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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • CittaCitta Veteran
    Jeffrey said:

    My cut is mostly healed :) (some of you know I cut my foot) It is not seeping into the bandage any more. What a miracle if you think about it.

    Good. Yes imagine if we had to consciously heal even a small cut by effort...
    Every day our white blood cells do battle with bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and our immune system deals with potential threats to our well being.
    All without involvement of our will or most of the time, our knowledge.
  • My cat has nystagmus :( That means her eyes are twitching back and forth and she cannot walk. The cause is the inner ear of the brain. I took her to the vet and he says she could have gotten into something (I don't think we have anything bad). Hopefully she can overcome it and be back to us. It could also be a virus, bacteria, brain tumor, or brain parasite. He said this happens a lot in the summer. I took her to the vet. She got a shot of valium which is making her feel better. She had loud repeated meows until then. Also an antibiotic, hydration which they fill the skin with and it makes a pillow of water. We are going to see if she drinks water (probably won't feel like that), and goes to the bathroom and eats. Send prayers to blackberry.
  • We found that beloved blackberry cat had a punctured ear drum probably by bacteria. She is eating and drinking and peeing! I think we will get her back together and healthy. She purrs when we visit her in the closed off from other cats den.
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    Is sat here meditating on the subject of what lentils are made out of.
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    Tosh said:

    Is sat here meditating on the subject of what lentils are made out of.

    Thats easy Ken. They are made of lentil.

  • ToshTosh Veteran
    That's called a 'Wah', Citta, when you ask a silly question and someone gives you a serious answer! :D
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    Sensible ? How very dare you ! ;)
  • TheEccentricTheEccentric Hampshire, UK Veteran
    Only have today and tomorrow of summer holidays left, then I will have to return the prison they have a nerve to call a school :(
  • We saw an amazingly vivid rainbow today. It even had a fainter 'double' rainbow beside it. Made my week.
  • They just rebuilt the boardwalk in time for Summer this year, after Super Storm Sandy destroyed it last October.... About 75% of the boardwalk businesses reopened in time for the summer season, but only had a mediocre 'come back' as far as $$ went. But at least they were back. Now, this:

    The whole darn place is up in flames!
  • misterCopemisterCope PA, USA Veteran
    Jeffrey said:

    We saw an amazingly vivid rainbow today. It even had a fainter 'double' rainbow beside it. Made my week.

    What does it mean?
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    MaryAnne said:

    Ok.... Random Announcement! [ahem]

    I can no longer eat Blue Bunny brand Banana Split ice cream!!...

    That is All.

    I am SAD.

    Carry On.

    MaryAnne, you have my deepest sympathy. That is the best supermarket ice cream in the entire Milky Way Galaxy.

  • It's international state the obvious day!!!

    (I typed that sentence)
  • Hope this counts as useless. Don't want to go off the off topic thread . . . :)

    ios7 the new operating system for iPads, iPhones and Imaniacs has a great easily accessible timer.
    Sweep from off the bottom of the device upward to access control panel. Choose the timer bottom right. Set time. Turn off device. When your cushion sitting is oven ready, a sound, in my case, 'slow rise' will emerge. You can of course ignore it and get a few more minutes of dharma snoozing in [wait a minute that can't be right . . .] :clap:
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    Just for fun...the government has shutdown here. lololol

    Announcement: Congress and everyone up there gets paid...
    I don't. Furlough days for me. Oh well...good thing I just had a
    retreat, hahaha....I'm wearing my 'go as a river' shirt today to the
    office to clean my cube out. We got 4 hours to wrap anything up....
    then I'll be home....on NB...talking. :D
  • Vastmind said:

    Just for fun...the government has shutdown here. lololol

    Announcement: Congress and everyone up there gets paid...
    I don't. Furlough days for me. Oh well...good thing I just had a
    retreat, hahaha....I'm wearing my 'go as a river' shirt today to the
    office to clean my cube out. We got 4 hours to wrap anything up....
    then I'll be home....on NB...talking. :D

    I work a block in front of the White House and its like a ghost town here. Normally starbucks has a line all the way back to the bathrooms. this morning it was only 5 people or so.
    It is sad what the people in charge will do to the people who voted them in. All for the sake of extremest points of view. The whole idea of congress is to have a place to argue points but to also come to a compromise.
  • I'm totally disgusted and appalled at the extremist GOP members who will go to any lengths to wreak disharmony and disapproval around Obama and anything he tries to do. He's not the BEST president we ever had, nor ever will have, maybe not even close, but he's certainly head and shoulders above our American Taliban T-bagger extremists.
  • To be fair both sides have gone so far to the extreme that the average moderate has nobody speaking for them. I think this is mostly due to corporations and special interests throwing money behind politicians who will support them instead of what is good for the country. Some serious amendments need to be made to our constitution to stop this corruption (which is just the tip of a large iceberg) the sad thing is the people who can change the constitution are the corrupt ones.
  • GuiGui Veteran
    Does this mean the terrorists won? :hair:
  • Vastmind said:

    I did the whole procession and I think my Sangha brothers would have been proud of the job I did. :)


    How wonderful, @Vastmind :clap:
    First time in 15 years we sat/meditated together.
    You made me tear up too! (((HUGS!!)))
  • It was a beautiful 2 hours. Did I say it was just the
    two of us? ......... Gratitude for this moving experience.
    Marvellous. Inspiring. How wonderful . . . imagine that . . . people sitting together . . . so simple . . .

    I was inspired by 'The Dhamma Brothers' movie recently.
    I also managed, at long last . . . probably due to software upgrades, to sit with the treeleaf on line sangha.

    Your story made me happy :)
  • BeejBeej Human Being Veteran
    going disc golfing!!!!!!! enjoying the extended summer temperature mixed with the changing colors of the impending fal! :)
  • Happy Friday!! And a Joyous Weekend!
    Ha!.jpg 17.4K
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    Friiiiiday!! Whoop, Whoop!
    What's everyone got going on this week-end?

    I'm laying low...just relaxing. I spent last week-end (and my
    furlough days) cleaning up and doing yard work, so I intend
    on chillin' in the backyard, with a thermos of hot tea and some
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    Weds evening my right knee blew out and dropped me to the ground. 7 hours in the hospital with doctors disagreeing on a diagnosis, most of my thoughts were..well there goes my livelihood of 30 years. I couldn't even touch the ground with one foot.
    3 days later I can hobble around a bit, off the crutches, and the future is hopeful.
  • how said:

    Weds evening my right knee blew out and dropped me to the ground. 7 hours in the hospital with doctors disagreeing on a diagnosis, most of my thoughts were..well there goes my livelihood of 30 years. I couldn't even touch the ground with one foot.
    3 days later I can hobble around a bit, off the crutches, and the future is hopeful.

    OWIE!! :eek:
    Oh my, I certainly hope you start to feel better ASAP! But don't rush things.... blown out knees are temperamental for a long time afterwards. :::hugs:::

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    ^^^ Oh no! We had a man down! :hair:
    Hang in there and take it slow. Sending hugs...
  • how said:

    3 days later I can hobble around a bit, off the crutches, and the future is hopeful.

    This almost traditional Zen advice might be appropriate:

    When walking just walk.
    When Sitting just sit,
    When hobbling, just hobble.
    Above all, don't wobble!

    . . . next week Dharma dancing
  • Newbie, Try - pop's head round the door and waves to everyone. :)
  • Hi Try! :wave:
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    edited October 2013
    Announcement: My car broke down and then shortly after, I lost a hundred dollars I had in my pocket.

    When it rains, it pours!
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    Hi @Try..... I adore your pic! :)
  • Just a general PSA (public service announcement); not meant for anyone on this forum in particular, at all!

    Let's take the idea and the word 'rape' out of jokes, out of casual conversation about nothing, out of our sarcasm, out of our editorial cartoons. There is nothing funny, clever, amusing, ironic, or 'edgy' about tossing the idea of, or the word rape around as if you're saying "Hello" to a friend on the street.

    This guy is right, and his anger is justified.

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited October 2013
    ^^^ Holy shit! That was intense. :bawl:

    He took me through it! :clap: :bawl:
  • ^^^ ten awesomes. (and it would be twenty if I could have a slice or two or three.... LOL) :D
  • ^^ Looking forward to more selections being added.... :)
  • please share on your FB and other places...
  • EvenThirdEvenThird NYC Veteran
    My partner killed my SCOBY(symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, used for making kombucha) a few months ago and I just remembered how surprised I was that I didn't cry. Is it possible I'm actually missing my bacteria/yeast culture?

    Also I downloaded an app caller "Happier"
    it's nice, I think people on this website would enjoy it..
  • Going out of town for my sister's wedding. I'm so happy for her and her husband-to-be. The downside is that I may be walking my sister down the aisle (which I would be so honored to do)-- my dad is in the hospital from hypokalemia and dehydration-- and simply not eating-- from his chemo treatments. Hopefully he'll be at least able to attend the wedding this Saturday.

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited November 2013
    My grandma passed away today. I am not truly grieving. I think I believe that it was her time to leave the world. As it is. As it is. Nothing to add and nothing to take away.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    edited November 2013
    riverflow said:

    Going out of town for my sister's wedding. I'm so happy for her and her husband-to-be. The downside is that I may be walking my sister down the aisle (which I would be so honored to do)-- my dad is in the hospital from hypokalemia and dehydration-- and simply not eating-- from his chemo treatments. Hopefully he'll be at least able to attend the wedding this Saturday.

    Jeffrey said:

    My grandma passed away today. I am not truly grieving. I think I believe that it was her time to leave the world. As it is. As it is. Nothing to add and nothing to take away.

    Metta to you both, @riverflow and @Jeffrey.
  • MaryAnne said:

    So........ Who's coming over for Apple Pie??
    Home-made; just out of the oven about 30 min ago.... :D

    I love baking in the fall and winter.


    Buddha = apple pie = Maitriya

    . . . talking of light and love . . .
    went to Hindu temple as it is Diwali.
    Visited the 'dark gods' hidden in the nooks and crannies, Kali (Buddhist Tara/Kwan Yin) was glad of a bit of attention. She puts a bit of chilli in her apple pies. What a little devil she is ...
    My sister makes an apple and pear crumble with cinnamon and dark sugar - yum
  • Metta to you both, @riverflow and @Jeffrey X's 2 :)
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