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Suggesting a gender box...
Would it be possible to have a male and female gender box to tick off in our profiles?
Maybe also an age range to check off- you know 13 -18, 19-25, 26-40, 40+
I'm often confused, especially if the person commenting is new or an infrequent visitor...
Just a thought.
I think the point is to treat everyone as you'd like to be treated, and talk to people in a respectful, compassionate way.
gender/age has no barriers in that respect.
Another member brought it up is why the question has been raised. They could tell you better than I a reason for it mattering. We have in the past had a thread with age. It didn't cause a problem, but maybe sex is more of a problem. As I said I will participate just for fun and to see who is who.
The only thing I support is having a box for "underage" posters, but I feel like we've gone over this before and no one under 16 is even supposed to be on here... is that right?
women who don't shave their pits
men who wax their chests
Big Brother rejects
pigeon fanciers
Maybe the best thing to do, in a particular thread if in a particular context where you feel it is information that might be useful, is to simply ask.
::rolls eyes:::
Well I never once assumed checking off the box in one's profile would need to be "mandatory"...
because everyone is relaxed enough to deem it unnecessary.
You can tell how relaxed they really are about it....
P.S i'm not really a male cat!
That would have been a first....
I would personally find it helpful in certain cases. That doesn't mean I would choose not to talk to someone because of the information. But I would respond differently to someone who was 17 and reporting a problem than if someone who was 48 was having the same problem. I actually agree with what @vinlyn said about it would be nice to have a short section where we could write information about ourselves (or not).
"I spy with my eye....... Is it a vegateable?.... Yes! Does it start with a J???.....Success! Yes.
We get a lot of these kind of questions and here is where revelation of gender can make a difference.
I think it would be useful to know age, gender and location. Location (I.e. country of residence) can help to explain possible cultural or language misunderstanding.
Glow has changed his profile image.
MaryAnne has updated her profile.
I believe we checked male/female when we registered, and the forum software uses that information to know which pronoun is applicable.
button, and mine is no longer there ( after the latest changes)..is yours?
Activity explained what actions people took, badges, who joined, etc.....
Edit....ok,now I see you have to click on a name to see activity now, as opposed
to it being on the top bar...each persons activity is listed under their name
instead of a master activity list with everyone's together.
Not a problem. My comment wasn't aimed at anyone in particular. Just a general reaction to the paranoia in general....
Cisgender - having the same gender as the sex assigned at birth.
Transgender - FTM, MTF, F/MTN (sometimes people use 2 instead of the T)
F= female, M = male and N = Neutrois*
Genderqueer - an umbrella term, but also a non-binary gender identity by itself and has a political connotation.
Bi/Trigender - shifts between 2/3 distinct (A to
Genderfluid - non-static gender. Similar to above, but less 'A to B'.
Agender - being neither male nor female, but having a gender of some sort.
Genderless - no gender at all.
*Neutrois - a neutral gender (they usually feel strong gender dysphoria and so wish to have some form of hormone treatment or surgery, hence I put them in the transgender section).
Androgyne - androgynous. Sometimes described as simultaneously both male and female.
Cisgender - having the same gender as the sex assigned at birth.
Transgender - FTM, MTF, F/MTN (sometimes people use 2 instead of the T)
F= female, M = male and N = Neutrois*
Genderqueer - an umbrella term, but also a non-binary gender identity by itself and has a political connotation.
Bi/Trigender - shifts between 2/3 distinct (A to
Genderfluid - non-static gender. Similar to above, but less 'A to B'.
Agender - being neither male nor female, but having a gender of some sort.
Genderless - no gender at all.
*Neutrois - a neutral gender (they usually feel strong gender dysphoria and so wish to have some form of hormone treatment or surgery, hence I put them in the transgender section).
Androgyne - androgynous. Sometimes described as simultaneously both male and female.
I suppose I opened the door to that one.
Aren't we forgetting about the sockpuppets?