,[8] well-trained in discipline,[9] and to be of good speech[10] — this is the greatest blessing.

  • Quick hit here:
    If you are experiencing it, it is your karma.
    Karma is not absolute - you choose to embrace or change your karma
    Only you can change your karma
    You have the absolute power to change your karma
    You are the greatest, most powerful force in your life
    Didn't say it is easy or quick
    What a beautiful adventure and marvelous challenge
    You are in muddy waters, blossom as a beautiful Lotus.

    Peace to all.

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