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Character vs Personality

personperson Don't believe everything you thinkThe liminal space Veteran
In this TED talk Susan Cain mentions that self help books from 150 years ago were about character and how to be a person of integrity. After industrialization and a move to large cities away from small communities where everyone knew each other the books began extolling the virtues of personality, personal magnetism, charm, etc. because it was important to be able to set oneself apart and be noticed among a throng of anonymity.

I'd never heard of this and it made sense to me. It also got me thinking about the difference between character and personality especially in regards to Buddhism.

The Buddhist path, or any spirituality really, works to change ones character and doesn't seem to be concerned about personality. Chogyam Trungpa seems to have noticed this and wrote his book Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism in an effort to address it.

What's the difference between character and personality to you?


  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Perhaps character is finding the courage, patience and wisdom to stand on your own two feet. It's not for sale at Harvard or Tiffany's or Bodh Gaya.

    We all know people who wrap themselves in personality and live on the two feet that others possess... some are quite attractive, but you wouldn't want them babysitting your kids.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    Character, to me, is more about morals. It's more about what you hold dear and what kinds of values you want to put out to the world. It's about how you treat people and the world around you, sincerely. It goes beyond thought.

    Personality is more surface level. It's how I walk and what I wear and how I speak, my hobbies. Personality is more the "what" that I present to the world while character is more the "who" I guess. That's not exactly what I want to say, but close.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    I would suggest personality is what it is individual and character is beyond individuality.
  • karasti said:

    Character, to me, is more about morals. It's more about what you hold dear and what kinds of values you want to put out to the world. It's about how you treat people and the world around you, sincerely. It goes beyond thought.

    Personality is more surface level. It's how I walk and what I wear and how I speak, my hobbies. Personality is more the "what" that I present to the world while character is more the "who" I guess. That's not exactly what I want to say, but close.

    I agree that it is about morals, but it shouldn't be bourgeois morals. Or better still, I would simply call it 'integrity'.
  • Personality is how you taste. Character is what you stand for.
  • Character is, to me, synonymous with virtue--not in the Victorian sense, but from the Latin virtus, as @music says, 'integrity' or 'strength' -- in the sense of Seneca's stoic ethics.
  • Personality is the essence or idea, while character is the action behind it.
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