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Re: No Buddhist Quotes

"Listen or your tongue will make you deaf"
~First Nation Proverb~

Re: 12 steps program and Buddhism

@Passaddhi said:

@yagr Thank you for sharing your experience. How did you make it work ? Did you give up on Buddhism temporarily and pretended you believed in a God ?

How...? Mostly by making every mistake I could. I asked a lot of questions - and as anyone around here can tell you, I am not a star at understanding the answers. Odd that I keep asking questions... Anyway, going on a tangent - it should be fun...

Early on I was told that I could make the group my Higher Power. That didn't make a lot of sense to me so, I decided it would make more sense by asking questions because I hadn't yet learned that this doesn't help me. Then they told me to 'turn everything over to my Higher Power'. Since I was unemployed, unemployable, and truly concerned about how I was going to pay my bills that month, I dropped my bills in the basket as it went around. "What the hell, yagr?" they asked. "I had some fears about how I was going to pay my bills so I turned it over to my Higher Power - the group." It was explained that this isn't how it works...I still don't see the inconsistency. But, let's get back on track...

As any Buddhist will tell you, in one way or another, the only thing we can offer you is a 'finger pointing to the moon'. Truth cannot be taught - only experienced. That which is the true Tao cannot be spoken. Insert your own favorite line because ultimately, the idea that the truth can only be pointed to or approximated is expressed in a myriad of ways but they all imply the same thing. So, this 12-step program was created by a bunch of folks who got a hand me down spirituality bequeathed to them through a hundred generations that began with a bunch of superstitious illiterate goat herders. I am not judging them for being superstitious illiterate goat herders - just suggesting that the guard rails for 'pointing to the moon' were narrower back then. So Jesus, in my opinion, pointed to the moon in a way that these folks could ...well, maybe not understand - but have a prayer of understanding.

So, they took his teaching - then played a 2000 year game of telephone by passing on ideas that they really didn't understand - and, just like me (and probably you) when people don't really understand what is, they write a narrative about it and that narrative isn't Truth - it's a facsimile or shadow of Truth. We tell ourselves a story about our experience because in this way, we are able to build a monument to our experience, examine it, fret over it...have the illusion of control over our experience. Anyway...

Ultimately, what I hung my hat on in order to mix with any predominantly Christian group that strives for spirituality is this: Jesus said, "I am the Truth, the way..." I believe that he was enlightened and so, I can buy the fact that he was 'Truth'. His followers are grasping at Truth but not really understanding it (imo). I get that - I do that, too. So I just decided that they misunderstood Truth differently than I misunderstood Truth and we had that in common...and that would be enough. I called truth - Dharma, they called it Jesus...and we're both wrong. That makes us brothers...which is Truth.

I'm sure that's clear as mud...but there was a lot of surrender in there. Surrender is acceptance of what is - and what is, is only here/now. i.e., when I say, "Hi, I'm yagr and I'm an addict" for instance, this isn't true acceptance, this is a narrative I tell me about myself and then I go and do something really silly like believe it. Trying to capture a Higher Power and stuff it into a box so I can have my narrative about the experience and feel like I have a measure of control over the experience of life - is a recipe for a lot of suffering. How could it not be? Try to stick a size 15 foot into a size 12 shoe and there will be pain. Try to stuff the infinite into a finite box causes suffering too - and while you might get your foot in that show with a lot of pain and effort - you'll never manage the latter so it is pain and suffering for no purpose.

I know I can be wordy - I hope there are some in there that are helpful.


Buddhism for Kids?

Hello all!
Was wondering about Buddhism videos that can explain Buddhism to children? I really want to share with my son, but don't know how to explain things to him lol.
As always, thank you, and I bow to each of you!

Re: Sam Harris on the perennial philosophy

"No tradition monopolizes the truth. We must glean the best values of all traditions and work together to remove the tensions between traditions in order to give peace a chance".

THAY-Living Buddha, Living Christ- page 114

I was going to post this in the quote thread but it felt at home here.


Re: Where is everyone?

@DairyLama said:

. You're not NB.

Didn't you see Jason's titles by his name: God, Emperor, Moderator? That pretty much means he's not only Spiritual and Temporal Ruler (like the Dalai Lama used to be), but also Honcho Moderator. We do prostrations to him as part of our practice.



Re: Covid Cabin

Hello. Even though I'm still very skeptical regarding the vaccines I've just got my single-shot Janssen today. Headache and tiredness. Nothing too bad.

Re: U.K. Census 2021.

@Choephal said:
I filled up my census, like a night in the forest.
And in ten years time I’ll fill it again....

I did mine like a walk in the rain.

Re: Good food

@コチシカ said:
@lobster Quite interesting, your thread has "indirectly" inspired me to try the bhang lassi now. Let's see how it goes.

Sadly at the moment where I am, it is not legal to grow, prepare, drink or use this lovely medicinal drink.

However it is a weed. If you have a natural/weed/wild garden who knows what the birdies may provide ...

Re: What is NewBuddhist.com?

NewBuddhist promotes an inclusive community that values diverse backgrounds, identities, and cultures. We do not tolerate harassment of members on or off this site. Threats of harm, invasion of privacy, and other offensive behavior that makes others feel unsafe will result in a permanent ban. We do not tolerate white supremacist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, or any other discriminatory view points on this site related to identity.

Please report violations of this policy that you witness or experience immediately using this site with the "Flag" button or messaging Linc, or via email to lincoln@newbuddhist.com, subject line "NewBuddhist Community Violation" or similar. Please include a clear statement of what behavior you believe violated the policy and how, including as much detail & context as you comfortably can.
