It's the land sharks we have to be careful of, they will take an arm or a leg if you go near them...
The land shark usually inhabits urban areas, where it preys mainly upon young women, although it has also been known to attack bespectacled marine biologists and crusty sea captains. This is a very clever fish that is capable of disguising its voice and ringing doorbells.
@Shoshin1 said:
The ocean felt like lukewarm bathwater...
Except for the sharks!
@lobster said:
What is your favourite part of Death?
I won't have to read your utterly ridiculous musings anymore! LOLz.
@lobster said:
Interesting, with Thanos from Marvel
What is your favourite part of Death?
That its so egalitarian... 😏
Just been eating a Sangha Biscuit. Apparently they are “enrobed” … with Dark Belgian chocolate…
@lobster said:
What is your favourite part of Death?
Death (everything makes me think of death. In fact I thought of Death before I saw the link word - ah well, as you were)