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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • @federica said:
    Actually, that's quite sad, in a way.... (Matt. 21:13).

    It used to be a lot worse. This historic building that housed the TV studio that broadcast 'thought for the day' was demolished to create a Marks and Spencer supermarket/store ...

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    @Bunks said:
    Unfortunately my next door neighbour died yesterday.

    We think it was probably a heart attack. He was only 52.

    I walked outside at about 1pm and his friend was hysterical on the phone with 000 out the front of his house. I ran over but I could see by the time I got there he was gone. He was slumped back in his chair with his eyes rolled back in his head. I haven't seen many dead people but it was pretty clear he was gone.

    My wife came over and the people on 000 were trying to get us to resuscitate him but it was fairly clear to us he had been dead awhile. The ambulance and police came and chatted to me a bit about it. They reckon he'd been dead at least a few hours.

    I was in shock a bit yesterday and think I am still a little now. He was a ticking time bomb though. Very unhealthy and from all accounts didn't take the medication he was prescribed. I feel sorry for his kids though.

    We'll go to the funeral later this week. Not sure what day it is yet.

    Yes it is sad for the family left behind...

    @Bunks did you recite "Om Mani Padme Hung!" (The Jewel Is In The Lotus=What we seek we are!) I find it comforting whenever I see death of another sentient being.... I like to think that it helps them on their journey...

    Death is one of life's hard lessons and really brings the impermanent nature of all things home...

    For a brief while they will know the truth-until their karmic rebirth gradually dissolves it again...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I'm sorry you had to go through that @Bunks.
    I'm also sorry it left you in shock, but in time, I hope this will be a more peaceful and philosophical memory for you.
    Everything ends.
    He ended.

    people everywhere were doing their level best to make this not so, but to no avail.
    He had a beginning, a middle and an end, and you were there, at his end.

    And @Jeffrey what an awful thing to experience. Metta to both. In my thoughts today....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran
    edited April 2015
    Thanks @federica
  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran
    edited April 2015
    After what felt like a few nail-biting months, it looks like my Dad's pancreatic tumor IS responding to the chemo. They're going to nix one of the chemo meds that appears to be giving him gnarly side effects. He said that the oncologist, who doesn't mince words, seemed very upbeat about his prognosis. I believe he's got 3 more chemo treatments before they start him on radiation. :pleased:

    Interesting aside: He proactively suggested the he (historically NOT religious or spiritual and generally critical of organized religion) and my Mom (Catholic) attend Easter Mass. I was glad that I was already seated when they told me that! :lol: I guess the priest (who, according to my Mom, was previously an attorney and physician) gave my Dad an extra sprinkle of holy water. Hey, whatever works! My Mom knows I plan on looking into a Medicine Buddha puja being practiced for him, so that can't hurt either.
  • I see Jayantha is on line. They let those monks on the Internet for Easter? ;)

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Wintery weather as hit the island with vengeance.....This time last week there I was at the beach soaking up the last drops of vitamin D from the remnants of the summer's sun and now all hell has broken loose weather-wise, heavy rain ( good for the plant life and our water tanks) cold winds...Teeth and monkey chatter happening....Oh well another lesson in anicca .....

    I did get treated to a nice rainbow outside my kitchen window this morning....Can't complain.... B)=)

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    I remember those wintry blasts coming up from the Antarctic when I lived in Auckland @Shoshin.

    It could be pretty cold (nothing like Colorado or the Northern States in the USA though!)

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran
    edited April 2015

    Yes I know that where I live we are lucky weather-wise, not like some parts of the world (and even here in NZ, it's already been snowing in the South Island) ...

    A couple of years ago on the island @Bunks a once in a blue moon thing happened....'it snowed'... yes real snow flakes, but they melted as soon as their touched the ground and it was only for a few minutes , I was at work when all of a sudden there was this almighty scream so I went outside to see what was happening, it was a young woman ( I thought she was going to faint) she was shouting "It's snowing! It's snowing!"...A few minutes earlier I had been looking out the office window and had mistook the snow flakes for tiny leaves being blown off the trees...

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    This time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere, that is) is very uplifting, like crawling out of a deep dark hole. But then I got friends in the Southern Hemisphere having to say Goodbye to what I am welcoming so gratefully :anguished: I have predictable, yearly grief when the daylight is gone by 5pm, but it's nice to know that summer is happening SOMEWHERE even if it ain't happening to me :) Hang on, Southern Hemisphere friends, we'll give ya summer back in say, seven months or so . . .

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    @Hamsaka said:
    This time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere, that is) is very uplifting, like crawling out of a deep dark hole. But then I got friends in the Southern Hemisphere having to say Goodbye to what I am welcoming so gratefully :anguished: I have predictable, yearly grief when the daylight is gone by 5pm, but it's nice to know that summer is happening SOMEWHERE even if it ain't happening to me :) Hang on, Southern Hemisphere friends, we'll give ya summer back in say, seven months or so . . .

    It's on loan from us(Southern Hemisphere) to you(Northern Hemisphere)...So don't waste it :D

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    I was walking back from my walk (an oxymoron I know :D ) when I spotted this lone flower by the side of the road...I call it the Lama Dharma flower...Can you guess why?

    And a little further along I took a photo of a Buddha sitting in a garden doing nothing as usual...just sitting there staring into space, as if made of stone... (You might have to enlarge this photo to see him clearly :) )

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I see him.... behind the chair..... The Lama Dhamma flower? Colours of the petals resemble robes.... today, gone tomorrow!....?

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran
    edited April 2015

    Yep on both accounts...I really like the colours of the Lamas robes and the impermanent nature of the beauty of the flower...

    .BTW if they were to position the Buddha facing the gate, he would have a nice view of the sea and the waves being whipped up by the strong winds...Still I've never heard him complaining :)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Buddhas don't complain... they just sit there in mock-sufferance until you get it.... :tongue:

  • SarahTSarahT Time ... space ... joy South Coast, UK Veteran

    Ooops. Wonderful H and son currently replacing my very delapidated fence. Innocently asked whether they were going to take the top off the post or leave it the way it was. Appears hole wasn't deep enough and they've already put concrete in, thinking they'd done the first panel. Shall leave them to it!

  • robotrobot Veteran

    This showed up on facebook.
    Enlightening, disturbing and sad. I shudder to think of how different my life might have been if I hadn't been mutilated this way.
    She says circumcision can cause ptsd in infants. Can't be good for society.

  • I honestly love vegetarian mexican food.
  • This is my girlfriend's dog mindfully enjoying the warm sun in the afternoon. :)

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran
    Friday evening my husband had a men's night with a couple of friends.

    Dear heartthrob Italian neighbour (yes, the one that tills his garden with bare six-pack in the summer) invited me for a barbecue for two (and a half, with my son, of course) to celebrate what according to the weather forecast would be the last beautiful day for a week.

    Once my son was put to bed, and to veer my neighbour away from his usual Adriano Celentano choice of music, I took hold of the ipad and concocted my personal dj selection for the evening.
    Only condition had been either Eros Ramazzotti or opera.

    By the time we had bottomed the second bottle of moscato, and to the utmost pleasure of our Swiss neighbours, we had belted out in duo the most popular arias of Puccini, Verdi and Leoncavallo. "Ridi Pagliaccio" was bissed at least three times, with the clown sobbing included, plus a tacit contest of who sobbed louder.

    Our invisible -but likely present- helvetic audience then had to endure over an hour of our dancing merengue, salsa and cumbia up and down the garden. Our feisty etilic condition prevented us from attempting feats of dancing prowess on the table.
    At least neither had to drive back home...
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Goodness, how the 'other half' lives.... I treated myself and bought myself a cut price pot plant from work and downed a pot noodle while watching a re-run of QI on BBC iplayer....

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    Pot noodle?! You were lucky!

  • Whilst some have been scandalising their Swiss neighbours and 'gorging' on junk food, I have shaved all my hair off.

    I look like a ferocious skinhead rather than benign Hare Krishna devotee. Have to keep dome undercover for a while so as not to terrify anyone. O.o

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Pictures, or it didn't happen.....

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran
    edited April 2015

    @federica said:
    Goodness, how the 'other half' lives.... I treated myself and bought myself a cut price pot plant from work and downed a pot noodle while watching a re-run of QI on BBC iplayer....

    All it takes, Fede, is two Latins, a boombox and two bottles of moscato.
    One half of the Latin pre-requisite, you already have... as to the rest... =)

    Hubby also dons the skinhead look, @lobster...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Well, when I have my own place, a more sociable and good-humoured husband (not in the best frame of mind, currently!) and a neighbour who could double for a 'Latino' (in fading light and a following wind, if you squint - not because I know him, but because finding ANYONE round here to resemble a 'Latino' is really asking a bit too much!) AND I have enough money to even hire a boom-box for an hour, plus a bottle or two of England's finest low-calorie non-alcoholic cider - I'll take a video....

  • howhow Veteran Veteran


    @federica said:
    Pictures, or it didn't happen.....

    Just crop out any revealing carapace.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Rowan1980 said:
    I ran my first 5k road race of the year yesterday and finished far better than I did last year. I think a better-marked and overall smoother route helped immensely.

    What time did you do @Rowan1980? Or is it just about getting through it?

  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran
    @Bunks -It was for charity, so more along the lines of sneaking in a workout for the day while benefiting the rape crisis center in the area. It was for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which happens every April. I actually opted out of being a timed runner this year, but will be for subsequent 5k races.
  • The hair from my recent alleged and unconfirmed shearing has gone around some hosta (shade loving foliage plant) to keep away the slugs. They don't like the feel of moving on hair, so it repels them.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Slugs aren't affected by imaginary hair.
    Therefore, if you're a serious gardener, I think the weight of evidence probably would suggest you HAVE cut your hair.

    Slug on a rug...?

    Pictures or it didn't happen..... :tongue:

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    Nice to see you again @MaryAnne ! :smiley:

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited April 2015

    Kofi broke his arm. Confused the handle brakes....and off he went flying....I signed NB on his cast....a lime green one at that. :sunglasses:

  • lobsterlobster Veteran
    edited April 2015

    ^^^ Ouch. I have led a very sheltered life and have never signed a green cast before. Wonder if you could sign for Kofi on my behalf? A claw would do . . . Interestingly the arm will be stronger after breakage <3

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited April 2015

    I swear I love this place bec of all the learning I do! And if it has anything to do with anatomy or biology...I'm there!!!! :mrgreen:

    @lobster ..... my hasta's will be getting some hair clippings from now on...who knew?? Wow. Interesting stuff....any home recipes to get rid of moles?

    The bone myth?.... Stronger after a break?....I never heard that...and now that I thought more about does a bone heal, anyway? Kofi asked and I just kinda said " grows back together".. He looked at me funny ....and I said, "I dont know just does" .. we go...

    "Despite one misconception, there is no evidence that a bone that breaks will heal to be stronger than it was before.
    When a bone fractures, it begins the healing process by forming a callus at the fracture site, where calcium is deposited to aid rebuilding, said Dr. Terry D. Amaral, director of pediatric orthopedic surgery at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. In most cases, a plaster cast is applied to protect the fracture site. But because there is no weight or pressure on the limb, it becomes weaker — except at the site of the callus, where calcium is being deposited.
    “The area that’s healing is undergoing rapid mineralization, but because you can’t use it, the rest of the bone is demineralized,” Dr. Amaral said.
    As a result, there may be a brief period in the healing process when the fracture site is stronger than the surrounding bone. But they later reach equal strength, and the fracture site is no more or less likely to break again. Dr. Amaral said that in studies in which healed bones were subjected to bending and twisting forces, the repaired bones were capable of breaking anywhere, including the fracture site. “They never comment that it’s stronger or weaker than the rest of the bone,” he said.
    THE BOTTOM LINE Healed bones are not stronger than they were before a fracture." --

    Gratitude for feeding my brain. :glasses:

  • ^^^ Thanks for doing the bone research.

    I was basing my knowledge or lack, on martial arts continual 'hard' conditioning and the stimulating effect on growth from young kinds injuring themselves from falling, both do not involve

    Face or garden moles? Advice might be very different ... have no humane tips for either as it might involve lasers ... O.o

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    Garden moles. They are tearing up my yard and garden.

  • Hey guys, do you know this song?

    this is actually a cover of the original song (which is awesome). I think its lyrics refers a lot to some sort of spiritual refuge (god, for instance). I find it really inspiring!

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    Hear ye, Hear ye...this is my announcement.

    When I am at your baby shower, birthday party, retirement party, just sitting at the park watching the ducks, having lunch or any space outside my front door...that does NOT mean I want my picture taken and put on social media! AGGHHHH!! With captions. And then sometimes the captions takes things out of context. I feel like if I'm cool with you, you already know I don't do social media so how hard is it to respect that? Post all the damn pics of you if you want...but I am sooooo sick of seeing people and they're like "Hey, I saw you and so and so at such and such place and......". While I'm thinking/saying.."You weren't even there...I didn't see you". I'm sick of the whole world knowing what I do with a few amount of people, and while I'm raging, let me hit on this- Yes, I'm an outgoing person and kick it with just about anyone, but that's different from privacy. I need to know you a little while before I feel like you should know all the things I do with whom and where. Respect people's privacy and if you want to put all your own business out there, fine...but it's up to other people if that's what they want. Why is it just assumed I forfeited all my own info and privacy bec I'm out in public...or even in someone's else house, for that matter.

    I'm going to start bringing my own damn media release form..Grrrr

    I'm not dealing well with social media overlapping with real life.
    I'm just not. I know times change...and these whippersnappers and tenderonies are doing stuff different...but have some respect for other people!!!

    Ok, I'm done goin' off. :angry:

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    Thanks for ranting @Vastmind just because the norm and need to belong is strong, we can and do find a way independent of peer expectations ... <3

  • dantepwdantepw Veteran


    Well, indeed, social media can destroy your privacy pretty easily.

    For instance, my gramma is not connected to any sort of technology and her daughter, my aunt, well, she is. A lot (just like me and other family members).

    One day we had a family meeting, and my gramma was with her arm broken. My aunt ended up taking an innocent picture with her and uploaded it to facebook, and then my gramma's distant sister saw it and decided to give her a call really worried about what happened and stuff.

    My gramma got fed up (I'm not sure why tho) and made my aunt delete it.

    So, even when you have no clue about what a social media is, sometimes you are still there. That proves your point again.

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    @Vastmind said:> When I am at your baby shower, birthday party, retirement party, just sitting at the park watching the ducks, having lunch or any space outside my front door...that does NOT mean I want my picture taken and put on social media!

    Well said! There's probably a medical term for it, the neurotic need to take pictures of anything that moves and upload it somewhere in the mistaken belief that people will actually be interested.
    Another reason why all mobile phones should be placed in a bucket of water!!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    The selfie. A new addition to The Greater Oxford English Dictionary.
    I curse its existence and have even "unfriended" somebody because of their incessant, repetitive and infuriating habit of posting constant photos of themselves...

  • lobsterlobster Veteran
    edited May 2015

    <3<3<3 Bravo yagr. Bravo. <3<3<3

    @SpinyNorman said:
    Another reason why all mobile phones should be placed in a bucket of water!!

    Must try that, I suppose it improves the reception ... :p

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