@Walker said:
Super-safe hiding place. So safe even you forget where you've put something.
I've done it too.
Pretty sure I have $200 cash hidden somewhere in my home.
@marcitko said:
While talking on their mobile phone, does anyone else sometimes go looking for it?
While talking on their mobile phone, does anyone else sometimes go looking for it?
@lobster said:
Thank the Star people I am not mad, possessed or senile.
https://theconversation.com/starseeds-psychologists-on-why-some-people-think-theyre-aliens-living-on-earth-197291I gets it... I am... eh...
Who knew? Here I thought I was just a misfit, turns out I'm probably from the Pleiades. That's why that alien in disguise was covertly watching me on the bus.
Super-safe hiding place. So safe even you forget where you've put something.
I've done it too.
I figured out a trick so I wouldn't forget where I put my wallet when on vacation. I put it in a special pouch of its own on my suitcase. One minor hitch in the plan, I forgot I put it in a special pouch. I thought I probably left it at an In and Out for half a day...
Thank the Star people I am not mad, possessed or senile.
I gets it... I am... eh...
@Walker said:
Lost my keys today.Looked all over for them, including a walk out the the mailbox kicking snowbanks (the last place I knew I had them). Checked a bunch of places in the house, and my jacket pocket multiple times.
Eventually found them in a basket where I never put them, I just happened to do so today for some reason.lol
Hmm senior moment perhaps ?
......Welcome to the club