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My Don'ts And Dos

What I don't do:

  • I don't, through personal effort, try to follow the 8FP
  • I don't, though personal effort, try to keep Precepts

What I do:

  • Meditate. Shamatha, to be precise.

From discussion with senior students, mentors, and respected teachers, I've come to believe:

  • to make a personal effort to do these things, introduces an element of self that is counterproductive to realization
  • The Buddha, according to tradition, didn't "keep" precepts or the 8 elements of the path. He meditated.
  • Shamatha has been taught to me as a "complete practice", and will lead to enlightenment.
  • As enlightenment approaches, the 8FP and Precepts will fall into line and manifest as a result, naturally, and not by any personal effort on my part.
  • Enlightenment and Buddhahood is the result of meditation.

Your mileage may differ and I respect that. This is just what I do and don't do



  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    From what I gather, practicing the Dharma is a 24/7/365 thing which permeates every aspect of one's life....On and off the cushion....

    A teacher once said ( I can't remember who) "The real meditation begins when you leave the cushion"...

    In a sense, time spent on the cushion can be likened to priming one's mind to deal with things to come off the cushion .... putting it in go with the flow mode, so to speak...

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    That seems like a fair approach to the Dhamma, I heard it said once that all of the Buddhas teachings could be found from just one.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran


    I does that shouting. 🤓

    Great OP (original post) and comments 😌🙏🦞

    I very much value continual strain-less meditation that @Shoshin1 mentions.

    I totally appreciate the value of personal do and do more of (rather than any daunts/don'ts)

    I do recognize (a) I am the center of my world and (b) I am not the center of the world
    I do get comfortable

    I am never comfortable, until everyone is. I must be one of them their Boddhisattvians …

    I take refuge/protection/inspiration in the three jewels: Me, myself and I and I
    Or as they are sometimes known: Buddha, dharma and sangha … 🥳🤫🫠

  • "I am never comfortable, until everyone is. I must be one of them their Boddhisattvians."

    Bodhissatvas are quite comfortable in their being.
    Bodhissatvas are are quite uncomfortable as unnecessary suffdering exists in the world.

    that said, be most comfortably uncomfortable.

    Peace to all

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran


    What is Shamatha?

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    i did google search, shamatha is calm abiding? in zen peace is clear abiding ,seeing the nature of a thing. in tantra i use object as meditation to find the same nature same to our S. A. M,(effectionally..antha) i do Sam oneness. doing that happyness sometimes bliss emerge her empty nature.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran


    curious whats your religious flavor?

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @Shoshin1 said:

    From what I gather, practicing the Dharma is a 24/7/365 thing which permeates every aspect of one's life....On and off the cushion....

    A teacher once said ( I can't remember who) "The real meditation begins when you leave the cushion"...

    In a sense, time spent on the cushion can be likened to priming one's mind to deal with things to come off the cushion .... putting it in go with the flow mode, so to speak...

    my friend i too love my sit session. how's your zen just be through the 4 season?

  • IdleChaterIdleChater USA Veteran

    @paulysotoo said:

    curious whats your religious flavor?

    Karma Kagyu

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran


    thank you. i consider the vajriana path wonderful in its ownright. if zen is a jet, vajri is a rocket to space.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Don't's I don't have any of those.


    1. Do do's
    2. Do better
    3. Do undone's
    4. Do be dooby Do ... Strangers in the night ~ Frank SInatra

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @lobster said:
    4. Do be dooby Do ... Strangers in the night ~ Frank SInatra

    song,how romantic....serendepity is wonderful.

  • IdleChaterIdleChater USA Veteran
    edited May 2024

    @paulysotoo said:

    thank you.

    You're welcome. I guess ...

    i consider the vajriana path wonderful in its ownright.

    That's nice. ;-)

  • IdleChaterIdleChater USA Veteran

    @lobster said:
    Don't's I don't have any of those.


    1. Do do's
    2. Do better
    3. Do undone's
    4. Do be dooby Do ... Strangers in the night ~ Frank SInatra

    Such a knack for trivializing the important, or momentous.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @IdleChater said:
    Such a knack for trivializing the important, or momentous.

    Humour is important, and shouldn’t be underestimated. The Zen masters knew this very well.

  • IdleChaterIdleChater USA Veteran

    @Jeroen said:

    @IdleChater said:
    Such a knack for trivializing the important, or momentous.

    Humour is important, and shouldn’t be underestimated. The Zen masters knew this very well.

    Well, I don't think our dear friend is a Zen Master, or anything approaching it. He's a ...... lobster. Some people like his sense of humor. It's a bit contrived. I don't think that's a bad thing, I don't really care. But I don't find it funny.

  • IdleChaterIdleChater USA Veteran
    edited May 2024

    @paulysotoo said:
    i consider the vajriana path wonderful in its ownright. if zen is a jet, vajri is a rocket to space.

    Well, the first training you must undertake, is to write the word Vajrayana 108 times.

    Consider this something like Marpa telling Milarepa to build a tower.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @IdleChater said:
    Well, I don't think our dear friend is a Zen Master, or anything approaching it. He's a ...... lobster. Some people like his sense of humor. It's a bit contrived. I don't think that's a bad thing, I don't really care. But I don't find it funny.

    The online Zen Master is everywhere, hiding in all kinds of disguises, just waiting to pop out from behind some seemingly-absurd text to surprise the unwary. May your path be lightened by his presence this morning…

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @IdleChater said:

    @paulysotoo said:
    i consider the vajriana path wonderful in its ownright. if zen is a jet, vajri is a rocket to space.

    Well, the first training you must undertake, is to write the word Vajrayana 108 times.

    Consider this something like Marpa telling Milarepa to build a tower.

    consider it done in one mathacalculus gibberish that leads to 108 times written in my heart:[E^3]=MC^2: Vajia(h.h. QUAN YIN)[E^3]YA-(na(Ye))/0^108=1+0+8 leads to 9=69 tantra.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    VaJia is pussy power. ,h.h. is her holiness QY,= oneness...simple math of the relation S.A.M...Source Animated Matter of the heart

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    Oh.. extra dessert homework for me: E^3=MC^ Mu. TY MAA DHARMA DIAMOND ROSE Path. So DDD=Shakti grace.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    Love pussy power the lioness roar of Tara. and ddd tits is sexy and nourishing to man baby pauly. zen nonsense. playing with my tara in my heart.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @IdleChater said:

    @paulysotoo said:
    i consider the vajriana path wonderful in its ownright. if zen is a jet, vajri is a rocket to space.

    Well, the first training you must undertake, is to write the word Vaj-ray

    vaj-ray-ana is nice. light and rain is the rhyme and reason mu=um. mindless idle chater to i making. love the diamond heart of tara earth.

  • LionduckLionduck Veteran

    The formality of "Keeping the Precepts" does not make one a true practitioner. The most famous example is, of course, Devadatta, who was said to "Out Precept" the Buddha. He in fact, worked incessantly to destroy the Buddha's sangha.

  • LionduckLionduck Veteran

    Like so many others:
    I dos a lot
    I dont's a lot
    I stumbles a lot
    I gets up
    I dusts myself off
    What a view from this mountain top
    What's that?
    Another mountain?
    Let's go!

    Keep an open mind
    Keep an open heart

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @IdleChater said:
    What I don't do:

    • I don't, through personal effort, try to follow the 8FP
    • I don't, though personal effort, try to keep Precepts

    What I do:

    • Meditate. Shamatha, to be precise.

    From discussion with senior students, mentors, and respected teachers, I've come to believe:

    • to make a personal effort to do these things, introduces an element of self that is counterproductive to realization
    • The Buddha, according to tradition, didn't "keep" precepts or the 8 elements of the path. He meditated.
    • Shamatha has been taught to me as a "complete practice", and will lead to enlightenment.
    • As enlightenment approaches, the 8FP and Precepts will fall into line and manifest as a result, naturally, and not by any personal effort on my part.
    • Enlightenment and Buddhahood is the result of meditation.

    Your mileage may differ and I respect that. This is just what I do and don't do

    i will play. my dont affects my therazen way.

    1. i dont try to lie or slander people.
    2. i dont steal my neighbor stuff.
    3. i dont kill my neighbor.
    4. i dont missuse intoxicants.
    5. i dont do sexual missconduct to woman.

    this 5 dont give benefit to my 5 do.
    1. i do honestly makes my neighbor feel easeful.
    2. i do non stealing makes my neighbor respect me, and lend their property is result of non stealing.
    3. i do friendlyness, respect my neighbor as self. non killing leads to safe place.
    4. i do wise consumption. buy weed and alchol and consume home. no drinking and driving.
    5. i do sexual equality. i respect my neighbor sexuality gay or straight and they are soulfully their natural self knowing he woundnt do anything unbecoming.

    my extra do,
    i do samatha meditation, calm abiding through breath.i do insight body medition. i do natural awareness meditation. i do jhana medition absorbtion.

    now i do natural be and do in me in you. ty buddhist training does pay to give your heart desire.
    bodhi principle, be smart with desire.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran


    i wish you well. we thank our fourth set giving a systematic system eliminate unsatisfactly mental states, 4 noble truth and 8fold method to be his nature, happy and free.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    really sidhartha dharma is great. he really walk the talk in 4 noble truth and 8 fold method. it is all compassing to make us a better humane person.

    now those desire to be human bodhisatva...assist the 4th buddha,

    know the heart suttra. feel the spirit of the letter.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    the heart suttra, is called the home of wisdom the pathless path. nirvana is storehouse of wisdom.

    but i vow to be a layperson, a citizen son earth. im a lay disciple of earth store bodhisattva who serve god earth career creating life aboundently.

    last thoughts in this thread, east and west can serve each other. peace of mind is ours when we see same hope and fears together on earth.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @paulysotoo said:
    really sidhartha dharma is great. he really walk the talk in 4 noble truth and 8 fold method. it is all compassing to make us a better humane person.

    now those desire to be human bodhisatva...assist the 4th buddha,

    know the heart suttra. feel the spirit of the letter.

    extra anotation who wish to be a human do bodhisatva(i will join laybodhi) practice,;)
    Sam-bodhi (our mother the Dharmakya)

    6 Sambodhi practice:
    2.Ethical Discipline
    4.Enthusiastic effort(motivational Love)
    5.Concentration (zen meditation)

    heart mantra:gone,gone, awaken to samsara-nirvana,be so....

    Accepting the middle way of Shaki, we be the dharma (empty)in the dharma(full) i making wise activity. doesnt matter if its call Dao or Dharma it still smell beautifull in a flower or in your sweaty armpit.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @paulysotoo said:

    @paulysotoo said:
    really sidhartha dharma is great. he really walk the talk in 4 noble truth and 8 fold method. it is all compassing to make us a better humane person.

    now those desire to be human bodhisatva...assist the 4th buddha,

    know the heart suttra. feel the spirit of the letter.

    extra anotation who wish to be a human do bodhisatva(i will join laybodhi) practice,;)
    Sam-bodhi (our mother the Dharmakya)

    6 Sambodhi practice:
    2.Ethical Discipline
    4.Enthusiastic effort(motivational Love)
    5.Concentration (zen meditation)

    heart mantra:gone,gone, awaken to samsara-nirvana,be so....

    Accepting the middle way of Shaki, we be the dharma (empty)in the dharma(full) i making wise activity. doesnt matter if its call Dao or Dharma it still smell beautifull in a flower or in your sweaty armpit.

    our sunyata,holy space sung by shiva and our dharma-key-awe SamTara

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    you see this universe maa S.A.M gave to my aunt tara and uncle Shiva to manage.the butterfly house is lawfull in evolving souls from caterpillar to butterfly inocent and free.

    my house, gave judgement to me to acess this one fold universe. everything the dao-dharma remain the same, from birth and death in this universe. the son of eternal love knows my home, knows his hindubuddhist family....and knows my true love earth. my mom is not fiction, but truth stranger than fiction.

    ty "God" empty yourself and see and see the son of the universe, the dream maker. doggy paulyso.
    time for work,happy spring day

    sincerly crazy should be commited paulyso, that the beauty of my buddha universe mom gave to me, freewill.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @paulysotoo said:
    you see this universe maa S.A.M gave to my aunt tara and uncle Shiva to manage.the butterfly house is lawfull in evolving souls from caterpillar to butterfly inocent and free.

    my house, gave judgement to me to acess this one fold universe. everything the dao-dharma remain the same, from birth and death in this universe. the son of eternal love knows my home, knows his hindubuddhist family....and knows my true love earth. my mom is not fiction, but truth stranger than fiction.

    ty "God" empty yourself and see and see the son of the universe, the dream maker. doggy paulyso.
    time for work,happy spring day

    sincerly crazy should be commited paulyso, that the beauty of my buddha universe mom gave to me, freewill.

    time for a digital detox, internet is addictive. my last digital dream song. this is Sam Liberty Nou,my mom the law giver to the universe and hear on earth,in Celine Dion...a song love, metta congore all. with heart all citizen creatures can be happy and free, last sincere statement eye engineered this universe and all S.a.m objects from stars to dandilions flower to searve all in all sunjata.

    have a great life and death celebration,all on earth is my legasy, my dogstar project,

    love and mercy in us all,namaste'.

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