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It's showing "new" quite randomly - the "new" will show up on some threads but not on others whether I've read them or not. It's being quite indiscriminate as far as I can tell Anyone else?
It's showing "new" quite randomly - the "new" will show up on some threads but not on others whether I've read them or not. It's being quite indiscriminate as far as I can tell Anyone else?
It's showing "new" quite randomly - the "new" will show up on some threads but not on others whether I've read them or not. It's being quite indiscriminate as far as I can tell Anyone else?
It's showing "new" quite randomly - the "new" will show up on some threads but not on others whether I've read them or not. It's being quite indiscriminate as far as I can tell Anyone else?
Yes, "new" is currently a random emission. Same here. Looks to be a software bug that needs addressing.
Impermanence. Why do we have such a problem with change? haha I'm speaking about myself, here. I Took a day of practicing my eyeball view of right/left. I see my avatar more now, too. Feels like a weird high/trip. lolol Anyway, I made it past my hurdle and Im ready to catch up on tons of reading. I like the artwork, btw.
Still have to scroll to the right to read the posts...
Which web browser are you using? There are ways to decrease the font size, thus fitting more into the viewable screen; perhaps eliminating your L-to-R scrolling problem.
As to what BonsaiDoug said, in most browsers you can press CTRL+ or CTRL- to increase or decrease the font size. That works in Firefox at least... try it!
I can't see how to log out...so will I be trapped in the New Buddhist realm for all eternity? Hee hee
On the top left, click on the little grey wheel under your name!
Well discovered!
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
Aaargh.....! Is there supposed to be a mile-wide gap between the first post on the page, and the next reply....? Any way of bringing all the comments 'closer up the page'....?
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
edited August 2012
@Lincoln, I got no 'delete' option under my little cog on the left.....other posts, yes. My posts....No.
and all the options of links, images and quotes don't appear when you need to edit.... so you'd need to make a new post to add a picture.....
Can anyone briefly explain the "Mark All Viewed" function? I know something happened when I clicked it, like I no longer see the yellow 'new comment' icon next to posts, but since that wasn't my intention for clicking it, I think I may be overlooking its primary function. By the way, my intention for clicking it wasn't an intention. Just a spazzy finger. Heh.
@TheBeejAbides, It marks all posts as viewed, naturally. However when there is another new post and you go to that thread... the forum puts you at your *real* last viewed post, at least in my experience. So you can get rid of all the "new" stuff, but the forum still keeps track of the last thing you've seen. This may be a bug or may be intentional, but I'm glad of it, since I've marked all viewed accidentally myself!
And it seems in this new layout that new threads, ones you haven't viewed at all, don't show "new" anything... they're just bolded until you actually visit them for the first time.
So it doesn't actually "mark" it, does it? Like with a check mark or something that says "viewed"? It just treats it like there's nothing special about it anymore,? All posts become crated equal at that point, so to speak?
The red 1 tag over my input envelope stays "on" regardless of what I do. I can't seem to turn it off now even though it worked fine yesterday.
PS I just noticed that clicking my own email turns it off...Dauh!
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
@Lincoln, just a heads-up....Top left, icons by my name, far right, cog, I have a red number 1 next to it... I click, and I get a list, including the option 'applicants'... which is the option with the red number 1 next to it.... but if I click on it, the screen tells me i don't have permission to do whatever it's telling me to do... yet I can't get the 1 to disappear.
It seems to be a special star only receivable from the lofty realms of moderaters. If I dissapear after this post it means, they have other offerings as well. . Speaking of disapearing, does the ominous LAYOUT CHANGE COMING mean that they really know something about the 2012 end of the world?
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
@Lincoln, I wonder if it would be possible to instate/re-instate the date a thread is first posted, on the thread indexes.... it's just nice to be able to spot whether a thread is relatively new, recent or resurrected from the dusty cobwebbed vaults of yesteryear.....
@Lincoln, I wonder if it would be possible to instate/re-instate the date a thread is first posted, on the thread indexes.... it's just nice to be able to spot whether a thread is relatively new, recent or resurrected from the dusty cobwebbed vaults of yesteryear.....
Uhuh.... I just gave advice in a thread posted two years ago. I wonder if it is even still applicable? Heh!
Same here. Looks to be a software bug that needs addressing.
Since I can no longer read entire posts, I guess I will be leaving this forum
It's been fun!
I'm speaking about myself, here.
eyeball view of right/left. I see my avatar more now, too.
Feels like a weird high/trip. lolol
Anyway, I made it past my hurdle and Im ready to catch up on tons
of reading. I like the artwork, btw.
Any way of bringing all the comments 'closer up the page'....?
and all the options of links, images and quotes don't appear when you need to edit....
so you'd need to make a new post to add a picture.....
And it seems in this new layout that new threads, ones you haven't viewed at all, don't show "new" anything... they're just bolded until you actually visit them for the first time.
I can't seem to turn it off now even though it worked fine yesterday.
PS I just noticed that clicking my own email turns it off...Dauh!
Tell whoever it is in charge to change it back; immediately.
If I dissapear after this post it means, they have other offerings as well. .
Speaking of disapearing, does the ominous LAYOUT CHANGE COMING mean that they really know something about the 2012 end of the world?